♀︎Venus is Retrograde from March 1st to April 12th ♀︎

March 2nd/The week ahead: Tension. The week ahead is sandwiched between two eventful weeks. Last week, with Mars turning direct and Venus turning retrograde. Next week, with a Lunar Eclipse. As such, this is a time of tension and surprises. I’d specially highlight Tuesday and Friday as possible moments for great shifts and turns. On a personal level, this isn’t the best time to make strong commitments, as there is too much volatility right now.

March 2nd: Mercury is conjunct Neptune today, along with a Moon in Pisces. This puts a strong focus into dreams, creativity, ideas and spirituality. Not the best time for serious thought and analysis. The best way to use this energy is to indulge a little, take some time in fiction or some form of escapism.

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Saturn in Pisces Transit (2025-2028)

saturn in pisces (2025-2028)

Saturn stays in a sign for 2.5 years, taking about 29 years to go around the whole zodiac. Saturn’s transit shows an area of life where hurdles give us opportunities and teach us about discipline and responsibility. Saturn has been transiting Aquarius since January 2023, it now enters Pisces, where it will transit between 2025 and 2028.

The timeline of Saturn in Pisces will be different than Saturn in Aquarius, where the planet transited that sign uninterrupted between 2023 and 2025. This time around, Saturn will enter Aries around 2027, and retrograde back to finish the Pisces transit in 2028.

Saturn in Pisces transit:

29/03/2025 until 02/06/2027

19/10/2027 until 23/02/2028

Aspects wise, this is also a more eventful transit than the previous one. Here Saturn will form a conjunction with Neptune, an important transit that will influence us between 2025 and 2026. This conjunction happens every 36 years, and it signals a time of cultural and political change. I wrote a full text on the conjunction, but to shorten things, just understand that the next two years are important moments of change in the world.

Another aspect is Saturn conjunct Rahu. This aspect last happened in 2013. It promotes political and social tension in the world, which goes along with other aspects discussed. This aspect will be prominent mostly from March to May 2025, so this could be a turbulent time, with protests and tension around the world.

By nature, Saturn always tends to block and reduce the mundane matters related to the sign where it transits. In Aquarius, that deals a lot with technological innovations, science, rebels and dissidents. The downturns in the tech industry, their legal troubles around the world and the lack of innovation were all marks of the last couple of years.

As I’ve previously highlighted, this trend will be reversed with Saturn in another sign. So improvements in the technological sector are likely to come, and the overall situation of the industry will improve. Specially after May 2025, we are likely to see many improvements.

But what about Pisces? Pisces represents anything sheltered or other-worldly. Primarily, that deals a lot with monks, priests and religious figures. It also deals with artists, according to most astrologers. I however, extend this definition a little bit. Any kind of intellectual, thinker or specialist can be seen through Pisces. As these are areas that deal with a sheltered and elite position amongst men.

With Saturn in Pisces, we can see restrictions in regards to all these sectors. Religious scandals can come out now. Artists might have a hard time getting financing for their projects. Religious and artsy themes might be rejected or ignored by the masses. Similarly, intellectuals (specially those aligned with the status quo) might be rejected, and they might lose influence during this transit.

The last point goes along with the big aspects of change happening in the coming years, showing a time of great political and social changes. Intellectual voices of the present will lose influence, as we start entering a new reality.

In the movie and television sectors, we could see many changes and reductions. Staff cuts, mergers and crisis in the sector are possible. Religious scandals could similarly arise, with manipulation or deception coming out, or even things like sexual abuse scandals.

Pisces rules wise elders, so it deals with bureaucratic boards or any kind of council-like structure. Those matters might be similarly weakened or restricted in the next couple of years.

On a personal level, Saturn here will enter like a roller-coaster in our lives. First, between March and May 2025, acting so close to Rahu it might compel us into acting or taking a strong stand. A big need for change, and making a commitment, related to the Pisces house in our chart tends to come forward. For instance, Aries could want to end or abandon something, while Gemini could be making big career moves.

After May, with Rahu out of Pisces, we stop feeling that Rahu excess. It can be a shocking change, as we replace excess with Saturn’s restrictive nature. Still, Saturn’s personal transit is all about understanding and improving problem areas in our lives, areas that are weak spots needing more work and focus. Important life lessons usually come out of this process.

Below we have transit predictions for all the 12 signs, please read in accordance to your Ascendant or Moon sign:

  • Aries: The 12th house is the house of endings, this transit precedes the incoming bigger focus of Saturn coming into your sign. It is a moment of cleaning house and preparing. This is the moment to make peace with what happened, good and bad, and build yourself up towards moving on. Dealing with the aftermath of recent years, your decisions, projects and pursuits is the focus now. A trend here could be escapism, or avoiding your problems, you shouldn’t do that. The more you avoid your burdens, the more the past will come back to bite you.
  • Taurus: The 11th house deals a lot with desire, getting what you want in life. This transit comes as a paradox. On one hand, it is a time of recognition, where many of your projects from recent years could be advancing and prospering. On the other hand, you might feel empty/unsatisfied or personally restricted by the new responsibilities created by said achievement. Learning and practicing gratitude is very important here, appreciating what you conquered. Another great lesson could be replanning or rethinking your major desires in life.
  • Gemini: The 10th house puts your public life, what you present or have to show to the world, into focus. It can be a time of great opportunities and movement in your career. Increased responsibilities will tend to arise. This tends to be a very good transit.
  • Cancer: The 9th house deals with luck, philosophies, religions and hope. This transit forces you to organize your thoughts and ideas, taking charge of formulating your life rules. The main goal here is to organize your life, comprehend your perspectives and ideas, and apply them to your world. A bigger focus on religion and spiritual studies can come into play now, you might be reading more, practicing more, etc. Issues with your father could come up now, so be aware.
  • Leo: Saturn in the 8th is a double-edged sword. For one thing, with Saturn moving out of the 7th house, Leo has less blockages in his life. More recognition and prestige come out of this shift. However, the 8th is not an easy house. Trouble with taxes, insurance or investments are a possibility. Deaths in the family are another issue. A big mission with this transit is dealing with transformation, learning and embracing the change your life needs.
  • Virgo: Saturn in the 7th can deal a lot with status anxiety in life. Worries about relationships, career and stability all come into play. You might be rethinking your professional efforts, as you could be in a lull of recognition or development. Similarly, relationships can be a source of concern. For those in a relationship, you could want to change and improve things. For those single, a strong desire for partnership can arise. A big lesson here is understanding that we all have our own time. Some will meet their sweetheart in high school, others will do it at age 40. Some will strike out their career early on, others will be late bloomers. Compare yourself to yourself, not to others. Grow based on your own criteria.
  • Libra: The 6th house deals with health, enemies and complications. As such, this isn’t the prettiest of transits. You could be dealing with health issues, conflicts or arguments, issues with taxes or bureaucracies and other complications. Still, you have great disposition for improvement now. Usually, from my experience, people tend to come out of this transit either with a new health regiment or career improvements. Rethinking your health, eating better, working out more could come into play. As well as improving your professional life. This is not an easy transit, it can be very tiring and upsetting at times, but it is a necessary moment of hygiene and improvement; the troubles now all deal with things you want to change and fix.
  • Scorpio: The 5th is the house of fun, Saturn is the planet of responsibility, a mismatch of sorts. The coming years are all about toning down the fun. You might feel restricted in regards to friends, fun and enjoyment. If you have, or want to have children, this could be the time they come into your life. Similarly, it can be a time where you become very serious about a hobby or your studies, with increased dedication and focus.
  • Sagittarius: The 4th house deals with home, comfort and the foundations of life. Saturn here deals with maintaining and improving our foundations. Improving your life, reviewing decisions, creating systems are all things that come into play now. Externally, a lot could be going on with your family, specially in regards to your mother. Similarly, issues in your home could create a need to move or renovate. Internally, this transit is all about emotions and inner comfort. This transit always provides a strong grounding, as you are forced to look within your emotions and re-think a lot of your needs. Overall, this transit is a time to rebuild and make a solid foundation for your life, internally and externally.
  • Capricorn: Saturn in the 3rd favors hard work, which is a great match for Capricorn. This can be a very positive and productive period. However, this can be a time where you deal with trouble in regards to your siblings. It can also be a time where your studies get hard, and complications arise. A hard time traveling can also be in the books, with restrictions or a simple lack of travel now. A big lesson here deals with communicating better with those close to you.
  • Aquarius: Saturn in the 2nd comes as a relief of sorts, moving out of your 1st house, things get easier for you specially on a psychological level. You will feel less restricted and freer. The big lull of this transit deals with money and finances, spending responsibly and learning to manage your own resources will be a big thing in the next couple of years. Issues with family can come up now, and you might feel lacking in support. A big lesson of this transit deals with improving your self-esteem, self-worth and self-reliance.
  • Pisces: Saturn in the 1st puts the spotlight on you. It is a time of great change and great responsibility. For the younger ones, this is a time where you “grow up”, taking charge of life instead of just riding it carelessly. It is not the easiest transit, but it is an important phase of growth for you. Many challenges arise now, and you are forced to reap what you sow. Your whole life is changing now, the key thing is to understand your role in the world. You can’t control the circumstances, but you can control your own behavior.

March 2025 in Astrology

2025 hasn’t been a slow year on any measurement, and we haven’t even arrived on the most agitated moments of the year. So buckle up, as March will be a very transformative and busy month.

Starting from the end, February ended with Mars turning direct on the 23rd and a New Moon on the 27th in Shatabishak. In last month’s prediction, I mentioned that this New Moon could deal with news about health. Just in the end of February, news about a new virus came out near that date. I don’t believe a similar situation to 2020 will develop, but again we have an example of astrology working to reveal trends and events.

The main point here is Mars. Direct now, after months retrograde, it releases a very strong energy. So the weeks ahead can be very eventful, specially in regards to conflicts, wars and aggressive actions.

Going back to March, we start the month with Venus turning retrograde. With Venus being the planet of diplomacy and agreements, combined with the strong Mars influence, early March will be a moment of conflict. Great disagreements, people walking back on previous engagements or commitments are a great possibility now. Venus retrograde, this March, will harbor a lot of conflict into the world.

Events in March 2025

  • 01/03/2025 19:36 Venus retrograde 16°37’36” Pisces
    • 12/04/2025 21:03 Venus direct 00°24’52” Pisces
  • 02/03/2025 13:19 Sun Square Jupiter 18°12’31” Aquarius 18°12’31” Taurus
  • 12/03/2025 06:29 Sun Conjunct Saturn 27°53’13” Aquarius
  • 14/03/2025 02:59 Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni 29°46′ Leo
  • 14/03/2025 09:21 Sun in Pisces
  • 15/03/2025 02:46 Mercury retrograde 15°22’46” Pisces
    • 07/04/2025 07:08 Mercury direct 02°36’57” Pisces
  • 17/03/2025 16:13 Sun Conjunct Rahu exact 03°16’18” Pisces
  • 18/03/2025 20:11 Uranus in Taurus
  • 19/03/2025 19:25 Sun Conjunct Neptune exact 05°23’33” Pisces
  • 29/03/2025 06:47 Solar Eclipse in Uttara Bhadrapada 14°41′ Pisces
  • 29/03/2025 12:15 Saturn in Pisces

Adding fuel to the fire, March has the Eclipses. Eclipses are karmic and transformative events, being a very strong predictive point in astrology. From the get go, we can say that great events will arise in March-April, with the coming eclipses.

The Lunar Eclipse will happen on the 14th, in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, at 29° Leo. In the very edge of a sign, and a trine to Uranus, this Lunar Eclipse tends to indicate great change or radical transformation. This nakshatra deals with rulers, managers and administrators. It also deals with agreements and partnerships.

By these indications, the weeks surrounding this eclipse could deal with major diplomatic breaks or disagreements. Dissolution of major partnerships are a possibility. Similarly, bureaucrats being fired or restricted is a trend that will be intensified.

Between Eclipses, we will have Mercury turning retrograde on March 15th, until April 7th. The usual precautions for Mercury retrograde are recommended. Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer problems, miscommunications, delays in deliveries and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise.

We will also have Uranus entering Taurus, where it will remain until 2031. This is a major shift, which will help highlight the change happening in 2025. Taurus represents stability, Uranus represents radical change. So the stable, stale and calm things about the world will tend to be radically transformed in the coming years. This is the building of a new status quo, to put it simply. I will discuss more on Uranus in Taurus later, on a full text on it.

March 29th will do triple duty. Mainly with a Solar Eclipse, but that chart will also be the Astrological New Year for 2025. The third point will be Saturn entering Pisces, moving on from the Aquarius transit.

Aquarius is the sign of rebels, radical politics, technology and innovation. Saturn restricts the sign where it transits. So Saturn moving out of Aquarius will strengthen technology and that sector, as well as any kind of radical politics, rebellion or innovation.

The Solar Eclipse happens on Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra. This star relates deeply to wise elders and advisors. This signals great change in religious institutions, as well as colleges or universities.

I also tend to relate the idea of “wise elder” in the modern world to anyone in an advisory position. Specially permanent or semi-permanent ones, like boards or councils. So great changes in those are possible. With restrictions or layoffs happening.

With this Solar Eclipse being the Astrological New Year, all the trends related to it will tend to be intensified from now until 2026.



March, much like 2025 in general, will deal strongly with change. Change is never easy, much less peaceful. So this can be a strong time for conflict, disagreement and public clashes.

The month starts strong, on the disagreements portion, with Venus turning retrograde. A strong Mars energy this March will similarly favor conflict and outbursts. Diplomatic talks might be delayed or go south all together.

Similarly, Venus retro can show some — albeit temporary, in my view — economic downturns around the world.

On top of that, March will be a strong harbinger of change, with Uranus changing signs until 2031 and Saturn changing signs until 2028. Along with the Eclipses, this shows a new reality and new status quo coming into play. Old institutions might be reformed, restricted or even removed all-together. This will open space for new ideas and institutions entering the scene.

Both of the Eclipses indicate change in regards to administrators, advisors or counsellors. So changes and restrictions to people in these positions will tend to happen now.

Also, March can be a time of revelations and disruptive information, as the combo of Mercury Retrograde and the Eclipses tends to indicate this. So major stories coming out, old matters being reassessed or secret information being revealed are all things that can come into play.

As I said above, change is never easy. So March and April specially deal with conflict, as clashes between past and future will be prominent now. Resistance to change, fighting and major disagreements will happen in the coming months. Still, by the long term trends I see, change will occur regardless.

Overall, I see 2025 as a year all about change, and March as a month all about the woes of change.

Looking ahead

I recommend reading my 2025 predictions to understand more, but at this moment I would highlight that the coming months will deal a lot with conflict and agitation.

Between April and May we will have Mars in Cancer, a complicated placement, that shows emotional action and aggression. Dealing many times with violence or angry outbursts.

April will have a Saturn-Rahu transit, which tends to indicate great protests or public backlash.

May will “seal the deal” with Rahu and Jupiter changing signs, making clearer the major shifts happening around the world.


On a personal level, with so much change around the world, we can similarly see it in our lives. For many people, 2025 can deal with being compelled to change in some degree. This can deal with great changes in the circumstances around you, or even just a strong feeling coming into your mind. For some, this can be a time of awakening; discovering important ideas, needs and desires in life.

With the Eclipses, these trends will be highlighted now. Specially if a planet in your chart is touched by the March eclipses, this is a moment of transformation in your life. Check my guide to eclipses to see if your chart is affected by the coming eclipses.

On Mercury retrograde, I recommend the usual precautions denoted earlier.

On Venus retrograde, this is a time to review your relationship with money and expenses. During Venus retro, avoiding extravagant purchases is essential. Great regrets tend to come from lavish purchases made during this transit. Specially for those considering buying a car, I would recommend waiting until April, after Venus turns direct.

For love matters and relationships, Venus retro is also a time for reassessment. For those in a relationship, be aware of fighting around this time. For those single, this is not the best time to meet someone, but it is a time where you might understand yourself better. Finding out what you truly want and need in a relationship.

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