- Span: 06°40′ Aquarius to 20°00′ Aquarius
- Deity: Varuna
- Dasha Lord: Rahu
- Symbol: Noose or Circle
- Animal (Yoni): Horse (female)
- Shakti or power: bheshaja shakti = power to heal
The name Shatabishak refers to a hundred doctors, an alternative name is Shatataraka, which refers to a hundred stars. This is derived from the nature of the constellation, consisting of hundreds of faint stars. This nakshatra is related to matters of healing, as well as a quest for purification.
Going more into the name, Shata refers to a hundred or any large number, it’s somewhat akin to saying “a bazillion” in English. The sufix Taraka refers to stars, an obvious allusion to the astronomical nature of this nakshatra. The sufix Bishak refers to doctors or physicians, and here is where things get interesting.
In ancient times, a doctor wasn’t just someone who had high test scores (maybe even cheating) and got into med school. A doctor was someone with knowledge of remedies, all kinds of remedies. Not just herbs, ointments or medicines. But also spells, incantations, talismans, and others. Ancient doctors were shamans or warlocks, rather than just the physicians we know today. They were meant to cure people on all levels, not just physically.
The shakti of this nakshatra similarly shows this, as bheshaja refers to curing or healing. But it can also refer to a spell, showing the idea of magical healing or the usage of alternative methods.
The animal of this nakshatra is a female horse, the male horse is represented by Ashwini nakshatra. Both stars deal with doctors and healing, the difference lies in the level of it. Ashwini deals with quick solutions and speed, dealing mostly with the healing of common and easier problems. Shatabishak deals with harder problems, long standing issues and hard to cure diseases. The idea of a 100 doctors stems from needing all the help you can get to cure something.
The deity behind this nakshatra is Varuna, god of the skies, oceans and water. In earlier texts, he was usually referred to as Mitra-Varuna. Mitra is the deity behind another nakshatra, Anuradha, he is the god of friendship. Together, they were seen as upholders of truth, justice and order in society.
Later texts show the distinction between both of these deities, as well as their changed role. Varuna became the lord of water and water bodies. Water is a symbol of purity, many religions around the world use holy waters to purify, or cleanse, on a spiritual level.
Varuna is said to conceal the Sun, ruling the night. While Mitra uncovers the Sun during dawn, ruling the day. This shows the idea of secrecy, as well as points about isolation.
Varuna is usually depicted riding Makara, a crocodile-like creature, while holding a pitcher and a noose/lasso. Crocodiles are creatures that live between water and earth, showing the idea of living between worlds, between spiritual and earthly. The pitcher, a common symbol with the sign of Aquarius, depicts carrying of water for a purpose. Maybe as a remedy. It shows that actions here need a purpose, rather than being careless.
The main symbol though is the noose/lasso, or Pasha, as known in Hindu tradition. The circle symbol, associated with this nakshatra too, refers mostly to the noose. A noose is used to bind, restrict or kill someone. In Hindu mythology, it is usually related to deities that perform some kind of removal.
Yama, the deity behind Bharani nakshatra, is the god of death and justice. He uses the noose to remove souls at the time of death, it also refers to binding the karmas of a native. Ganesha carries a noose, he is the remover of obstacles, the noose here deals with tying up loose ends and eliminating obstacles. With Varuna it refers to justice, going back to his ancient meaning of upholding order and truth in society.
Some loose notes:
- Very focused individuals, at times, they could be restrictive or too focused.
- Taking things too seriously, not seeing beyond their bubble, etc.
- Lacking a sense of humor, or failing to understand things.
- Not understanding the idea of escapism, taking music or fiction literally and not as something symbolical.
- Could show a dislike for music, specially music with lyrics.
- Again, on the positive, the focused energy allows them to excel in some area. They tend to be extremely knowledgeable on a subject.
- Love for puzzles or anything that deals with solving a problem, or discovering a secret.
- They might enjoy having secrets, remaining in the shadows or working in the background.
- Cold, calculating and distant.
- Crazy professor archetype.
- Strong liking for technology, science, space travel and futuristic matters. The native might work on those fields.
- Ease dealing with technology, machines or related subjects.
- 100 Doctors/Cures:
- Technology, science, magic and innovation.
- Finding impossible or never thought off solutions.
- Unusual or impressive solutions.
- Outsider.
- 100 diseases:
- Health troubles can be seen through this star.
- Allergies, diseases and chronic problems.
- Addictions or overuse of stimulants, specially drugs.
- Career wise:
- Any area dealing with innovation or inventions.
- Electricity and technology
- from an electrician to an engineer, all levels can be seen with this star.
- a very prominent star in the tech field, specially with programmers.
- Engineering, specially electrical. Technology and inventions.
- Telecommunications and radio engineering.
- Space and Air travel
- Rocket science
- Satellites
- Aerospace engineering
- Air pilots
- Medicine
- in general, this is a great star for medicine.
- However, radiology and chemotherapy are areas that tend to be prominent here.
- Sea Travel
- Sailors
- Boat pilots
- Marine engineering
- Nuclear Physics or nuclear engineering.
- Physics in general.
- Herbologists or those specialized in plants.
- Cars, motorcycles and the auto industry.
- Plastic, Petroleum, also recycling.
- Drugs (legal and illegal) and Alcohol.
- Science fiction.
- Gaming.
- Chess.
- Occult fields.
As usual, much of themes of this nakshatra can be derived from the ruling deity. Varuna was an ever-powerful deity, one of the main gods, in ancient texts. But in modern times his importance has been somewhat reduced. This shows containment, or isolation. The same can be seen through the circle or noose symbolism.
These natives tend towards being limited or restricted in life. Usually, this means that the native will only have one focus in life, without much variety in their pursuits. It can also mean restrictions or blockages that are hard to surpass, again, alluding to the 100 doctors. Similarly, at times, this nakshatra can indicate chronic diseases or allergies.
The behavior of natives with this star prominent tends to be cold, calculating and distant. They tend to stay in their corner, away from the crowd. Even close to the crowd, they always seem distant. Suspicious or fearful trends are possible here, as well as reclusive or eccentric nature. The crazy professor archetype is strong here.
A big theme in this star is segregation, being separate or isolated in some manner, not necessarily physical. It can be physical seclusion, a need for distance from others. But it can also deal with the native keeping secrets, having knowledge that others don’t understand or overall being kept separate or at a distance from the rest.
This nakshatra also relates a lot to technology, inventions and futuristic matters. As I’ve said in the beginning, ancient doctors were also warlocks/shamans, meaning they were able to manipulate forces that others can’t see or fathom. Modern technology, in many ways, is modern magic. AI Art, pressing a button and getting an instant drawing. Communicating with people from all parts of the world. All things that seemed inconceivable, yet are here.
“If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.”
Henry Ford
The quote above from Ford shows this important point about technology, the difference between the visionaries creating things and the average consumer. Governments around the world spent decades debating digital television, and the ideal system to transmit television in the future. Here we are, at the future, and nobody watches TV. People just stream whatever they want online. Faster horses, made by the government, couldn’t compete with the cars made by visionaries.
This futuristic vision is very present in this nakshatra, as they tend to see beyond this world, and have an easy time imagining new solutions. As well as dealing with machines and the tools needed to build them.
Similarly, there is potential for dealing with occultism, although a hard not always must be said here. This nakshatra relates to limits, being in a closed circle, so the native might not decide to venture out of it. Great occultists rise out of here, but also great skeptics.
As usual, let’s delve into the negative. Remember what I said about a crazy professor? Well, crazy professors, they are crazy!
Extremes of seclusion, to the point of aggressiveness towards others, can happen with this nakshatra. The natives can be aloof, cold and careless about other’s emotions.
The natives might lack proper grooming, or care for things of this world. Meaning that their appearance or hygiene could be lacking. Similarly, they might not be the best at dealing with household chores, cooking, cleaning, routines, etc.
Something I’ve noticed, which acts kinda like magic, is that no matter how tidy or groomed a Shatabishak native is. He will always look scruffy or messy. The reverse is true of the opposite nakshatra, Purva Phalguni, in Leo. No matter how untidy those natives are, they will still appear tidy and well-kept. The magic of opposites.
A main issue for Shatabishak is, interestingly enough, shared with Purva Phalguni, laziness. Shatabishak might be lazy, or unwilling to act, during life. They usually need something, or someone, to give them a push towards action. A strong lack of movement or progress in life can happen here, if the native doesn’t find something that stimulates him to act.
Similarly, problems of indecision or conflict can stifle their actions, and they can get stuck on analysis paralysis.
Another negative deals with health problems. The prominence of this star will usually indicate some kind of disease, allergy or other health troubles.
As a daily star:
This is a restrictive day, going along with the symbolism of the noose and other points here. For good, this restriction can mean that we feel more focused and concentrated. This is a good moment to work on a project, concentrate on something you have to study, or dedicate yourself towards a pursuit.
It is not the best day for socializing, as restriction and isolation are indicated. Communication here tends to be, and has to be, to the point. Things here are discussed on the subject and on point, a need to know basis. Jokes told here might not be understood, as people will treat the message seriously, giving you answers as if you had a real problem needing a solution rather than just joking. This is a moment where people go “how can you joke about [subject]?” with all seriousness in the universe.
→ Favorable activities with Shatabishak: Good for education, studies, research and individual activities. Water activities, like swimming or riding a boat. Travel. Meditation, yoga, astrology and occult sciences. Anything dealing with technology and electronics. Medicine, rejuvenation, healing and treatment of disease.
→ Unfavorable activities with Shatabishak: unfavorable for socialization, arguments or discussions. Negative or destructive, as well as dishonest matters. Not good for beginnings. Not good for domestic activities, routines or taking care of the house. Not a good day for marriage.
This is one of the best days for dealing with technology, I usually tend to pick this date if I have to purchase a new device or computer. There are other days, but this is one of the best ones.
On a predictive manner, planets in Shatabishak have the lasso energy binding them towards something, meaning that extreme focus can be achieved. A 5th lord here could show excellence, or great knowledge/skill, in some area. Great repetition can arise with a planet here, as the native will be constantly bound towards a same pursuit, place or cause. For instance, it could show always going back (not voluntarily at times) to the same type of job or relationship.
- Gianni Versace (Shatabishak Moon at 19° Aquarius): Italian fashion designer
- Great focus: He became involved with dress-making from an early age, learning on his mother’s atelier. He tried studying architecture, but ended up going back to fashion.
- Outsider: He became famous and noted for his unusual designs. Filled with colors, excess and a lack of the “good taste” that predominated fashion at the time. It is an example of innovation and defiance, seen by the distant and aloof energy of this star.
- Antony Armstrong-Jones (Shatabishak Ascendant at 9° Aquarius): British photographer who married Princess Margaret and became a royal.
- Great focus: most of his life was dedicated to photography. He went to university to study architecture, but failed upon dedicating most of his time to photography rather than his studies. Post marriage he was expected to forego his career, dedicating himself to palace life. But with photography being his great focus, he rebelled against that and chose his art over his marriage and the royal lifestyle.
- Outsider: Him and his wife were both rebels and risk-takers, and they had a scandalous and turbulent marriage. Not only was he a commoner, but he was also rumored to have had many affairs with both women and men. The marriage was fraught with extra-marital affairs, on both sides, and scandal, eventually leading towards divorce.