
Saturn is now transiting at about 20° Aquarius. Saturn transiting the last 10 degrees of a sign is always the most noticeable portion of the transit, it is when results (good and bad) start being strongly felt in the world.

Saturn entered 20 degrees Aquarius on the 27th of December, so from then until March 29th — when the planet will enter Pisces — we will be going through this. I hate the overuse of the word karmic, but this is a karmic transit, so the term is fitting here.

Finalizations, conclusions, consequences and discoveries will tend to come out now. On a mundane level, we will see this manifesting through endings, there is a strong sense of a “chapter ending” now in the world. Shifts in public opinion are likely now.

But on a personal level is where this will truly be seen. Some sense of anxiety could be felt about the Aquarius house in our chart, as we feel the need to consolidate the change or work we’ve done since Saturn entered Aquarius in January 2023.

For instance, for Pisces this could deal with letting go of things, maybe past concerns or stressful pursuits. For Gemini, this could deal with improving their career. For Leo, it could deal with improving their relationships.

Check my predictions for Saturn in Aquarius here to understand what this means for your sign.

Saturn’s transits are all about restrictions teaching us about responsibility. So this final portion is the moment to take charge, understand what we can improve and how we can more responsibly deal with life. Take a moment to think about the things that bother or trouble you, and how you can fix or improve them in the future.