Visibility: North/East Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Predominantly: West of the US and Canada, Alaska, Russia (East, Asian portion), Japan, New Zealand
An important point when analyzing eclipses and their effects is to understand that, generally, places where the eclipse is visible will see more effects than places where no visibility happens. It is also important to understand that eclipses have long sprawling effects, instead of immediate ones. New Moons and Full Moons affect the weeks around them, indicating monthly trends; Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses affect the months around them, indicating yearly trends. The effects discussed below are things that will tend to happen in the next 6 months.
Bharani is a nakshatra symbolized by a womb, being strongly related to the process of birth. It is ruled by Lord Yama, the god of death and justice, so the star deals a lot with the dichotomy of life and death. It can represent this on a literal sense, or it could represent all kinds of extremes in life. Positive and negative, happy and sad, creation and destruction, etc. The womb symbolism also shows incubation, so this star is related to revelation of secrets or anything that requires an incubation period of any sort.

The Eclipse will happen with a fairly tight conjunction to Uranus, the planet of revolution and sudden revelations, so we have a double indicator for shocking events or turning points. Saturn sits squaring the Sun and Moon during this Eclipse, adding his karmic influence to the mixture as well.
Overall, the weeks around this Eclipse, will tend to show big announcements or disclosure of hidden information. Revelations about technology, privacy, and surveillance are a strong possibility now. A recent article by The Intercept shows a clear example of that. Other issues might arise, with shocking discoveries in other areas as well. With Mercury closely aspecting the Moon, I believe the big focus will be on information and technology, but another area where we might see shocking news is health. Issues in regards to the pandemic could come back into focus in the coming months.
This Lunar Eclipse complements the energy of the preceding Solar Eclipse in Swati, that happened last month, so the issues indicated there still stand. This could be a time for conflict, and unhinged actions, happening around the world.
Bharani is a dramatic star, which usually prescribes turning points, or clear drawn lines in the process of life. It shows a clear moment of change. So on a global sphere, we will be seeing events that truly mark a new phase or a new moment. This will be specially prevalent on a mental level, with people losing some of their illusions about the world and society. A change in mindset, for a lot of people, will come into play next year.
With Jupiter transiting Aries next year (from April 2023 to May 2024), and passing through the degrees of this and other recent Eclipses in Aries, these energies will stay fresh in our minds and they will be expanded further.
A final note, on a mundane level, deals with the US and their upcoming elections on the same day as this Lunar Eclipse. In 2020, Mercury turned direct on election day, which along other complicated aspects in December 2020 and January 2021 created a chaotic election. This time, seeing this Lunar Eclipse on election day along with a retrograde Mars, I believe similar complications will tend to happen.
On a personal level, as discussed on my Eclipses guide, the big events from this Eclipse will only come to those with planets close to the ecliptic point, either in Aries or in Libra. I recommend reading and following that guide to find out if that is the case for you.
For the rest of people, a strong effect here is the possibility of change. Bharani is a star that favors change, so this is a great moment for turning a new leaf, rethinking things, abandoning old habits or taking care of neglected problems in life.
On some editorial notes, I’ve added a new Transits section to the website, with all the major transits for 2023 and the remaining months of 2022. It’s a quick and easy place to learn about retrogrades and other interesting astrological dates. I will also be launching a Nakshatras section soon, along with a series on all 27 of them.
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