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Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo (2023-2025)

The shift of the nodal axis is always an important one, as this is the main karmic indicator in astrology, also showing in which signs the eclipses will happen. The transiting position of the nodes always shows the collective karma that the world is dealing with, as well as our collective desires and obsessions. Rahu shows a point of obsession, as well as an area of focus. And Ketu shows a point of detachment, its position shows an area of life where we might be lacking at a specific moment. Ketu also represents an area where we might find closure or some kind of ending.

Rahu/Ketu in Aries/Libra12/04/2022 until 30/10/2023
Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo30/10/2023 until 18/05/2025

To exemplify, let’s understand the previous cycle. Aries is the sign action, fighting, creating, moving; and a big thing during this Aries transit were wars and revolutions. Libra rules diplomacy, agreements, contracts and unions in general. And during the last year or so we saw many diplomacy breaks, with countries changing their minds, breaking off relationships and finding new agreements.

On the new transit, Rahu will transit the sign of Pisces. This sign represents spirituality, creativity, martyrdom, other-worlds, foreign lands, sacrifice, the past, losses and expenses. Virgo represents service, work, attention to detail, hard sciences, intellectuals, nervous and finicky personalities, any kind of work requiring great care for details.

This transit deals with an interesting inversion. Ketu is a spiritual point, dealing with similarly escapist and idealistic meanings as Pisces. Rahu shares a nervous energy with Virgo, as well as constructive potential for detailed work and dealing with things like technology and engineering. Many astrologers consider Rahu in Virgo and Ketu in Pisces to be some of the best placements for these planets, as they deal with similar energies, favoring a proper direction.

The inverted polarity is not bad, but different. Rahu will favor the more escapist and delusional aspects of Pisces, favoring anything related to escapism, arts and deception. Ketu will materialize through Virgo, showing detachment through the material. Think of someone like Marie Kondo over some abstract spiritual thinker. This is a time of making change, letting go, through something physical.


Ketu in Virgo

Let’s start with Ketu in Virgo. As I’ve said above, Ketu will show something ignored, reduced or with reduced importance. It could also show a sense of closure or an ending. Virgo is a sign that deals a lot with engineering and technology, being ruled by Mercury and showing the more technical side of the planet, rather than the social one seen in Gemini. Chitra and Hasta, two nakshatras in Virgo, are very favorable for technology and engineering.

With Ketu in Virgo, I believe we will see some reductions or troubles in regards to technology. Specially as this isn’t the only influence showing this. As I’ve wrote earlier on my Neptune in Pisces text, Neptune in Aquarius was very favorable for technology, as it stimulated people towards it. With Neptune out of Aquarius, the enchantment is broken in a lot of ways. Ketu in Virgo will only add more fuel to the fire.

A lot of these changes in our relationship with technology are visible. With vastly reduced innovation. When the iPhone first started in 2007, and at the height of the smartphone age in the early 2010s, every new launch was a big commotion with vast improvements. Nowadays, we have different patterns for stacking multiple random cameras (that nobody really needs) and legally mandated changes.

There isn’t that much innovation in technology nowadays, as a consequence, people are less likely to buy the newer models. Which causes trouble for the companies, as they spent the previous decade counting on yearly purchases that just aren’t happening anymore.

With that, a sense of desperation on the technology sector could arise. With companies making products easier to break, harder to fix or with arbitrary limits to force people into buying newer ones.

Overall, I believe that Ketu in Virgo will mark harder years for technology. Glitches, troubles, defects and reduced sales could become prominent issues. Some companies might go into trouble and be forced to make reductions or changes in their structures. That will be most prominent in the hardware sector, with software this will tend to happen, but some areas will be sparred. I elaborate more on this below, on Rahu in Pisces.

As Virgo is also a sign that deals intimately with health, we will see something in regards to it as well. I tend to believe that this will deal with closure in regards to health matters. Talk of a new pandemic has been prominent in the media recently, with not that much enthusiasm or concern by people. I believe any type of lockdown or similar effort will tend to wane and fail with this transit, bringing closure to the health craze that started the current decade.

Rahu in Pisces

Pisces is a sign that deals a lot with illusion and escapism, Rahu will highlight these trends. A big negative point of this is that it becomes a strong time for deception. Lies, propaganda and mass deception could become strengthened in the coming years. Cults and deceptive movements will similarly arise out of this. Overall, people will be more open towards anything that seems to give them hope, for good or bad.

Entertainment wise, we will could see some strong changes. Rahu is related to technology, being associated with computers and airplanes by astrologers. With that in mind, Rahu in Pisces tends to show technology coming into entertainment. YouTube started around 2005, a few weeks after Rahu had entered Pisces. As the main video platform, YouTube launched a new era of entertainment. With new sources, rather than just TV and movie theaters. As well as the plethora of careers derived from YouTube and other platforms.

Similarly, we will tend to see some innovation coming into the entertainment world with the current Rahu in Pisces. I believe this will tend to deal with AI. Things like de-aging actors digitally, allowing older actors to perform as if in their younger years. Maybe things like AI generated scripts, or even virtually generated casts and sets.

Even though the profit of making movies/TV has vastly lowered, the cost remains the same or even higher. As paying actors, spending money to build sets, rent locations and maintain studios is still a high cost. We might see some initial steps into AI generated movies/TV in the coming years, reducing these costs, as well as opening opportunities.

Before YouTube, to make the sort of variety content we have there, you would have to get a TV show. Which was obviously not for everyone. Similarly, making a movie is extremely prohibitive. You can have the idea, you can have the script. But without support to get into a studio and pay for the high costs, it will simply not happen. With AI generated casts and settings, this barrier will be broken, and smaller writers might have a chance/opportunity.

Similarly, AI art and photography could see a great rise with this Rahu transit.

As such, for those working or associated with the tech sector, worried about my predictions above for Ketu in Virgo, know that anything entertainment or art related will be favored. So maybe switching roles into these areas could be a good idea.

Politically, as this transit favors illusion, many issues could be exacerbated. Deception, propaganda and vicious political trends will be highlighted. In a lot of ways, people might be looking at things through rose colored glasses in the next few years, with a rude awakening around 2025, when the transit ends.

People will tend to gloss over facts, and focus on anything that sounds or feels good. Which is something that politicians have always exploited, and they will benefit a lot from it during this transit.

Also, as I mentioned above about AI art and video, the information environment will similarly become chaotic. For over 50 years, we’ve been taught to believe “if something has a video, it is true” on multiple avenues. Be it with news stories, crimes, trials; recordings were seen as definite proof. With the advent of realistic artificial videos, sounds and images; this certainty disappears.

Some profess this as the end of the world, saying that AI will end society. Which is a scandalous and reductive analysis. DNA only started becoming accessible to police departments around the late 90s, and yet crime was solved in all the decades prior to it. Similarly, people came to conclusions before the advent of photography and video recording.

We are entering a different reality, in regards to information. It is not the end of the world. We will adapt and learn to deal with it. A healthy sense of distrust, and a need for confirmation, should arise out of these trends.

Transit and Timeline

With any transit, it is interesting to look at past cycles to understand better the current one.

  • Rahu in Pisces, Ketu in Virgo previous transit: 24/03/2005-11/10/2006
  • Rahu in Virgo, Ketu in Pisces previous transit: 12/07/2014-29/01/2016

This cycle becomes a Nodal Inversion for the 2014-2016 period shown below, so a lot of issues from around that time will tend to come back. Not as in a repetition, but in a sense of closure. Some dormant issues or problems started around that time could reach a solution, or some kind of finalization.

On that note, some reversals of fortune are possible now. With moods vastly shifting or things flipping back to what was felt around 2015.

With Neptune transiting Pisces since early 2023, this transit becomes even more interesting, as we will have a combined influence of Rahu and Neptune in Pisces. Not only that, but Saturn will enter this sign around March 2025, marking a Saturn-Rahu-Neptune influence in Pisces on early 2025.

As Neptune is the planet of illusions, and Rahu expands everything, this will be a strong moment of deception. False ideas, exaggerations and lies will tend to dominate the conversation. Around late 2024 to early 2025, Neptune will transit very closely to Rahu in Pisces, so these trends will be intensified then. I believe some kind of chaotic or shocking event could happen around early 2025, specially around February that year.

Read page 2 for personal effects and predictions for each sign.

Sun-Mars Conjunction 2023

October has been a heated month, with increased tensions around the world. Astrologically, a big lead-up to this were the Eclipses happening this month. Eclipses always signal a time for big events, shifts and a certain degree of chaos. But boiling up in the background too was the build-up to a Sun-Mars conjunction.

The Sun has been approaching Mars since late September. But both planets will transit very close to each other from around October 31st until December 14th. They will form an exact conjunction next month, on November 18th.

With Mars being the planet of war and aggression, and the Sun being the vital force of the universe, this conjunction puts an emphasis on Martian matters and solutions. This is a strong time for conflicts, disagreements, clashes and violence.

On a mundane level, I expect talks of war and aggression to increase during this period, enveloping most of what remains of 2023. I specially highlight the period from November 15th to November 27th, when the exact conjunction of the planets will be in full effect.

Any planet too close to the Sun get obfuscated by his powerful rays, which amounts to a type of “defeat” for that planet. With Mars being the planet of competition, it doesn’t like defeat. So Mars becomes specially unhinged and combative by being too close to the Sun.

The conjunction will happen in Scorpio, the most vindictive of the signs, so there is a highly vicious energy emanating from this conjunction. A build-up of anger, a sense of injustice, will tend to dominate. Major aggressions, conflicts, protests and clashes could be prominent around late November. We are likely to see many aggravations around the world.

On a personal level, similarly, we could be dealing a lot with conflict. With people giving feisty responses, or generally tending towards more aggressive ways when dealing with problems. Remaining calm and not giving in to excessive anger is important now.

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