Author: adrian (Page 32 of 50)

October 2023 in Astrology

October is an action packed month, as we will have Eclipses happening now. Eclipses are some of the most important events in astrology, representing strong omens, turning points and big events. We will have a Solar Eclipse on the 14th and a Lunar Eclipse on the 28th.

Adding fuel to the fire, this month the Lunar Nodes will shift signs, moving from Aries/Libra into Pisces/Virgo. Also, a few days before the Solar Eclipse, Pluto will turn direct. Pluto turning retrograde/direct is always an omen for political shifts or changes related to power. Happening so close to the Solar Eclipse, it becomes an even stronger signal.

Events in October 2023

  • 01/10/2023 11:09 Mercury in Virgo
  • 01/10/2023 20:00 Venus in Leo
  • 03/10/2023 08:29 Mars in Libra
  • 10/10/2023 21:37 Pluto direct 03°42’17” Capricorn
    • 01/05/2023 12:44 Pluto retrograde 06°11’02” Capricorn
  • 14/10/2023 13:55 Solar Eclipse in Virgo 26°58′
  • 17/10/2023 15:59 Sun in Libra
  • 18/10/2023 15:47 Mercury in Libra
  • 28/10/2023 16:24 Lunar Eclipse in Aries 10°51′
  • 30/10/2023 07:07 Rahu/Ketu enter Pisces/Virgo

The Solar Eclipse this October is part of a series of three Solar Eclipses visible from the United States. Starting from an Eclipse on August 2017, this one in October, and another Eclipse on April 2024. Eclipses show the height of their effect when they are visible in a certain region/country, or when they touch points in someone’s natal chart. So this cycle from 2017 to 2024 signals years of important changes in the country.

With two Solar Eclipses visible from the United States, between now and April, I believe a lot of change and movement in regards to the US is possible. I believe that some turning point or shocking event could happen in late 2023 and early 2024. Between these two Solar Eclipses, this is a strong moment for revelations and changes in America.

After passing through the US, the Solar Eclipse of the 14th will pass through South America, specially around the Amazon region. With that, I believe that around October-November this year we could see increased international pressure in regards to that region. A lot of discussions and changes in regards to the Amazon Forest could happen now. Similarly, political turbulences in those countries are also possible.

Finally, the Pluto direct factor should be considered. I believe we will see some reversals in regards to politics and politicians. Things going against the plan, sudden obstacles and situations forcing the hands of leaders. This combined influence will signal a politically volatile time.

Going into the Lunar Eclipse, I like to read the Lunar Eclipses as a continuation or a series with the Solar Eclipses. Meaning that they will highlight or add into the main message of the Solar. This Aries eclipse will highlight a rushed or intense energy, which could manifest into strong stances or hasty decisions.

Going along with the volatile situation of the Solar Eclipse, around the Lunar Eclipse, we could see a lot of rush. People trying to force situations, responding harshly or trying to suppress things as a way of escaping the problems revealed or arising at the time.

Another big event of the month are Rahu and Ketu changing signs. The nodes are one of the most important points in Astrology. They denote where the eclipses are happening, and also tend to show where the public mood and consciousness is focused at a certain moment. Aries deals with war, and Libra deals with diplomacy; and those have been big issues of the transit now ending, for instance.

Rahu/Ketu in Aries/Libra12/04/2022 until 30/10/2023
Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo30/10/2023 until 18/05/2025

With Pisces and Virgo, I first must note that I will publish a text on the subject later this month. But highlighting a few things:

  • Ketu in Virgo will show some troubles with technology and that industry. Reduced sales and interest will tend to lead to reductions in production and investment.
  • Rahu in Pisces will tend to show increased interest in fiction and escapism. Big changes to the entertainment industry are possible and tend to happen during this transit.
    • YouTube started in 2005, with Rahu in Pisces.
  • Similarly, Rahu in Pisces will also show an increased interest in spirituality, religion and esoteric matters.

A final prediction I should add is that Rahu in Aries highlights rush and speed, dealing with hasty and forced decisions. So the Rahu in Pisces transit could show some reversals in regards to poorly planned decisions or rushed ideas implemented in the previous transit. With that, we could see some reversals or inversions in the coming months.

On the more immediate, a thing that should be noted is that planets transiting in the final degrees of a water sign or in the initial degrees of a fire sign are considered unstable. This position is called Gandanta, which could be loosely translated to something like stuck or drowning. Rahu will be Gandanta from around October 14th to about November 14th.

Gandanta transits can indicate extremes of weather, such as hurricanes, storms and earthquakes. As well as fires and excessive heat. So these are some problems that we could see happening around October. On an emotional level, Gandanta transits usually favor extreme emotions or outbursts. So people will tend to be somewhat unstable, overly emotional or angry.

Obviously, this is not the best time for arguments or discussions, and we should try to remain calm and conscious in case conflict arises. Try to pacificate rather than add fuel to the fire, whenever possible.

Going into other planetary movements. Mercury will enter Virgo on October 1st, remaining in the sign until the 18th. Mercury is very strong in Virgo, making this a good time to deal with Mercury matters, communicate and concentrate. Also on the 1st, Venus will enter Leo, as it starts to move away from the degrees that it went retrograde between July and September.

The two most important planetary shifts, however, are the Sun and Mars entering Libra. These two planets deal with power and authority, and they feel somewhat diminished by the sign of Libra. This again highlights the trend, seen by many other factors this month, of issues with politicians and leaders.

Mars will transit conjunct Ketu for the initial days of October. Mars-Ketu is a feisty combination, that tends to show aggression and unhinged action. Again, highlighting what I mentioned above about rushed action, as well as emotional excesses happening this month.


October is a very delicate month this year. Whenever Eclipses happen, the month around it is always a volatile time, where moods are high and we should exercise caution. But this time around, not only do we have the Eclipses, we also have many other factors strengthening the volatility of this moment. Making this a turbulent month, where we should try our best to remain calm and in control of our emotions.


On a mundane level, a lot of the energies this month deal with power and politics, as well as feisty moods. So political polarization, conflicts and issues will be highlighted now. A lot of leaders could be dealing with obstacles and reversals of fortune this month, having to deal with unexpected setbacks or downturns in their plans.

With a Gandanta transit in the sky, we could be dealing with extreme weather or natural calamities. Things like hurricanes, earthquakes, fires or excessive heat. On an emotional level, this type of transit promotes an emotional storm, so people are very prone to outbursts or vicious moods right now. This month could be a time of strong conflict and disagreements, as a lot seems to be rising at this moment.


On a personal level, this is a very interesting month, specially around the very end of it. Rahu and Ketu always highlight the areas of our charts where they are transiting, so their shift into Pisces/Virgo will show a new focal point. Rahu in Pisces, in my view, tends to be a very lovely transit. As it promotes a desire for beauty, spirituality and a sense of detachment from the daily struggles of life. We will see this from November and onwards.

But going back to October, considering the mundane situation and some aggravating transits, it is not the easiest of months. The Eclipses can always bring surprises and changes into our lives, with new discoveries, new paths and growth. Specially if you have a planet conjunct or opposing the degrees of the eclipses, this can be an important moment of change. My guide to eclipses.

My main advice for October would be to remain flexible. Plan and follow through, but allow room for things going out of plan. This is a strong time for destiny and sudden changes, so good opportunities could arise from deviations now.

Another point deals with Rahu leaving Aries. As it leaves that sign, we could be dealing with some closure in regards to the house ruled by Aries in our charts. For instance, Capricorn could be dealing a lot with emotions, as this is their 4th house. Taurus could be dealing with closure, and letting things go, with Aries being the 12th house. And so on and so on.

October has a lot of give and take. In some ways, we are closing issues of the past and moving on. And on the other hand, a lot of new things could be coming into our lives. Change is never easy, but we can harness it for good, and this month provides great opportunities for change.

US Sade Sati transit

Sade Sati refers to the 7.5 years that Saturn takes transiting around the Moon of a birth chart. Saturn takes 2.5 years in a sign, so counting the sign before the Moon, the sign of the Moon and the sign after we have a total of about 7.5 years. With the Moon being the most personal planet in a chart, ruling our mind and emotions, and Saturn being the planet of karma and the harshest malefic; this transit denotes a challenging time of inner crisis and emotional maturation for a native. For a country, this shows a similarly challenging time.

Saturn signDates
Capricorn (12th from Moon)24/01/20-28/04/22, 12/07/22-17/01/23
Aquarius (conjunct Moon)28/04/22-12/07/22, 17/01/23-29/03/25
Pisces (2nd from Moon)29/03/25-02/06/27, 19/10/27-23/02/28

The United States, with a Moon in Aquarius, has been going through Sade Sati since 2020 and will remain like this until about early 2028, when Saturn leaves the sign of Pisces. 2023 is an important year in the culmination of this transit, as Saturn will transit the Moon in its exact natal degree.

Saturn transiting the Moon shows the most intense phase of the transit, when a native feels the most pressure and restrictions. Similarly, a turbulent global situation, with challenges from China and Russia, has been afflicting the US specially hard this year.

Tr. Saturn conjunct natal Moon
19/03/23 D
01/10/23 ℞
06/12/23 D
D: refers to direct, ℞: refers to retrograde

As denoted in the table above, Saturn will join the Moon a total of three times in 2023. It is common for slower planets, such as Saturn, to make three hits to a point in a chart, as part of their retrograde cycle. Some astrologers attribute a meaning to each of the hits. With the first one being a warning, or the awareness of issues. The second one, retrograde, showing a crisis or a turning point. The last one showing the conclusion, or finalization, a time where a native learns or adjusts himself to the lessons of that transit.

March 2023, when the first hit happened, was about a year after the start of the Ukraine War. A conflict that, by what both sides claimed at the time, would last no more than a few months. And yet we’ve had the first anniversary, and we are almost reaching a second one.

The second hit will happen on October 1st, so events around mid September to early October will tend to express a turning point for the US. The third hit, on December, will show some kind of shift in thinking for the country.


As always, I don’t like looking at things in a vacuum. So putting things into perspective, the last Sade Sati for the US happened around 1991 to 1998. At that time, the US faced terror attacks, the imminence of the dot-com bubble and other financial crisis, as well as conflicts abroad like Iraq. Overall, on that previous cycle, the US faced challenges but came out of it without many problems.

A big difference this time is that the US is going through its first Pluto return. A Pluto return is a transit that no person has ever lived. Pluto takes about 14 years transiting each sign, times all the twelve signs, that yields about 168 years for a return. So Pluto return is something that mostly affects large institutions, such as countries and corporations.

Pluto being the planet of transformation, his return signals a time of strong transformation. Along with that, the US is going through Rahu-Mercury dasha from 2023 until 2026, both planets sitting in the 8th house of transformation. Overall, the trend for the US seems a rebirth or redefinition of the country. A fresh start of sorts being formed between now and the coming years.

So in the longer term, there is a clear transformation happening for the US. New definitions, new ways and new directions will tend to arise out of this.

Looking at the Sade Sati itself, I tend to believe that Saturn in Pisces will be much tamer than Saturn in Capricorn/Aquarius, and even a bit positive for the country. With that, I tend to believe that positive change could arise around 2025.

For the short term, Saturn in Aquarius will tend to be turbulent, specially for the remaining of 2023. Challenges will continue to arise, morale will be low and things will tend towards a downturn.

I still tend to believe that, in the long term, the current challenges and problems faced will lead towards improvement. Even though things might seem down in the short term.

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