Author: adrian (Page 33 of 50)

September 2023 in Astrology

September is very interesting this year, as a lot of the complicated influences started around July and August start calming down, and waning this month. At the same time, it is a calm before the storm, as October will be a month packed with action.

This month we have Venus going direct in Cancer, after being retrograde since July. With Venus direct, our dealings with others tend to ease up. Relationships, agreements and any kind of compromise with people becomes easier going forward. However, there is a small dent as Venus still transits the nakshatra of Ashlesha.

This star deals with excessive emotions, vicious moods, manipulation, aggression, back-stabbing and a lot of other complications. So Venus here is still somewhat quarrelsome. People might be a little bit on the edge while this transit lasts. Venus will remain in Ashlesha until October 1st.

As I’ve said on my Venus retrograde text, something is reborn (transformed) after Venus turns direct. As Venus went retrograde on Cancer and Leo, I tend to believe that things related to politics and nations will tend to transform. Leo is the sign of the king, dealing a lot with politics on itself. Cancer deals with home, with pride and happiness in the land; so it relates a lot with things like patriotism and attachment to one’s land or heritage. On that note, we could see some shifts in politics, as well as new ideas arriving on global politics.

Events in September 2023

  • 03/09/2023 21:21 Venus direct 18°01’04” Cancer
    • 22/07/2023 21:32 Venus retrograde 04°25’09” Leo
  • 04/09/2023 09:58 Jupiter retrograde 21°23’46” Aries
  • 14/09/2023 21:40 New Moon in Leo 27°47’31”
  • 15/09/2023 16:21 Mercury direct 13°49’01” Leo
    • 23/08/2023 15:59 Mercury retrograde 27°40’00” Leo
  • 17/09/2023 04:01 Sun in Virgo
  • 29/09/2023 05:58 Full Moon in Pisces 11°49’11”

Also going direct is Mercury. Mercury retrograde is the most hyped transit in astrology, with a lot of people exaggerating its effects to some degree. Going direct on the 15th, we should keep some cares in regards to this transit in the first half of the month. Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer problems, miscommunications, delays in deliveries and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise. With it going direct, the rest of the month we will have eased communications.

Uranus just turned retrograde on August 28th. With Uranus shifting so recently, it is stationary for much of early September, so surprising events and twists are possible from this influence. I recently published a text on the Uranus in Aries transit, going on since 2017 and ending in 2025. I focused a lot on the mundane meanings of this transit, past and future. And I must highlight that it will be a very important feature of 2024.

One thing that I didn’t add on that text, as I focused on the macro effects, were the meanings of Uranus retrograde itself. Any retrograde signals a time of review and renewal, less externalization, and a bigger focus on inner improvement and adjustment.

For instance, with Mercury retrograde, rather than going after new information ad nauseam we are asked to take some time off. Go back into older information, review it carefully. Make sure our dots are in line, find out if the information we consume is truly important to us. And mostly making sure that we are truly engaging/absorbing information, rather than just consuming and moving on instantly. Similarly, taking care and giving maintenance to computers and communication devices, instead of just using them, figures strongly with Mercury retro.

With Uranus being the planet of change, Uranus retrograde signals a time of inner change. Rather than focusing on the world, and what we want changed externally, we are tasked with changing internally. So instead of focusing on what is wrong with society, life or the stars we have to deal with our own selves first. Rather than changing your environment, or the things around you, this is a time to change your own behavior and break inner blockages.

A lot of times we externalize our problems, and blame something else for our issues, our lack of freedom or progress. And although sometimes we might truly be marred by the external, most of the time, we just tend to use the external as an excuse for an inner fear or weakness. So Uranus retrograde is a time of getting over these fears, going over these blockages, and changing our mindset.

Speaking of retrogrades, Jupiter will go retrograde this month, putting the planet stationary from late August into mid-September. So we start the month with a strong Jupiterian impulse in the air. Jupiter is the planet of dharma, justice, religion, philosophy, discernment/discrimination, good judgement, growth, luck and expansion.

Jupiter retrograde, from September 4th until December 30th, signals a time of review for Jupiter subjects. On one hand, this can deal with reviewing your belief systems. Maybe learning a new philosophy or outlook in life, or engaging better with the wisdom you’ve accumulated.

On the other hand, as Jupiter shows luck and expansion, the retrograde transit is all about reviewing our expectations for the future and our prospects. Jupiter retrograde forces us to think about what we are doing to create our future, how much engaged we are with our desires and long term goals. This is the time to align yourself with your future goals, start planning, saving, putting in the work towards building the future you desire.

Some reality checks are possible during this transit, as we learn that not everything is a bed of roses. We might be asked to deal with excesses such as addictions, compulsions, procrastination or other things that block our growth. This transit is a great time for making long term plans, thinking of the future, exploring possibilities and aligning yourself with avenues of growth in life.

The New Moon on the 14th happens in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni. This nakshatra bridges the signs of Leo and Virgo, it deals with ambition, leadership and maintenance/management of life. Starting from Leo, it represents the point where the king is working and taking care of his kingdom. This star deals a lot with taking responsibility, going after your goals, helping others and actively participating in the world.

The New Moon will form a trine to Uranus, so a strong impulse towards new ideas, new projects and new responsibilities could rise now. This is a great moment to dream up projects and get started with them.

The Full Moon on the 29th happens in the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada. This star has its main meaning being wisdom. It represents wise figures, such as an elder, an old scholar or a priest. Other than that, this nakshatra tends to not be much expressive or noticeable as others like Ardra or Purva Phalguni. It deals with the wisdom to act at the right moment, in the right place and the right time; rather than acting randomly and dispersing yourself.

This Full Moon is a great time to seek advice from someone wiser than you, or to seek help with some longstanding issue you have. In a lot of ways, both the New Moon and the Full Moon this month are conductive towards aligning ourselves and preparing for any project or endeavor.

There is also a special meaning as this Full Moon represents the mid-point of the Astrological Year. Back in March we’ve had the Astrological New Year for 2023, and in April 2024 we will have the next one. This Full Moon in Pisces sits an exact number of days from the current year and the next new year. Being in between, this is a good time to assess how things have been going and how we can move forward.


I tend to see September as a build-up. It could be an eventful month on itself, but mostly, it will tend to shy behind October. Next month, we will have the Eclipses, Pluto turning direct and Rahu/Ketu switching signs. It is odd to be talking about October, as we’ve barely begun September, but it is important to warn about the coming month.

The Eclipses are key events for a year, so they are something to be noted just by themselves. Pluto turning direct/retrograde is an interesting transit, as big announcements or shifts in politics tend to happen around those dates. Rahu and Ketu transit a sign for 1.5 years at a time, so their sign switch always shows a shift in the world. Rahu deals with obsessions, excesses, and a hyperfocus of sorts. Ketu deals with the past, neglected areas, letting things go and ignoring something.

Rahu/Ketu in Aries/Libra12/04/2022 until 30/10/2023
Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo30/10/2023 until 18/05/2025

I will go more deeply into these transits in October. But for now it is important to understand that we are on the verge of big astrological events and changes, that will similarly relate to a change in mood in the world. Whatever happens in September has to be seen as a step towards bigger changes, incoming in October and beyond.


In a lot of ways, I believe that we can feel a sense of relief this September. We start the month with the end of Venus retrograde, started in late July. This is a rare transit of sorts, as Venus is the planet that retrogrades the least. With this rarity, more noticeable effects come.

As I’ve said many times about this transit, Venus retrograde deals with reevaluating what is valuable, pleasurable and good in our lives. This can, a lot of times, deal with relationships and people. But it mostly deals with our inner world and perception.

Maybe we realize that we didn’t enjoy, or value, enough an opportunity/experience/person. Maybe reminiscing about a great thing or moment of the past inspires us, causing a desire towards creating more of that. It could even be the opposite, with a remembrance of things that we overvalued, bad moments, relationships and things that weren’t good for us.

Through those experiences, we should be very mindful about people, places, objects and situations that came into our thoughts or lives in the last few months. We might have rediscovered something or someone. Or we could simply feel a need to learn from the past, and renew our way of thinking. Enjoying and valuing more certain opportunities or ideas we discarded in the past. Or perhaps taking new paths and directions.

For Cancer and Leo specially, this could’ve been a very draining cycle, where these natives had to deal with many issues as well as strong links to the past. For these two signs, specially, Venus going direct will be a relief.

On September 4th, Jupiter will turn retrograde. This is a great cycle for organizing and thinking in the long term. Some reality checks can come out of this, but it is a great moment for planning for the future and aligning yourself and your actions towards it.


I never like discussing anything astrological in a vacuum, as an isolated point, I always like to connect the dots and discuss the whole of it. On that note, September as a month should be seen as a stepping stone towards October, an eventful month in many ways.

On October 1st, Saturn will transit exactly conjunct the Moon in the natal chart of the United States. This is conjunction two of three happening this year, with a previous one in March and the final one in December. This transit marks a time of strong challenges and changes for the country. I will go deeper into the subject on a separate text, but the important thing to keep in mind is that from mid-September until the end of the year, we can see strong shifts for the US coming into play.

With that in mind, a lot of geopolitical changes (related to America) and events can happen in the next few months.

Going back into September, last month I mentioned that Mars in Virgo could bring forward a health scare of sorts. Following the news around the world, in many places measures from the lockdowns (such as masking and testing) are being implemented again. To some level, we could be seeing these measures returning, but I don’t believe things will be like 2020. Less compliance and acceptance of the measures will be felt, as well as difficulty implementing them.

With Venus turning direct and Jupiter turning retrograde about a day apart, I believe we can see some strong events and announcements early in the month. Announcements in regards to wealth and finances could specially figure around this time.

Around the end of the month, we could see some reversals. With people undoing things, walking back on changes, cancelling agreements and overall altering previously made plans.

Uranus in Aries (2017-2025)

Uranus main energy is to transform. It rules sudden changes and radical transformations, it represents the quest to invent and revolutionize. Through that, the planet is associated with many modern technologies, such as planes and computers. On a person, it rules a crazy professor archetype, showing a nervous demeanor with an ingenious and inventive mind. Uranus is associated with natural disasters such as earthquakes, thunderstorms and hurricanes, as these represent uprooting events in nature. Socially, it is associated with times of revolution and rebellion, denoting the transformation of society.

Uranus subjects: Radical and sudden changes, unusual matters, uncommon things, odd, strange and new. Nervousness and nervous energy. Inventive, scientific, a quest for discovery. Revolutions, rebellions and uprisings. Lightning and electricity. Technology, inventions, electrical machines, computers. Airplanes and Air travel. Earthquakes. Thunderstorms. Astrology.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, being the first, it shows the fire of excitement. The fresh start. Aries is happy with any new start, with beginning everything, the problem comes with sustaining and keeping things. Dealing with the long term is always hard for Aries, as it desires to always deal with the new. Maintenance and sustenance are never the main thoughts of Aries. Aries, being ruled by Mars, is also related to wars, aggression, fights and guns. As well as engineering and other Martian activities, such as sports.

Aries is an interesting match with Uranus. The engineering aspects of Aries goes well with the scientific and inventive nature of the planet, so Uranus in Aries usually signifies a good time for inventions and discoveries. Uranus in Aries tends to, however, promote wars and conflicts. It was prominent during the build-up and the beginning of World War 2, for instance.

Uranus is change, Aries is new. So these two together are usually a bombastic match. The desire for change is huge, so it becomes a time of strong impulses, big declarations and a quest for revolution.

Uranus takes about 7 years transiting each sign, but as it retrogrades, the planet will usually make a short venture into the new sign before entering for the main transit. The table below shows the transit in Aries from the beginning, with the short venture (or transition) in 2016, the main transit from 2017 until 2024, and the end of it between 2024 and 2025.

Uranus signDates
Aries transition27/06/2016 until 31/08/2016
Pisces end31/08/2016 until 07/04/2017
Aries main transit07/04/2017 until 01/06/2024
Taurus transition01/06/2024 until 13/12/2024
Aries end13/12/2024 until 18/03/2025
Taurus main transit18/03/2025 until 06/07/2031

With the timeline above, we can understand that mid-2024 until early 2025 will be a transitory period. We will see the final gasps of the Aries transit, and we will start entering the new reality of Uranus in Taurus. So what does the Uranus in Aries transit mean?

Uranus in Aries: Looking back

Uranus in Aries was in effect from about 1933 to early 1941, this encompasses a lot of the World War II period, specially the build-up towards it. During that time, many inventions came to be, such as the jet engine, FM Radio, magnetic recording tape (which allowed for hour long recordings, something impossible with previous recording technologies), radars, photocopiers/xerox machines, ballpoint pens, nylon, helicopters, as well as the initial development of nuclear weapons.

A common thread with these inventions was the usage for war efforts. Many of them allowed for improved attacks, improved speed or improved communications. Communication itself was essential for information and propaganda efforts at the time.

Taking a slight detour, Mundane Astrology is the art of nesting cycles. It is a complicated endeavor. You will rarely find a time where everything is exactly the same. Uranus might be in the same position, but Neptune and Pluto are in very different signs than they were at the time. The same goes for Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

So we must weight the differences caused by the shifting planetary cycles. Uranus in Aries with Saturn in Capricorn will be very different than Uranus in Aries with Saturn in Scorpio, for example. The cycles are similar, not equal. So the predictions have to follow a similar pattern of alteration.

I say this because a common mistake in Mundane Astrology is expecting things to be exactly the same all the time, and making lazy predictions. There is a phrase, “when you’re a hammer, everything is a nail”, that summarizes this kind of mistake. It is easy to see things when you have it in your mind that you must expect them.

A practical example of this was 2020. March 2020 had a similar astrological pattern to the one around September 11th 2001. Many astrologers expected a big terror attack, we got the pandemic instead. They were both uprooting, and world changing events, but their causes and nature were very different. The pattern was similar, not equal; so were the effects.

I say this because a lot of people have been drawing parallels with World War 2, since the Ukraine War started. But the context of 100 years ago and now is very different.

First of all, the two world wars happened about 20 years apart, with WWI between 1914 and 1918, and WWII from 1939 to 1945. In a lot of ways, those were continued conflicts. A lot of what lead to the first war helped lead us towards the second.

On the contrary, we’ve had no big war in the last 20 years, not even in the last 40 years for the matter. The early 1930s had constant fear of a new war, people feared a new conflict coming into play. We can’t say the same about the current times.

When Uranus entered Aries, around 2017, mentioning the possibility of a major war or global conflict would have you branded as a crackpot. There were wars (a constant of humanity), and local conflicts, but nothing as big or scalable as in the context of the two World Wars.

The big thing around the 2016-2020 period were protests. In the US, many protests happened in this period. In other countries, a lot of uprisings against governments similarly happened. While the previous Uranus in Aries transit dealt a lot with war, the current one showed a much bigger focus on smaller conflicts, such as protests.

Technologically, this Aries transit brought artificial intelligence into the mainstream. We went from AI being a pipe dream to people using ChatGPT on their phones. The technology from the 1930s focused on war and defense. The technology from the 2010s and 2020s focuses on information, data processing and expression.

Our current technology has an Aries impulse behind it, as the focus is on fast results, even if superficial or not elaborated. There is also a quest for control and domination, for controlling access to technology and information. Aries craves to dominate and exert power, to be number one. In a lot of ways, the current focus is on an information war.

Uranus in Aries: Looking ahead

The end of Uranus in Aries between now and 2025 will be very interesting. The Aries energy has been intensified, with Rahu here since April 2022 (leaving this October) and Jupiter here since May (leaving May next year). With the eclipses and these two planets in Aries, the Uranus transit has been intensified in 2022-2023.

In the first six months of 2024, I believe we will some intense Aries action, as Jupiter will transit conjunct Uranus.

My big expectation for 2024, and the end of Uranus in Aries, is a lot of excitement. We will see big announcements, big declarations and new beginnings. One big example deals with the BRICS countries, who have made many declarations in regards to changing the world order, displacing the US.

We will see a lot of similar moves or declarations, in this regard, from now until about May 2024. Around the world, even in the US, we will see people making powerful announcements. Similar declarations, about changing the world, will come from corporations and other institutions. This is the energy of Uranus in Aries, strong announcements, excitement, trying to convey change through force and sheer enthusiasm.

The thing I want you to notice is that I’m talking about declarations, I’m not talking about actions, and specially not about results. And that is also a thing about Aries. The sign deals best with the short term, with bursts of action. The sustenance of Aries in the long term is never guaranteed, all that matters is the now.

To be fair, this doesn’t guarantee that everything started under an Aries impulse will fail. But it does show that what is behind it is excitement, rather than substance.

With that in mind, I would take any big announcement, or anything said to “change the world” from now until May 2024 with a grain of salt. A lot of these things might wind down and not materialize. The sustaining power behind these changes is lacking, and Uranus in Taurus might bring back a harsh reality shock.

The second part of 2024 will have Uranus in Taurus initial venture. Taurus is the sign of banking, finances and sustenance. Taurus deals with anything that can help a person grow and maintain himself, like money and food. The Uranus in Taurus transit will deal a lot with changes in finances, resources and the essentials of society. I will write more on Uranus in Taurus in the future, on a dedicated text.

From December 2024 until March 2025, we will see the final leg of Uranus in Aries. The whole 2024 will tend to be a moment of strong rhetoric, strong impulses and announcements. This swan song of Aries, on late 2024 and early 2025, will specially highlight this trend. The start of 2025 will be very turbulent. That could be a time of conflict or strong clashes in the world.

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