Category: Monthly Predictions (Page 2 of 12)

November 2024 in Astrology

Not much, but a lot. That is how I’d sum up November astrologically. The previous months were flashy and packed full of events, with Eclipses and many intense aspects going on. November has much less commotion in the skies, and yet the little commotion going on is very noticeable, and important for our times.

Where to start? First, addressing the elephant and donkey in the room, of the American election. I will talk about it ahead, in a dedicated section, just scroll down if you are in a hurry. On the rest of the text, I will discuss the general outlook of the month.

We start the month with Mars in Cancer, I discussed the unstable situation of Mars in this sign last month. Mars here tends to promote conflict, as well as cowardly actions. It deals a lot with lashing out, regardless of the consequences.

Mars starts the month approaching an opposition to Pluto, exact on the 3rd of November. This aspect will be in effect from around October 20th to November 25th, englobing most of November. Mars opposing Pluto indicates a time of intense competition, that can reach extremes. It also indicates conflict with powerful institutions or dominant characters, things ruled by Pluto.

Putting two and two together, with a weak Mars combined with a naturally turbulent aspect, November is a time of conflict. The wars around the world can intensify now, as well as protests and other types of conflict.

Events in November 2024

  • 01/11/2024 08:47 New Moon in Swati 15°23’09” Libra
  • 03/11/2024 06:37 Mars opposing Pluto (05°33′ Cancer-Capricorn)
  • 06/11/2024 17:02 Venus in Sagittarius
  • 15/11/2024 10:09 Saturn direct 18°29’19” Aquarius
    • 29/06/2024 14:43 Saturn retrograde 25°13’46” Aquarius
  • 15/11/2024 16:29 Full Moon in Krittika 29°48’31” Aries
  • 15/11/2024 21:02 Sun in Scorpio
  • 16/11/2024 21:45 Sun Opposing Uranus 01°02’14” Sco 01°02’14” Tau R
  • 25/11/2024 21:42 Mercury retrograde 28°28’02” Scorpio
    • 15/12/2024 15:57 Mercury direct 12°11’25” Scorpio

In the middle of November, Saturn will turn direct, after transiting retrograde since June. This puts Saturn stationary for most of November, but specially between the 10th and 20th of November. This usually tends to signal some slow downs, although I don’t see this being the case this time.

Saturn will turn direct near the Full Moon, the Sun entering Scorpio, and near the Sun opposing Uranus. Things will not be slow, they will be tense and noticeable.

The Full Moon happens in Krittika nakshatra, a warrior star, represented by fire and blades. It is a positive, yet fierce energy, dealing a lot with strong and transformative messages. Along with the other events going on close-by, I see the middle of November as a time of great change, big declarations and events.

Going a little more macro, Saturn also enters the final leg of his Aquarius transit, entering Pisces in March 2025. Saturn always reduces/blocks/limits the things ruled by the sign where he transits. Aquarius is the sign of disruption, related to anything that turns life upside down, transforms and changes society. It deals with politics, specially radical politics, technology, science, new discoveries and anything extreme or disruptive.

Saturn leaving Aquarius frees all of the areas mentioned above. For technology, this will show improvements and more freedom, as I explained on a recent text. In politics, it is a time of radical change. This also goes along with the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in the next few years, which will similarly represent a time of cultural and political change in the world.

This month ends with everyone’s favorite astrological event, Mercury retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde between November 25th and December 15th. The usual precautions for Mercury retrograde are recommended. Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer problems, miscommunications, delays in deliveries and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise.

But that is the boring part, I hate discussing Mercury retrograde, people over-hype it too much. To the interesting part! Mercury will be in Scorpio from October 29th until January 4th next year. This is a very long transit for Mercury, more than two months in the same sign.

Mercury in Scorpio deals a lot with vicious speech, specially combined with Mars in Cancer. So from now until early 2025, we will see a lot of exacerbated speech. Anger, frustration, plots of vengeance, blaming people (Scorpio loves finding the culprit of whatever afflicts him) and long vicious diatribes will be common in the media. In many ways, speech will be unhinged and emotional for this final part of 2024.

The New Moon this month happens in Swati nakshatra, a star that deals a lot with the winds of change, as well as achievement. This New Moon shows that we are bracing for change. If we get prepared, specially on an emotional level, we can go with the flow and improve with the change around us. If we are unprepared, we will feel very uprooted around this New Moon.

US Election

I tend to believe Trump will win the election. If that is all you wanted to know, you can leave now, goodbye!

Looking at the transits around and specially after the election, a lot tends to align with his political messages and the policy around him. Obviously, there will be anger and frustration about the result of the election. However, I tend to believe that things will quiet down in December.

Mars will turn retrograde in December, which tends to show things quieting down. It will also highlight a trend towards ineffective action. A lot of the protests between December and January will be symbolical, and not effective towards any actual result.

I will write later on about the future of the US, but I tend to see things improving moving forward. Saturn entering Pisces next year means the final portion of the Sade Sati transit for the country, which will represent an improvement in the country’s situation.

Outside of the US, various shake-ups are possible after the election. In many cases, this will be a time of desperate or rushed actions by other leaders. This is a time of big declarations and also a time of ineffective action, so expect big pronouncements with mostly empty results, specially in the long term.


Most of November is dominated by Mars opposing Pluto, an aspect that promotes intensity and conflict. Along for the ride, Mercury in Scorpio promotes vicious or exacerbated speech. So this end of 2024 can be a time of anger and frustration. Around the 15th, when Saturn turns direct and we have the Full Moon, we can have some important announcement or event.

Mercury retrograde late in the month and in December can show a lot of going back and forth, albeit not in an effective way. It is a time of venting, not a time of effectiveness. So speeches, raised fingers, annoyances and not much to show from it.


On a personal level, this month can be a time of anger. The Full Moon and Mars this month indicate that. Finding productive outlets for this anger, instead of lashing out at others is important now.

Besides the usual finger-wagging about Mercury retrograde, that I wrote earlier and that you can get from any other astrologer, a big thing this month is Saturn. Saturn direct, specially right after it turns direct again, is always a time to align ourselves with our responsibilities. Understanding our goals, what we want to do, and the hard work needed to achieve that.

This time around, this is even more prominent, as Saturn starts transiting the end of Aquarius. The end of a sign is always important for Saturn, representing the “results portion”, where we start seeing the great consequences or results of the developments caused by Saturn’s transit.

So this Saturn energy in November represents a good time to organize, think and plan ahead.

October 2024 in Astrology

October starts among the shadow of the Eclipses, with a Lunar one in late September, and a Solar one in the first few days of the month. Along for the ride, we have Jupiter turning retrograde and Pluto turning direct in early October.

Starting with the Eclipses, let’s look back on what I’ve said on the Lunar Eclipse:

The fiery influence of Mars, combined with the already hectic energies of the Eclipse tend to indicate violence.
Some environmental issues can come forward with this Eclipse. Specially in regards to fires and forest preservation.

With another assassination attempt towards Trump. As well as fires in Brazil, fires in Portugal, and similar issues in other countries. I believe my prediction rings true. Issues with forest fires and violence can similarly remain prominent throughout October.

With Pluto turning direct on the 10th, it will be stationary for most of the month, this puts a focus on Pluto issues. Pluto deals with power, control and big institutions. So issues with rulers and bureaucratic boards can be prominent this month.

Events in October 2024

  • 02/10/2024 14:45 Solar Eclipse in Hasta 15°50′ Virgo
  • 09/10/2024 02:38 Jupiter retrograde 27°08’07” Taurus
    • 04/02/2025 04:54 Jupiter direct 17°04’13” Taurus
  • 10/10/2024 01:50 Mercury in Libra
  • 11/10/2024 22:59 Pluto direct 05°26’21” Capricorn
    • 02/05/2024 12:20 Pluto retrograde 07°54’30” Capricorn
  • 12/10/2024 20:31 Venus in Scorpio
  • 16/10/2024 22:13 Sun in Libra
  • 17/10/2024 07:26 Full Moon in Ashwini 00°22’52” Aries
  • 20/10/2024 04:52 Mars in Cancer
  • 29/10/2024 13:08 Mercury in Scorpio

Jupiter will turn retrograde on October 9th, remaining retrograde until February next year. Jupiter retrograde always signals a time where we have less hope, less trust or confidence. Being the planet of luck and fortune, his retrograde cycle shows that we can’t solely rely on Lady Luck.

In the sign of Taurus, that deals so intimately with security and finances, the next few months can be a bad time for economies around the world. I don’t quite see a major crisis, although it’s always a possibility. But downturns and blockages will tend to come out of this transit.

Specially early in October, disappointing numbers or reports can show a time of contention and downturns.

The Solar Eclipse this month happens on Hasta nakshatra. Taking from my prediction on this eclipse:

Issues regarding heavy handed measures by those in power can be a focus, as Pluto will be stationary during this Solar Eclipse. Overall, this Eclipse deals with deception past and future. Lies of the past can be revealed and torn down now. But newer deception can similarly arise.

This Solar Eclipse can bring some kind of revelation about the past, in regards to some manipulation or strong measure by a leader. These revelations will tend to create chaos and anger.

The Full Moon this month happens in Ashwini nakshatra. This is an interesting one. It happens just a few hours after the Sun enters Libra, so it is a gandanta Full Moon. Gandanta means drowning, and it can indicate issues akin to drowning, like fires or disasters. This recalls some of the issues I highlighted with the Lunar Eclipse, so again, those problems should be noted in October.

But the gandanta Moon also shows a very emotional and erratic time ahead. Shocking events are possible, and people could be in hectic moods.

Another important point this month is the shift of Mars, going from Gemini into the sign of Cancer. Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer, being weak and somewhat dysfunctional in this sign.

I wrote a full text on Mars in Cancer last year, but to summarize it, Mars in Cancer tends to show a person that doesn’t have a middle ground. They either don’t deal with a problem, and just bubble up their anger inside. Or they explode attacking and fighting dirty against others. 0 or a 100, with no space for peaceful resolution or more productive problem solving.

A big difference between Mars in Cancer last year and now is that Mars will turn retrograde in Cancer.

Mars in Cancer20/10/2024
Mars retrograde06/12/2024
Mars in Gemini20/01/2025
Mars direct23/02/2025
Mars in Cancer02/04/2025
Mars in Leo06/06/2025

By the table above, we will have Mars in Cancer for about 5 months, between now and mid-2025. This is a very long transit, specially considering the delicate position of Mars in this sign. I will talk more about this transit later on. For now, I say that this can be a time of conflict and trouble, specially after February next year.

Going a little bit back, the Sun is also debilitated in October. With the Sun in Libra between October 16th and November 15th, this is a time of double weakness. Both Mars and the Sun will be weak in transit.

This month long period, between October and November, can show a time where people lack energy. It can show a time of sickness. But specially, it will show heavy-handed (yet unsuccessful) actions by leaders and people in power. Both of these placements deal with wanting to show strength, but lacking the means to do it.


As I’ve said in last month’s predictions, September and October are hectic months, with a lot going on and bubbling up.

October will specially show issues in regards to rulers and those in power, as Pluto always highlights this, and many other factors this month have a similar indication. Issues with past misconduct, manipulation or deception can be revealed now, creating trouble.

An interesting trend this month, specially in the first week, will deal with flip-flopping or reversals in issues. People going back on decisions, things being reversed or past stories being exposed as false.

The Solar Eclipse this month deals with deception, past and future. Past issues can be revealed and revised now, on the positive, with the truth being uncovered. But newer deception can arise, to rile people up and create trouble.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus will tend to show trouble in regards to economies. People will be less hopeful, and some downturns will be possible.

The month will end on a odd note, with both Mars and the Sun debilitated. Those are the planets of energy, strength and disposition. Their simultaneous weakness shows a time where we lack these qualities. This influence, again, goes back to the theme of rulers and those in power. With the strength lacking, this can be a time of unhinged, ineffective and erroneous actions.

Overall, a trend this month deals with heavy-handed actions being ineffective or creating further trouble.


On a personal level, with the end of Eclipse season, it becomes a time to reevaluate things. Fresh insights and ideas can lead us into a new direction. The big things about these Eclipses deals with releasing inhibitions, letting go of fear, and freeing ourselves of limitations. For many of us, this can be a time of taking risks, maybe doing something we’ve always wanted to do.

Jupiter retrograde puts our feet on the ground, and it tends to promote more realistic plans and ideas. So we have freedom without burning bridges.

Overall, this month is a good time to rethink things and make plans.


As I’ve said in last month’s editorial, I’m focusing mostly on mundane matters for now, specially longer term trends. Why? Because that gives us a better view of the world than just parroting the current topics.

In September, I published a long feature on the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. I was working on that text since July, and it is a very important one. This conjunction happens about every 36 years, and it deals a lot with the mythos and the culture behind society.

It affects a lot about the world, as it deals with the dream or the illusion behind the masses. The years around this conjunction always tend to show political and social shifts. The latest conjunction, in 1989, saw the globalized world rising.

This aspect will be in effect between 2025 and 2026, making the next two years a transitional moment. 2027 and beyond will be a new era, with a new culture and new goals in the world. On the full text, I made some predictions about this new era.

My next big feature will be on Uranus trine Pluto. This aspect has a somewhat irregular frequency, but it last happened about 100 years ago, in the 1920s. That was when Hitler and Stalin were rising to power.

The aspect puts Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, energizing Pluto, the planet of power and control. So it is an aspect about change in the world, change in leaders, change in how the world is organized. This aspect will be in effect from 2025 to 2029, marking a strong moment of change.

I have other mundane features coming, but from these two aspects, I’m able to show you that the world is changing. We live in a very transitional time. A lot will change in the coming decade.

2024 reminds me a lot of 2019, right before that uprooting in 2020. Looking at the big stories, the big discussions of 2019 is risible nowadays, considering the amount of change we’ve been through. The change coming with these two aspects is much bigger than anything in 2020.

2025-2027 are key moments of change in the world. As such, a lot is uncertain now. There are many twists, turns and surprises coming our way. A lot of what seems important now, might not be in the long run, and this is the perspective I want to give you.

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