Category: Monthly Predictions (Page 8 of 12)

November 2023 in Astrology

October was a feisty and confusing month, dominated by the energies of the Eclipses. On the positive, Eclipses are great promoters of change and transformation. Usually representing great turning points in life, like getting a big promotion, meeting someone special, getting married, etc. But they also tend to promote uncertainty and darkness, with heavy and somewhat vicious emotions.

With the Eclipses away, we start moving on and getting a sense of more firm ground in November, specially on an emotional level. However, some of the heavy and unnerving energies from last month remain, specially early in the month. And November will also have some feisty points of its own.

A great holdover from October is Rahu Gandanta. Gandanta transits happen when planets transit the end of Water signs or the beginning of Fire signs. So in October, we had Rahu Gandanta in Aries, and now we have it in Pisces until around the 14th.

Gandanta translates loosely to stuck, tied or drowning. Gandanta transits can indicate extremes of weather, such as hurricanes, storms and earthquakes. It also indicates fires and excessive heat. On an emotional level, Gandanta transits usually favor extreme outbursts or clashes. So this October-November transit signals a time of explosive emotions and events.

With that in mind, similarly to what we’ve seen in October, some hectic events are possible in November. With shocking events, complicated and emotional situations coming into play.

I would specially highlight the 4th of November, as Saturn will turn direct that day. Strong reactions, backlashes or even violent responses could occur around that date. Specially in regards to world leaders, this could be an eventful date.

Events in November 2023

  • 02/11/2023 19:43 Venus in Virgo
  • 04/11/2023 03:48 Saturn direct 06°19’32” Aquarius
    • 17/06/2023 12:19 Saturn retrograde 13°01’42” Aquarius
  • 06/11/2023 05:55 Mercury in Scorpio
  • 13/11/2023 04:27 New Moon in Libra 26°32’36”
  • 16/11/2023 00:17 Mars in Scorpio
  • 16/11/2023 14:49 Sun in Scorpio
  • 18/11/2023 00:42 Sun conjunct Mars 01°23′ Scorpio
  • 26/11/2023 19:23 Mercury in Sagittarius
  • 27/11/2023 04:16 Full Moon in Taurus 10°39’50”
  • 29/11/2023 14:35 Venus in Libra

Speaking of holdovers, we have both the Sun and Mars in Libra. Both planets deal with leadership, and Libra is a sign that tends to promote more following than leading. Making Libra a weak place for these planets. In fact, this is the weakest position for the Sun.

With these two being the main planets of leadership and strength, these things seem to be lacking in the moment. On a mundane level, we see politicians and leaders ashamed, weakened or reduced right now. A lot of politicians are hiding, delaying or avoiding things very noticeably. On a personal level, we can similarly feel weak or lacking in direction.

Interestingly enough, this influence will end on the same day, with both Mars and the Sun switching signs on the 16th. Similarly, we could see a boost of energy on mid to late November. New found strength and a desire to act will prevail with this Scorpio influence on Sun and Mars.

There is, however, a question of excess. The Sun is forming a conjunction with Mars, from about the 31st of October until around the 14th of December. This is a fiery combination, which I’ve detailed on a separate text. Sun-Mars will tend to promote excesses, conflict, aggression and violence. This excessive energy, with us for most of what is left of 2023, could signal a complicated time in many ways.

The exact conjunction of Sun and Mars will happen on the 18th of November, and I highlight the period from November 15th to November 27th as a time for many turbulent or complicated events. Not only will Sun-Mars be in full effect, but we will have the added influence of Saturn, approaching an aspect to both points. This will all culminate with the Full Moon, also influenced by Saturn and Mars.

On the new things of November, Venus will transit Virgo from the 2nd to the 29th, covering most of the month in this sign. This is the weakest sign for Venus. The planet represents glamour, joy, fun, agreements, diplomacy and good relationships. Virgo relates a lot to nit-picking, which is never good for relationships, as there is always something wrong to be found.

Virgo troubles Venus as there is a difficulty in letting go and enjoying things, as Virgo wants to focus and fret on the details of everything. On the positive, Venus in Virgo tends to promote wealth in a chart, as the natives tend to work a lot and attract good finances.

Transit wise, this signals a complicated time for relationships, specially love ones. There is a slight damp on things and we could feel not up for much on that department. On the positive side, this tends to be a good time to concentrate and focus on professional efforts, as well as finding good opportunities. For the romantic ones, the Libra transit entering December will fare much better.

Around the New Moon this month, there is a lot of tension. The New Moon happens on Vishaka nakshatra, a star that relates a lot to strength and power. It isn’t, necessarily, a negative energy. It usually indicates the possibility of harnessing your energy towards a great goal, or working towards something.

But the New Moon happens with the Sun conjunct Mars, and an opposition to Uranus in Aries. The Sun-Mars conjunction promotes an intense and forceful energy. Combined with Uranus promoting wildcards and sudden events, this could highlight a time of intense conflict or aggression. On a mundane level, this New Moon could be a time of major aggravations.

A few days after the New Moon, we will have Sun and Mars forming an exact conjunction and trining Neptune around the 18th. This could indicate misguided or highly ideological action.

The Full Moon this month, will happen with Mars squaring Saturn. This aspect signals some negative connotations, like aggressions and quarrels. Going along with this, Mercury will be Gandanta, having just shifted into Sagittarius. Mercury Gandanta is not going to be as intense as the Rahu transit, lasting only between the 26th and 27th. Still, the combination of this Full Moon, with the many other factors discussed above could promote conflict.


On my September predictions, I warned that October would be an action packed month. And we started October with a new war, which could develop into a much bigger conflict than the current one in Ukraine. Similarly, things have been erupting in other areas of the world.

In Latin America, Venezuela has set a referendum about a territory dispute they have with Guyana. This is not a small event, as it represents the culmination of a major dispute between these two countries about Guyana’s territory. This could very well develop into yet another war, now in Latin America. When discussing the Solar Eclipse in October, I mentioned that the Eclipse would be visible around the amazon forest, and that major events with countries in that region were possible.

I mention this to illustrate the importance of Eclipses, as well as their long sprawling effects. A lot of these influences and trends will be with us going into 2024.

Going back to November, the month has many turbulent aspects which could show some heated events happening now. But overall we will be seeing some complicated events from now going well into the first semester of 2024. A lot of trends point towards that.


The whole month is engulfed by the Sun-Mars conjunction. On the earlier part of the month, this aspect will happen alongside Rahu Gandanta, which will add fuel to the fire. Later in the month, Rahu will be out of the woods, but the Sun-Mars conjunction will be in its most intense portion. With that in mind, I would say that most of November is engulfed in a cloud of tension.

This could be a month of many complications and conflict. Worldwide we could see a sense of anger and revolt, specially in regards to unjust or unfair situations. A key part of the month will be from November 15th to November 27th, where we will tend to see the height of Sun-Mars in effect. Another date that I would highlight is November 4th, with Saturn going direct. Major turns in regards to leaders and politicians could be possible on that date.

Looking ahead, Saturn will transit conjunct the United States’ natal Moon early in December, as I’ve discussed on my Sade Sati predictions for the country. This transit of the Moon shows a moment of tension and stress, which we can clearly see with so many issues surrounding countries aligned to the US right now. This highlights a strong moment of change for the country, similarly seen by April 2024’s Solar Eclipse, visible in the country. So for the United States, the tension around this November is acting as a catalyst for bigger changes later on.

For other parts of the globe, there is a general sense of “poking the bear” going around. Many provocations or unthinked actions made right now could cause trouble. People might feel overextended or abused by such actions, leading to clashes and conflicts. Uprisings and protests are a great possibility now.


On a personal level, all this anger out in the world can similarly affect us internally. On the positive, we might feel energized or ready to tackle challenges or major problems. On the negative, we could be busy picking the wrong fights. Watch out for anger and fighting, as this could be an emotional time.

November has a lot of “digestion” happening, as we process the recent Eclipses, as well as the shift of Rahu/Ketu into Pisces/Virgo. We could feel a sense of slowdown, or uncertainty, specially earlier in the month. But later on, specially around the New Moon, we could find a good sense of direction.

November this year is a great month for making changes, abandoning old habits and building new ones. That is the best usage of the energies this month.

I would also refer readers to my Rahu in Pisces predictions, where I discuss the effects of this transit, and the personal implications of it.

October 2023 in Astrology

October is an action packed month, as we will have Eclipses happening now. Eclipses are some of the most important events in astrology, representing strong omens, turning points and big events. We will have a Solar Eclipse on the 14th and a Lunar Eclipse on the 28th.

Adding fuel to the fire, this month the Lunar Nodes will shift signs, moving from Aries/Libra into Pisces/Virgo. Also, a few days before the Solar Eclipse, Pluto will turn direct. Pluto turning retrograde/direct is always an omen for political shifts or changes related to power. Happening so close to the Solar Eclipse, it becomes an even stronger signal.

Events in October 2023

  • 01/10/2023 11:09 Mercury in Virgo
  • 01/10/2023 20:00 Venus in Leo
  • 03/10/2023 08:29 Mars in Libra
  • 10/10/2023 21:37 Pluto direct 03°42’17” Capricorn
    • 01/05/2023 12:44 Pluto retrograde 06°11’02” Capricorn
  • 14/10/2023 13:55 Solar Eclipse in Virgo 26°58′
  • 17/10/2023 15:59 Sun in Libra
  • 18/10/2023 15:47 Mercury in Libra
  • 28/10/2023 16:24 Lunar Eclipse in Aries 10°51′
  • 30/10/2023 07:07 Rahu/Ketu enter Pisces/Virgo

The Solar Eclipse this October is part of a series of three Solar Eclipses visible from the United States. Starting from an Eclipse on August 2017, this one in October, and another Eclipse on April 2024. Eclipses show the height of their effect when they are visible in a certain region/country, or when they touch points in someone’s natal chart. So this cycle from 2017 to 2024 signals years of important changes in the country.

With two Solar Eclipses visible from the United States, between now and April, I believe a lot of change and movement in regards to the US is possible. I believe that some turning point or shocking event could happen in late 2023 and early 2024. Between these two Solar Eclipses, this is a strong moment for revelations and changes in America.

After passing through the US, the Solar Eclipse of the 14th will pass through South America, specially around the Amazon region. With that, I believe that around October-November this year we could see increased international pressure in regards to that region. A lot of discussions and changes in regards to the Amazon Forest could happen now. Similarly, political turbulences in those countries are also possible.

Finally, the Pluto direct factor should be considered. I believe we will see some reversals in regards to politics and politicians. Things going against the plan, sudden obstacles and situations forcing the hands of leaders. This combined influence will signal a politically volatile time.

Going into the Lunar Eclipse, I like to read the Lunar Eclipses as a continuation or a series with the Solar Eclipses. Meaning that they will highlight or add into the main message of the Solar. This Aries eclipse will highlight a rushed or intense energy, which could manifest into strong stances or hasty decisions.

Going along with the volatile situation of the Solar Eclipse, around the Lunar Eclipse, we could see a lot of rush. People trying to force situations, responding harshly or trying to suppress things as a way of escaping the problems revealed or arising at the time.

Another big event of the month are Rahu and Ketu changing signs. The nodes are one of the most important points in Astrology. They denote where the eclipses are happening, and also tend to show where the public mood and consciousness is focused at a certain moment. Aries deals with war, and Libra deals with diplomacy; and those have been big issues of the transit now ending, for instance.

Rahu/Ketu in Aries/Libra12/04/2022 until 30/10/2023
Rahu/Ketu in Pisces/Virgo30/10/2023 until 18/05/2025

With Pisces and Virgo, I first must note that I will publish a text on the subject later this month. But highlighting a few things:

  • Ketu in Virgo will show some troubles with technology and that industry. Reduced sales and interest will tend to lead to reductions in production and investment.
  • Rahu in Pisces will tend to show increased interest in fiction and escapism. Big changes to the entertainment industry are possible and tend to happen during this transit.
    • YouTube started in 2005, with Rahu in Pisces.
  • Similarly, Rahu in Pisces will also show an increased interest in spirituality, religion and esoteric matters.

A final prediction I should add is that Rahu in Aries highlights rush and speed, dealing with hasty and forced decisions. So the Rahu in Pisces transit could show some reversals in regards to poorly planned decisions or rushed ideas implemented in the previous transit. With that, we could see some reversals or inversions in the coming months.

On the more immediate, a thing that should be noted is that planets transiting in the final degrees of a water sign or in the initial degrees of a fire sign are considered unstable. This position is called Gandanta, which could be loosely translated to something like stuck or drowning. Rahu will be Gandanta from around October 14th to about November 14th.

Gandanta transits can indicate extremes of weather, such as hurricanes, storms and earthquakes. As well as fires and excessive heat. So these are some problems that we could see happening around October. On an emotional level, Gandanta transits usually favor extreme emotions or outbursts. So people will tend to be somewhat unstable, overly emotional or angry.

Obviously, this is not the best time for arguments or discussions, and we should try to remain calm and conscious in case conflict arises. Try to pacificate rather than add fuel to the fire, whenever possible.

Going into other planetary movements. Mercury will enter Virgo on October 1st, remaining in the sign until the 18th. Mercury is very strong in Virgo, making this a good time to deal with Mercury matters, communicate and concentrate. Also on the 1st, Venus will enter Leo, as it starts to move away from the degrees that it went retrograde between July and September.

The two most important planetary shifts, however, are the Sun and Mars entering Libra. These two planets deal with power and authority, and they feel somewhat diminished by the sign of Libra. This again highlights the trend, seen by many other factors this month, of issues with politicians and leaders.

Mars will transit conjunct Ketu for the initial days of October. Mars-Ketu is a feisty combination, that tends to show aggression and unhinged action. Again, highlighting what I mentioned above about rushed action, as well as emotional excesses happening this month.


October is a very delicate month this year. Whenever Eclipses happen, the month around it is always a volatile time, where moods are high and we should exercise caution. But this time around, not only do we have the Eclipses, we also have many other factors strengthening the volatility of this moment. Making this a turbulent month, where we should try our best to remain calm and in control of our emotions.


On a mundane level, a lot of the energies this month deal with power and politics, as well as feisty moods. So political polarization, conflicts and issues will be highlighted now. A lot of leaders could be dealing with obstacles and reversals of fortune this month, having to deal with unexpected setbacks or downturns in their plans.

With a Gandanta transit in the sky, we could be dealing with extreme weather or natural calamities. Things like hurricanes, earthquakes, fires or excessive heat. On an emotional level, this type of transit promotes an emotional storm, so people are very prone to outbursts or vicious moods right now. This month could be a time of strong conflict and disagreements, as a lot seems to be rising at this moment.


On a personal level, this is a very interesting month, specially around the very end of it. Rahu and Ketu always highlight the areas of our charts where they are transiting, so their shift into Pisces/Virgo will show a new focal point. Rahu in Pisces, in my view, tends to be a very lovely transit. As it promotes a desire for beauty, spirituality and a sense of detachment from the daily struggles of life. We will see this from November and onwards.

But going back to October, considering the mundane situation and some aggravating transits, it is not the easiest of months. The Eclipses can always bring surprises and changes into our lives, with new discoveries, new paths and growth. Specially if you have a planet conjunct or opposing the degrees of the eclipses, this can be an important moment of change. My guide to eclipses.

My main advice for October would be to remain flexible. Plan and follow through, but allow room for things going out of plan. This is a strong time for destiny and sudden changes, so good opportunities could arise from deviations now.

Another point deals with Rahu leaving Aries. As it leaves that sign, we could be dealing with some closure in regards to the house ruled by Aries in our charts. For instance, Capricorn could be dealing a lot with emotions, as this is their 4th house. Taurus could be dealing with closure, and letting things go, with Aries being the 12th house. And so on and so on.

October has a lot of give and take. In some ways, we are closing issues of the past and moving on. And on the other hand, a lot of new things could be coming into our lives. Change is never easy, but we can harness it for good, and this month provides great opportunities for change.

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