Category: Planet (Page 2 of 3)

Mars in Aries

Mars in Aries is a turbo-overcharge of energy. Aries is a sign ruled by Mars, so he sits home here. Being a fire sign, this stimulates Mars even more. Overall, this is a very active placement that inclines the native towards doing and moving much.

Pride, Passion and Arrogance

Starting things, being first, being the best, daring and challenging others are all things related to this placement.

These natives love a challenge, they love new projects, so they are always starting something new. Will they follow through and keep on it forever? Maybe, probably not. But they start a lot of things. They like being able to say that they were the best ones at something, or the first ones to do something, so they are always trying for something new.

Similarly, they love competition, specially if it means winning. They aren’t ones to run from a fight or challenge, in fact, they might seek them.

Independence and Risk

As said above, these natives love starting things, no matter how different or unusual. Similarly, they don’t care about the risk. A lot of them actually love the idea of a risky venture. They imagine themselves going, winning, and telling others about how they won against all odds.

There is almost a complete lack of risk aversion here. They will take risks. They will do things first, they will do it their own way and they won’t be slowed down by anyone.

Tools and Weapons

Physical strength, initiative and fearfulness are the leading qualities here.

These natives will outpace others, either by having better stamina to deal with thick and thin. This placement frequently shows one that keeps his shape/strength/disposition well into old age. The 65 year old who runs, jumps and does crazy things; compared to the 24 year old that won’t do anything because my bad back.

A lack of fear, or a lack of caring about fear, is similarly a powerful weapon here. A lot of challenges in life are psychological, seeing who succumbs first to fear, and Mars in Aries won’t budge. They will fight till death, so fear won’t stop them.

Anger and Aggression

Aries is quick to anger, but also to calm down. Anger here is usually an outburst, swearing a lot, punching walls/doors and getting it out of their system. But they calm down quickly afterwards.

These natives get angered when losing (not the best losers at all), or when people diminish their accomplishments. Similarly, this position stimulates leadership, and they hate not being in charge. If someone seems slow, and wants to take the lead over them, they will resent that deeply.

Sex and Men

This placement is lustful, although not that lastful. Sex here is more of an urge than a ritual or a shared experience. They want to go, and they want it now and fast. Foreplay is not that big of a deal for them. They can be selfish lovers at times too. Similarly, the chase of winning someone new can be more interesting than actually staying or having a relationship.

Initiative is also present here, and these natives tend to be very upfront and direct, even women. Mars in Aries women will usually take the initiative if they are interested in you, unless you (rarely) manage to be first before her. These natives are not ones to sit around and wait for a lover, they go after it.

Men with this placement will always have an youthful, aggressive and forceful demeanor to them. They will be admired for their strength/power, but also somewhat feared for it.

If you have Mars in Aries, you tend to be attracted to men that are: sportive, daredevil, ruddy, brash or aggressive types. Macho men types are indicated here. Men dealing with sports, personal training, guns, fighting, martial arts, engineering, police officers, military, men in uniform.

Other points

  • Lots of energy, even as they age.
  • They love challenges, hearing a “no” only gives them more resolve.
  • Starting things, being first, doing it their own special way.
  • Women with Mars in Aries are rarely quiet shy types.
  • These natives might lack endurance, they go after something, and then they move on almost immediately after getting it.
  • Not good losers, they get angry.
  • They like being in charge, they will always slightly resent people above them.

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Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces is an interesting placement, as Pisces represents the end of polarities, as well as a diffusive energy. Meanwhile, Mars is all about focused energy and having a defined target. Similarly, Mars promotes individuality, while Pisces promotes merging or melting away with the world. A very interesting energy arises from these contrasts.

Pride, Passion and Arrogance

The passions of Mars in Pisces tend to be extremely variable, ranging from nothing to everything. Mars in Pisces usually has two main expressions, in my view, the diffused seeking and the merged energy.

The diffusive seeking deals with a person that really has no target in life, who stumbles upon life, carelessly. Pisces is all about letting go, so a hippie/troubadour living is always fitting for this sign. A native on this impulse might be involved with many things, many endeavors, without much result or much care about them. He just drifts.

The merged energy deals with a very focused individual, sometimes a captain of industry, very dedicated to his craft — whichever it is. I’ve seen this placement on many successful businessmen or those involved with large institutions. What gives?

Pisces is a formless energy, capable of nothing or everything, so possibilities are endless. A lot of people crave the freedom of being able to do everything, but they don’t consider the stress of having to decide what will you do, and what will you do first. That is the Pisces struggle.

So Mars here will usually find solace in merging, or melting away, in a pursuit and its rules/struggles. By focusing on something, the formless gains form, which is very pleasant to Mars.

Through that, Mars in Pisces will usually associate with a pursuit that requires a lot of them. They will work long hours, pay all the needed dues (maybe even more), be extremely dedicated and give their all.

Mars in Pisces can be found in: business, finance, music, arts, spiritual pursuits (priest, monk, etc.), philosophy, and others.

Independence and Risk

Mars in Pisces will take a lot of risks, and make a lot of sacrifices, for whichever pursuit they pick in life. There is a trend towards martyrdom in Pisces, so Mars here becomes a hero that sacrifices himself for his pursuit. They are not afraid of confrontation, humiliation, losing time, losing money, losing respect. As long as they feel that their pursuit, or mission, is important and deserving of such penance.

A big area of risk for Mars in Pisces tends to be experimentation, the diffusive seeking impulse I mentioned above. Some Mars in Pisces individuals can spend all life going through that. Although, usually, they will only spend part of their youth in that before finding their call. The risk comes from the seeking, where they can take many irresponsible risks or troubled avenues.

Tools and Weapons

Mars here has great intuition and perception of other people, their emotions and desires. So they can easily understand emotions and please people with their actions. This is why they have a knack for business, they know what troubles someone and they can easily provide a solution or safe harbor for that.

On the other hand, their main weapon is emotion. Things like emotional blackmail, verbal attacks or overall anything that afflicts someone mentally. These natives are prone to resentments, repressed anger and somewhat neurotic behavior, with occasional explosions of such repressed feelings.

Anger and Aggression

These natives tend to repress their anger. They are not prone to daily stormy moods, but they will become a hurricane when they crack. Repressed anger tends to be released all at once, at times, not even at the right target. Learning to deal, and release anger, in a constructive manner is a key lesson for this placement.

Feeling neglected, used or cheated causes deep anger on these people.

Sex and Men

Mars in Pisces usually shows that sexuality is an important emotional avenue for the native. So they need to feel connected or in sync with their partners before engaging in sex. Mars in Pisces usually shows someone very adaptable and tending to a partner’s needs.

For a man with Mars in Pisces, his behavior will always have a somewhat elusive or mysterious nature to it. People might have a hard time understanding you, you yourself could at times not understand the reasons behind the way you act.

If you have Mars in Pisces, you tend to be attracted to men that are: artistic, spiritual, mysterious, elusive. It also shows attraction towards those that are troubled in some manner, maybe someone with emotional issues, a broken bird of sorts, someone that seems to need help or support.

Other points

  • This placement deals a lot with exploring, searching and trying many different things, specially in youth.
  • At times, this placement can deal with sexual promiscuity, as the native will have a desire to explore.
  • Confusion is usually present here, and the native might need help to figure out his calling, or what he has to do in life.
  • When a vocation/pursuit is found, the native will be extremely dedicated and focused there. A lot of Mars in Pisces natives are very dutiful and committed.
  • Learning to deal with anger is a key lesson here. As not expressing it can lead to big blow ups.

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