Category: Transits (Page 1 of 18)

20 of Plenty: Saturn in Aquarius


Saturn is now transiting at about 20° Aquarius. Saturn transiting the last 10 degrees of a sign is always the most noticeable portion of the transit, it is when results (good and bad) start being strongly felt in the world.

Saturn entered 20 degrees Aquarius on the 27th of December, so from then until March 29th — when the planet will enter Pisces — we will be going through this. I hate the overuse of the word karmic, but this is a karmic transit, so the term is fitting here.

Finalizations, conclusions, consequences and discoveries will tend to come out now. On a mundane level, we will see this manifesting through endings, there is a strong sense of a “chapter ending” now in the world. Shifts in public opinion are likely now.

But on a personal level is where this will truly be seen. Some sense of anxiety could be felt about the Aquarius house in our chart, as we feel the need to consolidate the change or work we’ve done since Saturn entered Aquarius in January 2023.

For instance, for Pisces this could deal with letting go of things, maybe past concerns or stressful pursuits. For Gemini, this could deal with improving their career. For Leo, it could deal with improving their relationships.

Check my predictions for Saturn in Aquarius here to understand what this means for your sign.

Saturn’s transits are all about restrictions teaching us about responsibility. So this final portion is the moment to take charge, understand what we can improve and how we can more responsibly deal with life. Take a moment to think about the things that bother or trouble you, and how you can fix or improve them in the future.

2025 in Astrology


2025 will be a year of great change astrologically. Saturn will change signs, going into Pisces. Rahu and Ketu will change signs, going into Aquarius and Leo. Uranus will enter Taurus. All this, along with important mundane aspects like Saturn-Neptune and Uranus trine Pluto, shows a time for great change in the world. It is a very volatile moment in time.

Early 2025, in many ways, will be a rehash of many 2024 situations. Mars retrograde shows that, as the planet will transit the same degrees between August 2024 and May 2025. To a great level, the early months of the year are a lot about reliving the end of 2024.

Similarly, some issues of 2020 and 2021 will make a comeback, in a new fashion. Formerly promoted things could be shunned, formerly shunned things could be promoted. Reversals, reviews and disavows will tend to happen.

Late February and early March can be troublesome moments, with Mars turning direct and promoting conflict from a pent-up energy.

We will slowly start moving ahead. The winds of change will start being seen around March, with the Eclipses and Saturn entering Pisces. Greater change will come around May, when Rahu and Ketu change signs. Rahu and Saturn will make a very interesting inversion, each entering the sign the other one was transiting in 2024.

This inversion deals a lot with illusions and harsh reality. Rahu in Pisces, close to Neptune, promotes illusions and deception. So many matters and problems were easily kept under the rug with this influence. It was easier to lie an deceive under this influence.

In 2025, not only does this influence stops helping, but Saturn approaching Neptune will promote the opposite. It is not that the whole world will suddenly wake up and we will be forever changed. But many harsh realities will come out and be felt in the world. People will be shocked, frustrated and forced to deal with it.

Economically, in some places of the world, this will deal with crisis and issues coming out. Many woes or troubles kept under wraps will come out in 2025. Similar frustration, as denoted above, will arise. Changes in leadership around the world will be another strong factor, with the decline and possible fall of many rulers.

From late March to mid May, Saturn and Rahu will be transiting conjunct in Pisces. Saturn-Rahu is an influence that promotes protests, turmoil and agitation. So after the March eclipses, we could enter a very heated moment.

Around June, we start moving away from the past, and seeing new influences coming out. For good and bad. On the positive, the second half of 2025 can be specially great for technology. With new great advances coming out and improving our world. The summer months can be a time of protests or conflict.

In September, the second round of Eclipses will happen. The Eclipses signal a time for strong change and transformation in the world. The end of 2025 will deal a lot with change and the woes of change. On the positive, we will be moving forward with new things coming into play. Still, many will be dealing with anger, frustration and unhappiness about the transformations happening.

Overall, 2025 is a very volatile year, we are on the verge of great change in the coming years and many things are uncertain now. Learning to adapt and be flexible is a very important thing this coming year.


Main Factors

Saturn conjunct Neptune

2025 has two big and important aspects happening, the main one being Saturn conjunct Neptune. Those that read all my writings are probably sick of me talking about this aspect, but it is a very important influence. It shows a new cultural cycle, moving away from the previous one started in the late 80s. Culture forms society, so this is the starting point for many changes in the world

On the political landscape, this is a strong moment of change. Any leader who entered office before 2025 will be in an uncomfortable position. They might be swapped by a rival, or even a new comer, as the moods shift away from the sentiment that lead them into power.

Saturn conjunct Neptune predictions

The quote above, from September 2024, highlights this as a time of political change with the shifting moods around the world. Obviously, the Trump election in the US is a great illustration of this, with the incumbents losing. Similarly, the fall of Assad in Syria is another example. But I expect to see similar changes going forward in other countries in the world, the moods are shifting.

Again, I don’t want to repeat my whole predictions for Saturn-Neptune here, those that want more details are advised to read them. The important thing to understand is that 2025 is a time for big cultural and societal changes.

Uranus trine Pluto

This aspect has an irregular frequency, but it last happened about 100 years ago, in the 1920s. That was when Hitler and Stalin were rising to power. The aspect puts Uranus, the planet of revolution and change; energizing Pluto, the planet of power and control. So it is an aspect about change in the world, change in leaders, change in how the world is organized. This aspect will be in effect from 2025 to 2029, marking a strong moment of change in the world.

With Uranus and Pluto in earth signs, the change incoming deals a lot with tangible things, material life, as well as the economy. Incoming economic shifts, for good and bad, will force people to deal with reality. From that, we will see major shifts and transformations.

Obviously, with this aspect spanning about half a decade, 2025 won’t have the end game of everything. Still, combined with other influences, this aspect will promote major changes and developments this year.

Jupiter square Saturn

The second big factor of the year is Jupiter square Saturn. This aspect englobed the second half of 2024, and will be with us for the first semester of 2025. It shows a turning point, or review, of the great conjunction of these two planets in 2020. As such, it deals a lot with reviewing and looking back on what happened around 2020 and 2021. Themes like the pandemic, internet censorship, and others are likely to come back into focus now.

Other factors

Aquarius and Pisces switch

An interesting pattern between 2024 and 2025 is the switch between Saturn and Rahu. 2024 had Saturn in Aquarius and Rahu in Pisces, 2025 will have Saturn in Pisces and Rahu in Aquarius. This is a very interesting change, as Saturn restricts while Rahu exalts and highlights. So Aquarius will go from zero to hero, while Pisces will do the opposite.

This will be specially prominent in regards to technology, I published on this recently. Restrictions in the industry will be lifted, and many improvements are likely to come.

But technology isn’t the only Aquarius area available. Aquarius is the sign of disruption, so anything disruptive, that transforms society, falls under this realm. Aquarius also rules radical politics, conspiracy theories, science, new discoveries/inventions. Again, with the shift, all these areas will lose their restrictions and tend to rise.

With Pisces, the opposite route will happen. It rules religion, deep faith, wise elders and/or counsellors, arts and creativity, music, photography and cinema. The high created by Rahu will leave the sign, being replaced by the restrictions of Saturn. So a downturn in those areas is possible.

Pisces rules wise elders, as we no longer live mostly in tribes, this relates to bureaucrats or boards. So these will tend to be weakened around the world.

With the arts, I expect to see mergers of movie studios and production companies. Reductions, cost cutting and more efficiency on a smaller market.

Religious scandals, specially sex-abuse scandals, are also a possibility.

Bear in mind that Saturn will remain in Pisces from 2025 to around 2028 (it will enter Aries in 2027 for a bit, retrograding back), so these restrictions and woes are possible in the next couple of years as well.

Mars Retrograde

Mars starts the year retrograde, so it will have a repetitive pattern in the first semester of 2025. It will transit in Cancer and Gemini up until June, when it will finally enter Leo, after being in the two previous signs since August 2024.

  • 26/08/2024 05:55 Mars in Gemini
  • 20/10/2024 04:52 Mars in Cancer
  • 06/12/2024 18:28 Mars retrograde 11°57’57” Cancer
  • 20/01/2025 23:35 Mars in Gemini (R)
  • 23/02/2025 21:07 Mars direct 22°48’22” Gemini
  • 02/04/2025 15:59 Mars in Cancer
  • 06/06/2025 16:42 Mars in Leo

Mars is the heat of action, it shows the moods exciting and stimulating people at a certain time. With Gemini, that deals mostly with communication and search for new ideas. With Cancer, it deals with emotion, familiarity and a desire to be nurtured. Cancer is the lowest point for Mars, showing childishness or passional/emotional action, rather than logical efforts.

The Gemini moment, between January and early April, will deal a lot with freedom of speech and movement around the world.

The Cancer moment will be a time of deep emotion, and deep irrationality, specially as Mars will oppose Pluto, adding fuel to the fire.

  • 03/11/2024 06:37 Mars opposing Pluto 05°33’34” (Cancer-Capricorn)
  • 03/01/2025 02:22 Mars opposing Pluto 06°55’45” (Cancer-Capricorn)
  • 26/04/2025 21:05 Mars opposing Pluto 09°35’38” (Cancer-Capricorn)

These oppositions can be heated moments of conflict, with protests or clashes happening. Mars in Cancer is somewhat dysfunctional, so actual practical results might be lacking after said protests. Still, they might be noticeable or troublesome.

Mars entering Leo will break the cycle, and after June we might start to see major change in the world, with Mars moving on from this Gemini and Cancer focus.

Major Planetary Shifts

  • 18/03/2025 20:11 Uranus in Taurus
  • 29/03/2025 12:15 Saturn in Pisces
  • 14/05/2025 13:07 Jupiter in Gemini
  • 18/05/2025 10:05 Rahu/Ketu enter Aquarius/Leo (until 05/12/2026)
  • 18/10/2025 10:19 Jupiter in Cancer
  • 05/12/2025 06:55 Jupiter in Gemini

The major change of 2025 is Uranus entering Taurus, where it will remain consistently until 2031. It was in Aries between 2017 and 2023, and between both signs in 2024. Now it will remain in Taurus.

The Saturn change was discussed in a section above, same as the Rahu change. On the nodes, I must add that the change is very important in regards to the Eclipses.

The Jupiter cycle, with yearly changes, is unusual and interesting this year. First, up until May we remain under the influence of Jupiter in Taurus. So early 2025 will deal a lot with economy, security and stability. The entry of Uranus in the sign indicates a time of change, where past stable or certain things will start changing. Jupiter here will highlight problem areas and things that need to be changed.

After May, we will have the main Jupiter transit of 2025, with Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter here will favor technology, communication and expression. Specially considering the pattern of Mars, going retrograde in the same sign, this is a strong time for Gemini matters. Many changes are possible in regards to tech, media, communication and others.

Between October and December, we will have a temporary venture of Jupiter into Cancer, the sign of exaltation of the planet. Jupiter in Cancer could unearth past issues, and strengthen the search for justice about past wrongdoings and deceptions. But I tend to see this as a stronger thing in 2026, albeit we could get a small preview in 2025.

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