Saturn stays in a sign for 2.5 years, taking about 29 years to go around the whole zodiac. Saturn’s transit shows an area of life where hurdles give us opportunities and teach us about discipline and responsibility. Saturn has been transiting Capricorn since January 2020, starting this January 17th, Saturn will enter the sign of Aquarius and remain there until March 2025.
Saturn in Aquarius transit: 17/01/2023 until 29/03/2025
Saturn in Capricorn was an interesting transit on itself. Saturn’s grand conjunction with Jupiter, a main predictive factor in mundane astrology, happened here on December 2020. The Grand Conjunction happens every 20 years, and sets the tone for the coming 20 years. On that note, Capricorn themes are very strong from 2020 to 2040.
Saturn in Aquarius won’t have such grandeur as the preceding sign, but it still remains a very interesting transit. First of all, both Capricorn and Aquarius are signs ruled by Saturn, so the planet is strong in both signs. When a planet is strong, transits tend to be smoother. Second of all, Saturn enters Aquarius just as Neptune leaves the sign — Neptune will enter Pisces on February 18th, about a month from Saturn entering Aquarius.
Saturn and Neptune are polar opposite influences. Neptune deals with fantasy, escapism, other worlds and illusions. Saturn deals with cold and hard reality, grounding, material matters and a strong connection with the practical side of life. Neptune’s transit in Aquarius, as I delineated in a previous article, heightened the illusions related to Aquarius; specially in regards to politics and technology. Saturn, being a grounding influence, will enter the sign of Aquarius like a janitor doing clean-up.
On that note, the coming years could show a lot of shifts on political and technological matters. A hard awakening, on many levels, will come out of this. Great disappointments will happen as Saturn grounds and melts a lot of the illusions created in the last decade.
Aspect wise, this is a tamer moment for Saturn. In 2019, we had a conjunction with Ketu. In 2020, we had the Grand Conjunction with Jupiter. In 2021 and 2022, we had Saturn squaring Uranus. This time, no major conjunctions or aspects will happen until 2025, when Saturn will conjunct Rahu.
In the dance of Mundane Astrology, this is a very interesting shift. From 2019 to 2022 we’ve had 4 years of Saturn being a prominent influence on global matters. As Saturn deals with restriction, these were very restrictive years. With the current shift, things will become more free willing, as Saturn’s role will be reduced.
On a personal level, Saturn in his own sign will usually provide for a more productive transit. Saturn’s personal transit is all about understanding and improving problem areas in our lives, areas that are weak spots needing more work and focus. Important life lessons usually come out of this process.
Below we have transit predictions for all the 12 signs, please read in accordance to your Ascendant or Moon sign:
- Aries: The 11th house is a place of collaboration, association, and mingling. This is an interesting transit for Aries, that naturally prefers to either work alone or work leading others instead of collaborating. Right now, you are being asked to share the burden, learn to cooperate and deal with others in general. Stepping over people, or trying to dominate them, will not work now. Managing your ego is a key issue now. Money wise, this is not the best moment for speculation or risky pursuits.
- Taurus: The 10th house transit for Saturn is a great time. This is a high moment for expression and achievement in life, specially in regards to career and public achievement. You might be very dynamic in your work in the coming years. Overall, this is a great transit. The major caveats here deal with overworking yourself, to the point of neglecting your personal life. But as long as you find a balance, things will tend to be smooth.
- Gemini: As Saturn moves out of your 8th house, an improvement in your mood happens. You will feel uplifted and invigorated. Entering the 9th house, the realm of ideas, discernment/discrimination, and philosophies we start focusing more on building a proper mindset. Saturn here forces you to organize your thoughts and ideas, and take charge of formulating your life rules. The big mission of this transit is organizing your life, understanding your views and ideas, and applying that into the world. For Gemini specifically, this is a very grounding transit. The sign is usually fleety with ideas, and Saturn here forces you to be pragmatic and organized. Education wise, this would be a good time for studies.
- Cancer: The 8th house is the realm of occult and dark energies, so this transit usually bestows a gloomy mood to a native. Thinking about mortality or dealing with deaths close to you could be issues here. Feeling unsupported or ungrounded are another problem area. The 8th house deals with transformation and, truthfully, this transit is about putting the effort into transforming yourself. A big lesson here deals with independence, standing on your own two feet instead of relying on others.
- Leo: In the 7th house, Saturn will affect Leo very personally. The 1st-7th axis deals with your personal boundaries, in contrast with the world and the people around you. So a big mission, in the coming years, is to find a balance between people’s expectations of you, and your true desires and needs. If Leo has been giving in too much, this is the moment to change this. Alongside this, Leo could be dealing with issues in their relationships, specially in regards to family. A change in family dynamics is possible, specially in regards to the father. Traveling, and change of residence, are possibilities for Leo now; as they reevaluate their living situation. Leo is in a phase of externalization, of getting out into the world. Overall, this is a very strong transit for setting goals and defining boundaries in life; the big issue here deals with managing the people around you, and their expectations, so that they don’t stunt your efforts.
- Virgo: In the 6th house, Saturn will focus a lot on Virgo’s inner world. Managing life, health, routines and the daily struggles of life become key. Sleeping troubles are a possibility now. The natives could be somewhat shunned from spiritual practices such as meditation, as they feel too busy or preoccupied with other matters. Travel plans, and communications, might be reduced as Virgo is forced to focus more on more internal and backstage matters. Some mental or emotional disturbance is possible during this transit, so seeking help when necessary is a key point. This transit is all about preparation, and making the ground work, so laying low in the background might be a frequent situation here. A problem area here could be communication, with hiccups or misunderstandings happening; delays in travel or in receiving deliveries are possible too. Virgo should focus on setting up structures, organizing his life and his world.
- Libra: The 5th house is the house of creativity, fun, speculation and education. On a financial level, this is not the best moment for risky investments or speculation. For creative projects and self-expression this might be an ambivalent time. On one side, you might be more invested than usual in those pursuits. On the other hand, things might be slow or discouraging. There is a big difference between working because you enjoy certain work, or working because you enjoy the possibility of a reward. Right now, rewards will seem more distant than usual, but the quality of the work could improve a lot. On an educational front, struggles are possible. Coasting off others, or doing the bare minimal won’t cut it, you will have to put in the work. Overall, for Libra, this is a time where you are asked to apply your best work and effort into things. It is not an easy process, but the long term rewards could be great if you do things the right way.
- Scorpio: Saturn in the 4th house puts a strong focus on your inner world. This transit always provides a strong grounding, as you are forced to look within your emotions and re-think a lot of your needs. Externally, a lot could be going on with your family, specially in regards to your mother. Health wise, this could be a time for making improvements and changing routines. In your work, opportunities might be available, but managing your time becomes a key thing. Usually, this transit makes you focus on home and 4th house issues, putting work in the back burner, so juggling the two areas is key here. This is a great time for dealing with your emotions and healing old wounds.
- Sagittarius: With Saturn in the 3rd house, a restructuring of life becomes key. This is the house of effort and competition, Saturn stimulates you towards approaching those matters with discipline. Slacking off and procrastinating are not favored by this transit. This is also the house of communication, so hiccups are possible in this area. You might aggravate someone with your words, so try to maintain diplomacy. Moving into a new house could also happen during this transit. This is a moment of building and preparing yourself.
- Capricorn: With Saturn in your 2nd house, first of all, a lot of pressure is relieved. With the planet in your 1st house since 2020, things might have been tense or overbearing. Finances are key concern now, as a lot in your life seems to deal with money. This is a time for grounding yourself and finding a good support structure in your life.
- Aquarius: Saturn enters you 1st house, which marks a complicated phase of life. This is a time of heavy responsibility and efforts, you will face many challenges and you will be asked to take up many burdens now. This is a strong moment of change, and juggling a lot of things will come into play. Good opportunities can come out of this, with new projects or fresh pursuits.. This is a time where you “grow up” in a lot of ways, taking charge of life instead of just riding it carelessly. It is not the easiest transit, but it is an important phase of growth for you.
- Pisces: Saturn in the 12th house marks a moment of closure and finalization. Dealing with the aftermath of recent years, your decisions, projects and pursuits is the focus now. This is the moment to make peace with what happened, good and bad, and build yourself up towards moving on. Dealing with your parents, specially the father, could be an important point now. Your focus now should be on finding closure and releasing yourself of burdens. A trend here could be escapism, or avoiding your problems, you shouldn’t do that. The more you avoid your burdens, the more the past will come back to bite you.