April starts on a tense note, as we are between Eclipses, with a Lunar one on March 25th and a Solar Eclipse coming on April 8th. The weeks around Eclipses are always tense moments, where big events, changes and announcements can happen. There is always an urge for transformation, or an angst for letting something out, with Eclipses. With that, it can be a time of volatility and instability. As the circumstances of the world change, and so do our personal lives.
Mercury will go retrograde this month, on April 1st (what a sick joke), only going direct on April 25th. The usual precautions for Mercury retrograde are recommended. Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer problems, miscommunications, delays in deliveries and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise.
Events in April 2024
- 01/04/2024 18:14 Mercury retrograde 03°01’26” Aries
- 04/04/2024 23:28 Sun Conjunct Rahu 21°38’38” Pisces
- 08/04/2024 14:17 Solar Eclipse in Revati 25°10′ Pisces
- Astrological New Year
- 09/04/2024 12:11 Mercury in Pisces
- 10/04/2024 16:36 Mars Conjunct Saturn 20°29’03” Aquarius
- 13/04/2024 11:34 Sun in Aries
- 20/04/2024 22:27 Jupiter Conjunct Uranus 27°38’06” Aries
- 22/04/2024 23:09 Mars in Pisces
- 23/04/2024 19:49 Full Moon in Swati 10°06’15” Libra
- 24/04/2024 14:29 Venus in Aries
- 25/04/2024 08:55 Mercury direct 21°47’09” Pisces
- 29/04/2024 00:31 Mars Conjunct Neptune 04°40’44” Pisces
I usually don’t care much for Mercury retrograde, even though a lot of astrologers and non-astrologers seem to take it as the end of the world. It is a time of review, something you should be doing already anyway, so go review.
I’ve travelled, published, bought electronics and done tons of things that are seen as verbotten for Mercury retrograde. The secret is that there is no secret, just review things. If you are travelling, check back on the details. See if the gates or times changed, see if everything you scheduled is ok. If you have meetings or deadlines, double check them, make sure that the people involved know it too, etc. If you have a commitment that starts from the phrase “he probably knows this”, you should know that he probably doesn’t know.
With computers and tech, they need maintenance. Yes, it is annoying to give maintenance, which is why people make a living on giving tech support. Mercury retrograde is the time to review, update, check those error messages you usually ignore, make backups, review your sources and services, etc. Mercury retro is usually the key moment for maintenance and tender-loving-care with your tech gadgets.
The word “secret”, by the way, is my biggest pet peeve in Astrology. Whenever I see the word secret popping up, in a book or course or whatever, I know that I’m about to see the blandest most common knowledge ever. Something I learned alone, reading the most basic bitch book, in my first 6 months of studying. As Avril Lavigne says “you know it’s not a secret”, also, I can be your girlfriend.
The Solar Eclipse happens in Pisces, on April 8th, I’ve written a full prediction on the Eclipse. But to summarize, it shows a time of big changes, specially for people who stand tall. Those in power, those leading fields or those in high positions.
An interesting point is that Mercury will go retrograde over the Eclipse degrees, so the Eclipse will be a strong presence throughout the month. As Mercury will reactivate those energies in April and May. Also, with this Solar Eclipse being the Astrological New Year, I refer readers to my 2024 predictions.
An important aspect happening this month is the Mars-Saturn conjunction, which shows a moment of intensity and aggression. Violence and aggravation of conflicts are possibilities now. This aspects tends to trigger anger, ideas of revenge or a quest for getting back at something/someone. This intense Mars-Saturn energy is with us through most of April, up until the 22nd, when Mars will enter Pisces. So this can be a turbulent month.
Another aspect this month is Jupiter conjunct Uranus, this is an intense aspect for change and new developments. In the year ahead, we can see a lot of change in the world. In the short term, April can be a surprising and volatile moment, where unexpected events can change the course of things.
The Full Moon this month happens in Swati nakshatra, a star related to Vayu the wind god. It relates a lot to travel, but also with discoveries or sudden ideas. The energy here is to spread like the wind, so it can relate to being led in a new direction, discovering important information or finding a new course in life.
I always note the first Full/New Moon after the Eclipses, as it shows how we are going back to normal, away from the tense and karmic energy of the eclipses. In this case, the energy here deals a lot with new ideas or changes in course, so April will be a month trending a lot towards change.
The month ends with Mars conjunct Neptune. On the positive, this aspect will promote a good time for love matters, pleasure and anything related to the arts. On the negative, it puts a gun (Mars) near illusions (Neptune), so it can be a time of strong ideologies and extreme discourse.
April starts between Eclipses, so the early part of the month has a ton of uncertainty. Things will become clearer around the 15th and beyond, specially after the Full Moon on the 23rd. The month combines uncertainty with tense aspects of Mars, so it can be a time of conflict. Overall, this is a strong month for change.
Mars will make a conjunction with Saturn this month, and another with Rahu in May. So April and May are both months filled with turbulence, tension and anger. All kinds of conflicts going on now can intensify, we should be aware and prepared.
A lot can change in the US, as the Solar Eclipse will have a very marking presence there.
Early April (or even late March) could deal with some type of complicated message or upsetting event, triggering a need for change in life. Discovering some kind of trickery by others, or a mistake in our past, can figure strongly this month. It can be an emotionally turbulent moment, but we also have the energy and support now to make the best of it.
Mercury retrograde is the moment for review, so rectifying or correcting anything figures strongly now. The strong Mars aspects of April and May, similarly, have the great positive of providing us with energy to tackle anything and solve any problem.
Overall, the month ahead is a great time for changing course, solving past mistakes and moving on.
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