The big event of August will be Uranus turning retrograde, this is the planet of surprise, so unexpected twists and turns will tend to happen. I believe some interesting events and changes are possible this month because of this transit.

August will also have Mercury retrograde, in the very end of the month, going into September. The usual precautions for Mercury retrograde are prescribed: Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer problems, miscommunications, delays in deliveries and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise.

  • On going (whole month): Venus retrograde
  • 01/08/2023 14:32 Full Moon in Capricorn 15°04’43”
  • 07/08/2023 01:32 Venus in Cancer
  • 16/08/2023 05:38 New Moon in Cancer 29°06’08”
  • 17/08/2023 04:03 Sun in Leo
  • 18/08/2023 06:24 Mars in Virgo
  • 23/08/2023 15:59 Mercury retrograde 27°40’00” Leo
    • Mercury retrograde: 23/08 until 15/09
  • 28/08/2023 21:06 Uranus retrograde 28°53’22” Aries
    • 27/01/2024 03:31 Uranus direct 24°53’46” Aries
  • 30/08/2023 21:36 Full Moon in Aquarius 13°14’05”

We are also going through Venus retrograde, since July 22nd and going into September 3rd. I’ve discussed Venus retrograde thoroughly last month, both on July’s predictions and on a dedicated text. The gist of it is that we are reevaluating relationships and what is important, or valuable, to us. Both personally and on a mundane level.

On some other interesting shifts, the Sun will enter his own sign of Leo from August 17th until September 17th. The Sun here is very powerful and confident, certain of himself. So we all feel an energy boost now, making it a good time to think of new projects and kickstart some positive changes. For Leo ascendants and Moons, specially, this is the best time of the year. Important changes for these natives could arise now.

Mars will enter the sign of Virgo on the 18th, staying there until October 3rd. Virgo is the sign of details, precision and organization. So Mars here is excellent for detail work and executive decisions. Mars in Virgo is frequently seen in the charts of dentists, surgeons or engineers; as these are areas that require precise action and attention to minimal details. For the rest of us, this Mars transit is great for getting ourselves organized, planning things, thinking about the long term and building systems to manage our lives and tasks.

Going back into Uranus, as we’ve seen with Saturn in June, planets have a slow down phase before turning retrograde. This stationary phase of the planets makes them more prominent and noticeable. As Uranus is the planet of change and sudden developments, we can infer some shifts and turns by the second half of August.

Sudden changes and developments are possible. Things will tend to be very fickle from mid-August until early September. Although I can’t pinpoint what will happen exactly, I believe that we will see some strong volatility in regards to the economy. Extremes, highs and lows, will tend to happen around these weeks. Exercising caution, and not panicking, will be essential.

2023 is the final year with Uranus fully into Aries. In 2024, Uranus will venture temporarily in Taurus, where it will remain for about 6 months, until it retrogrades back into Aries. Then in 2025 we will see Uranus entering Taurus to stay until 2032. As we’ve seen with Neptune in Pisces, these changes mark new eras or phases of life in the world, as the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) have longer cycles. It is interesting to note that Uranus will only go back in Aries around the year 2100, almost 80 years from now. I will probably write more on Uranus Retrograde and the Aries transit later this month.

August will also have the fairly rare occurrence of two Full Moons in the same month. Whenever two Full Moons happen in a month, the second one is called a blue moon. The name has nothing to do with the actual color being seen in the skies, and it deals more with older English slang, denoting something extra that runs out of the norm of one Full Moon per month.

The first Full Moon on August 1st will start the month well. It will happen in Shravana nakshatra, a star that deals a lot with learning, listening and thinking. The Moon will also form an aspect to Jupiter. So this Full Moon will be a great moment to think about our goals, make plans and organize things.

The New Moon on August 16th is similarly an extra. We’ve already had a New Moon in Cancer, on July 17th, this is a second one happening at 29 degrees Cancer — the very edge of the sign. This is a New Moon in Ashlesha nakshatra. That star deals a lot with emotional highs, excesses, as well as complicated things like poisons and manipulation.

With the New Moon happening just as the Sun is changing signs, we might feel on the edge in a lot of ways. Turbulent moods, excesses and anger are some issues that could arise around this New Moon. I would avoid important decisions around the 15th-20th, as things will be very volatile around then, things could rapidly change and you might regret any big decision made.

The blue Full Moon on August 30th will happen in Shatabishak nakshatra, along with Saturn. This star deals a lot with technology, futuristic matters and rejuvenation or healing. In a lot of ways, this could be a good time to stop and relax, regroup before moving ahead. With Saturn here, we could run into some obstacle or something that triggers us to stop and rethink things, rebuilding them better.



August is a month that deals a lot with change, and preparation for it. The month will start with a Full Moon in Shravana, one of the greatest nakshatras for thinking, planning and dealing intellectually with our problems. Along with that, the whole month will have Venus retrograde, a transit that stimulates us to think and analyze what is truly valuable or important in life.

A lot of things this August are telling us to stop, think and plan. This might be the best month of the year for coming up with new ideas, organizing our life and projects. Mars in Virgo is very helpful in this regard, and that transit will be with us from August 18th until October 3rd. Mercury Retrograde, late into the month from August 23rd and going into September, is similarly a good time to rethink and reassess, making for well-thought plans.

August has a good sense of give and take, in my opinion, as both the New Moon on the 16th and Uranus retrograde on the 28th deal with unexpected or sudden changes. On one hand, these two events in the month are bringing change, surprising twists and possible abrupt reformulations of life. On the other hand, we will start the month with a very supportive Full Moon and we will also have other great transits for thinking and planning — such as Mars in Virgo — going forward.

It is a great give and take. As we are getting change, but we are also getting tools and support to deal with it, to think and orient us around it.


On a mundane level, I believe things will focus more on the take side of things. The New Moon in Ashlesha is a very interesting point. This is, in many ways, the nakshatra of politics. It deals with immediate thought, not thinking in the long term. It deals with excessive emotions, vicious moods, manipulation, aggression, back-stabbing and a lot of other complications.

Venus will retrograde back into this nakshatra on August 7th, remaining there until October 1st. This puts a strong Ashlesha impulse into August, as Venus will still be retrograde, so we could see a lot of shifts and complications in politics. Authoritarian moods, selfish actions, censorship are some of the things we could see strongly now.

Something I would highlight is that any deal, partnership, or major collaboration announced now will deal with major reversals.

Venus retrograde alone is not the best moment for forming a partnership, but with this Ashlesha impulse in the background, things are bound to be complicated. People will agree at face with something, all while thinking something else in the background, or having ulterior motives and other plans.

Along for the ride, Uranus turning retrograde will uproot things, with sudden changes and developments. Which could alter anything discussed or agreed previously. Mercury retrograde will similarly muddy the waters.

Any deal made now will face reversals. For instance, a country could change its mind. A leader might find a reason to delay or quash the deal. Backhanded movements will tend to happen and undo the agreement in some way. Similarly, people might be dealing with cheating or backstabbing now.

This August we might see strong impulses and announcements, by politicians or corporations, that will either be toned down or cancelled entirely later on. Rhetoric will be high but, as usual, with not much substance behind it.

Economically, things will be very volatile this month, for good and bad. A lot of highs and lows will happen this August, they might seem like a big deal, but similarly suffer a reversal as with other matters I highlighted.

Extra points

  • With Mars in Virgo, some health scares might happen. This transit will be with us from August 18th until October 3rd.
  • This is a great month to plan, maybe do a review of the first part of your year, and organize yourself going forward.
  • On a mundane level, we will be dealing with a lot of smoke this month. Meaning that rhetoric will be high, with things being blown out of proportion. Tread carefully.