December will end the year in true 2023 fashion, with lots of ups and downs. First, we start the month with the Sun-Mars conjunction still in effect. So the feisty moods and the excess of energy going around remains. This aspect will wane around the 14th of December, and we will start to feel less of its effect, specially later in the month and onwards.

The month starts with Neptune turning direct on the 6th, with that, Neptune will be stationary for much of early December. So there is a strong shadow of illusions, confusion and dreaminess early this month. Strong cravings for escapism are possible with this influence.

With Rahu in Pisces, Neptune becomes an even stronger influence. The two planets are far from a conjunction, but with both of them highlighting the Pisces impulse, we all want to dream and feel that out of world energy right now. This is a great moment to engage with things like meditation, yoga, arts or even things like visualization and dreaming up goals. Listening to music, reading inspirational or spiritual texts, or working on something creative are good things to do now.

Also, whenever Neptune is prominent in transit, our dreams tend to be somewhat prophetic. So keeping a dream journal, and being aware of the messages there, is a good idea now.

Events in December 2023

  • 06/12/2023 09:14 Neptune direct 00°41’55” Pisces
    • 30/06/2023 13:46 Neptune retrograde 03°30’14” Pisces
  • 12/12/2023 18:32 New Moon in Scorpio 26°29’02”
  • 13/12/2023 02:08 Mercury retro 14°17’57” Sagittarius
    • 01/01/2024 22:08 Mercury direct 27°59’24” Scorpio
  • 16/12/2023 05:28 Sun in Sagittarius
  • 24/12/2023 20:16 Venus in Scorpio
  • 26/12/2023 19:33 Full Moon in Gemini 10°46’41”
  • 27/12/2023 13:52 Mars in Sagittarius
  • 28/12/2023 00:25 Mercury in Scorpio
  • 30/12/2023 21:58 Jupiter direct 11°23’24” Aries
    • 04/09/2023 09:58 Jupiter retrograde 21°23’46” Aries

December will have Mercury retrograde, starting on the 13th and going into the first day of 2024. The usual precautions for Mercury retrograde are prescribed: Mercury is the planet of communications, so everything related to communications could be slowed down. Computer glitches, miscommunications, delays in deliveries, problems with commutes/travels and other kinds of issues become possible. Avoid mistakes by double checking and confirming things, and try to be patient when problems arise.

I could stare at this all day

I detest the amount of fear-mongering that people make about Mercury Retrograde, as if the world ended every time that little green glyph on my astrology software got a ℞ symbol near it.

It encompasses travel and communications, which indeed are big things of life in our current age, but they are not everything. Things unrelated to communications are not affected, and even when communicating, you can still do it, you just have to be more attentive and through. Two skills that are never bad to practice anyway.

Around the 22nd to the 25th, we will have a formation called Yod in the skies, formed by Mars, Ketu and Uranus. Yod is sometimes called “finger of god”, because it is related to fated occurrences in a natal chart or transit. The aspect is formed by a harmonic interaction between two planets (Mars and Ketu here), who both form a disharmonic interaction with a third planet — Uranus here.

Mars is the planet of war, Ketu is the planet of identities, having also some violent connotations at times too. Uranus is the wild card, finishing up his transit in Aries, the sign of war. With that, we have a strong connection between war, pride and identity; in disharmony with suddenness and revolution.

Considering the wars going on in the world, cold and hot, this aspect could show a time for strong declaration or events. A turning point of sorts could occur in this period, maybe with an aggravation.

For the United States, there is an interesting culmination going on this month too. As I’ve discussed on my US Sade Sati text, 2023 has been the year of Saturn transiting the natal Moon of the country. The final exact hit will happen on December 6th, just as Neptune turns direct in Purva Bhadrapada.

To me, this shows the breakage of some illusion in regards to the country. Neptune will square the natal Mars of the US, and the Pisces transit puts it opposing the natal Neptune of the United States, in Virgo. Neptune represents our great ideals, illusions, the transcendental meanings we attribute to things.

On the most positive interpretation of this transit, this could show the truth coming out in some form, with the shadows of recent events being revealed. My interpretation is that a new illusion of America will come out of this. A new image, ideal or dream coming out for the country is a big theme for the coming years.

The New Moon this month happens on the nakshatra of Jyeshtha, a star related to power, authority and strength. The New Moon will happen with Mars also in this star, and in the weakening conjunction of Sun and Mars. This could be a time of power struggles, specially in regards to a recent change or transformation. Some themes of abuse of authority are also possible under this influence. Something said now could also aggravate people, as Mercury will be stationary, going retrograde shortly after the New Moon.

The final Full Moon this year doesn’t fare far behind. It will happen in Ardra nakshatra. This is the star of storms, wild energies and raving transformation through raving chaos. The Full Moon will happen in a funny interval, as Mercury will retrograde back into Scorpio, and Mars will enter Sagittarius. Both transiting Gandanta with the shift.

To put it mildly, this could be a time of crisis and change. We could be shocked towards changing something or dealing with a problem. The year could end with a bang or, at least, with a shock of sorts. Jupiter will go direct on the 30th, remaining stationary for most of the final week of the month, adding another layer to what I said above about the Full Moon.

Interestingly enough, Jupiter will go direct on the 30th and Mercury will go direct on January 1st. So around these final days of 2023 and the first days of 2024, we could get some shocking news.


December has some interesting flips to it. We start the month with a strong Neptune energy, making everything loomy and somewhat confusing. This makes it a good time to relax, maybe take things slowly, connect with inspiring or transcendental things.

At the same time, we have both the New Moon and the Full Moon happening in fierce Nakshatras, along with other aggravating factors. Showing that some sense of agitation is possible.


On a mundane level, I believe we could see some turbulent events around the New and Full Moons. The New Moon could show a miscommunication, or something in the press, turning people and creating strong responses. People could be aggravated, offended, and they could lash out. The Full Moon happens in Ardra nakshatra, one of the stars that I relate to “clean-up”. It is never pretty or easy, but the afterwards is wonderful. As such, there could be some tension around this Full Moon.

For the United States, the country will go through a key phase of its Sade Sati transit on the same day as Neptune turns direct. The country has a lot of change signaled astrologically in its chart for the next couple of years, the last Solar Eclipse in October and the upcoming one in April similarly indicate this. So we could see some kind of revelation, or illusion being dispersed now, leading towards change later on.

Late this month, between the 22nd and the 25th, a tense aspect could signal some aggravations happening, specially in regards to conflicts and wars. A theme of abuse of authority could also become prominent this month.


On a personal level, December starts with a strong Neptune energy, powerful around the first 10 days of the month. This is a strong time to dream, listen to music and be inspired. It is also a good moment for romance and love.

The Full Moon this month is a great moment for troubleshooting and dealing with problem areas in our lives, just in time for New Year’s resolutions. Ardra has a great energy for troubleshooting and making changes, so we should make the best of it.


It is the holidays, which means parties or travel or both. So I always like to plot and check the astrological conditions around the key dates.

On the evening of the 24th of December, the Moon will transit Taurus, the sign of exaltation of the planet. So it is a good moment for socializing and fun.

On the 31st, the Moon will be in the sign of Leo, a good placement for socialization and partying overall.

Travel wise, with Mercury Retrograde, try and double check any details in regards to your reservations or plans. Last Mercury Retro, around September, the airline decided to delay my flight a few hours later than originally scheduled. They also decided not to warn people beforehand. But since I checked it, I got an extra hour of sleep. That’s the utility of astrology and prediction, being prepared and aware to deal with possible obstacles or hurdles along the path of life.

On a final note, I would like to thank you for reading me and following my work in 2023. I invite you to read on in this final month of the year, as I post previews for 2024 and other interesting texts.