March is a very interesting month, as we will have the Astrological New Year. The New Year chart is cast during a New Moon in Pisces, which happens between late March to early April every year. New Year celebrations are very subjective, and vary a lot around the world, but I usually find that things always seem to click or get in place after the Astro New Year.
Events in March 2023
- 07/03/2023 07:40 Full Moon in Leo 22°29’34”
- 11/03/2023 21:57 Venus in Aries
- 12/03/2023 19:33 Mars in Gemini
- 14/03/2023 21:05 Sun in Pisces
- 16/03/2023 01:19 Mercury in Pisces
- 21/03/2023 13:23 New Moon in Pisces 06°38’54” – Astrological New Year
- 31/03/2023 05:25 Mercury in Aries
With the New Year happening March 21st, the first part of the month deals a lot with closure and endings. This is a time to finalize things, to abandon old habits and discard the baggage from 2022. Doing that, we can start fresh going into April.

The New Year Chart has a close aspect to Mars, indicating some kind of tension, or conflict. The luminaries are also very close to Neptune, the planet of illusions and deception. We are amidst a war, with global repercussions, including many disagreements and quarrels on a global scale. This Mars indicates a continuity of said wars and conflicts, in the coming year, as well as the possibility of some kind of intensification.
Going along this route, another aspect we can see deals with Venus joining Rahu in Aries, with a close aspect from Saturn. Venus is the planet of diplomacy, contracts and agreements. Rahu is an uprooting influence. So this Venus here could highlight discord and clashes of opinion.
Overall, on a Mundane level, I believe we will be seeing a lot of disagreement and conflict between countries around the world. Treaties and agreements will be broken or discarded. Relationships might turn sour, with increased sanctions or other antagonistic measures. The US-China relationship, specially, could be reaching a turning point this year.
Jupiter, as the ruler of Pisces, being in this sign for the New Year is a very interesting point. This strengthens the yearly chart, and highlights Pisces meanings throughout the coming year. This is a very transformative year, we are discarding and abandoning a lot of the old, and opening space for the new. This 2023-2024 period is a very special moment, as we might be compelled to let go of somethings in our lives, say goodbye to old ideas, humble ourselves, and accept destiny.
On March 7th, a New Moon in Purva Phalguni starts the month on an interesting note. This is a star related to relaxation, enjoyment and comfort. It also deals with finding an easy escape or a good path out of a quarrel. On that note, the early part of March is a great time for finding a solution to a problem, or finding a balance in life. We could be optimizing our lives and routines to make things easier or more comfortable.
In summary, March is a month of clearing and preparation. We are letting go of things, changing our mind, releasing ourselves of old blockages and preparing to move on. On a mundane level, we will similarly notice endings around the world, with things shifting and old ways being exchanged. We could see some intense events or strong declarations happening globally, all pointing towards the end of something, the end of old ideas and agreements; clearing the way for the new.
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