• Span: 20°00 Aquarius to 03°20′ Pisces
  • Deity: Aja Ekapada
  • Dasha Lord: Jupiter
  • Symbol: Front legs of a funeral cot, Man with two faces, Sword, Goat
  • Animal (Yoni): Lion (male)
  • Shakti or power: yajamana udyamana shakti = “power to raise up consciousness” in a loose translation

This is one of the most mysterious, and underrated, nakshatras in the whole belt of these stars. Usually, not much is spoken about it, or only platitudes are said. In a way, this “shunning” of this star makes sense according to its meanings, as it carries a mysterious deity and one of its symbols deals with a two faced man, calm and rather dull at one side and chaotic in the other.

The deity Aja Ekapada is not mentioned much in Vedic literature. It is a one footed goat, seen as a form of Rudra (a harsh form of Shiva). Being a Rudra, it obviously signifies destruction at some level, as seen in Ardra nakshatra. ‘aja’ denotes unborn, and this deity is said to represent unborn energy, infinity, transcendent energy. A goat is the vahana (cosmic vehicle) of Agni, and this nakshatra deals a lot with fire energy.

Aja Ekapada deals with the duality of the universe, between the fire of creation at one side, and the earthly life at the other. Purva Bhadrapada gives the spiritual fire or power which could raise an individual towards higher realms. The idea of unborn, unmanifested energy, also indicates a relationship with the future. And this is a very futuristic star, usually dealing a lot with long term plans and goals.

Goat symbolism is a constant in occultism, with an example out of home being the signs of Aries and Capricorn. It usually denotes male energy and the male impulse, as the horns are seen a a symbol of virility or power. In the sign of Aries, an emphasis on the horns occurs, denoting this virility or male energy; Aries is the starting point of the zodiac, so brute/raw force is needed there. Capricorn has a bigger emphasis on the body of the goat, as if he is about to leap forward. Leaping is going higher, which deals with the natural 10th house of recognition. It also denotes a focused use of power, instead of a raw impulse like in Aries. In both cases, the goat is denoting power and strength.

Goats are also not seen as the most beautiful of creatures, so these natives at times have image issues, seeing themselves as ugly or unattractive. This is usually an externalization of karmic issues or problems happening internally, which the native has a knack for understanding now, as this is the key to being able to solve or transcend these issues.

On this question of beauty, the goat doesn’t care. It serves its function of providing milk, and that is it. Goat symbolism denotes independence, lack of care for external opinion. This is pronounced here. On a higher level, these natives work on the heavenly/universal impulse. On a common level, these natives are rebels and eccentrics, following their own will regardless of external circumstances or criticism.

A goat also brings a relationship with the occult deity of Baphomet. This deity represents the union of opposites, being a hermaphrodite. It denotes men and women, good and evil, above and below, etc. It is also said to denote the spiritual nature of spermatozoa, relating a lot with esoteric rituals and the worship of sexuality.

Another symbol of the star, derived from Aja Ekapada, is that of a single ray of light. As Aja Ekapada is said to denote ‘the unborn single footed goat irradiating a single ray of light’. This indicates the end of the tunnel, the last energetic remains, as we reach the end of the nakshatra belt. It also denotes the quest for closure or ending of matters. In nativities, this could denote bouts of pessimism or depression.

This symbolism of endings is also seen by the Bhadrapadas themselves, denoting a funeral bed, with Purva Bhadrapada denoting the front legs and Uttara the end legs. The idea of endings, combined with the pessimistic nature of this star, brings a trend towards never forgetting the past; specially the negative portions.

Another symbol is that of a two faced man. The Bhadrapadas naturally deal with the polarities of nature, finishing the hat, and indicating a point of their union at the end of the zodiac. The symbol denotes, on a higher level, the duality between men and their souls. We are souls with bodies, not bodies with souls. On a more common level, it denotes a dual nature between the chaotic and the calm. A lot of times, these natives just seen like bland and boring people at the surface. At the same time, they could be engaging in all sorts of unusual and chaotic activities, like black magic, martial arts, BDSM, etc. Purva Bhadrapada natives usually have more to them that what is seen on the surface, and these natives might have a “secret” life lurking behind your eyes.

The chaotic side of the two faces indicates troubled or strange characters, antisocial behavior, paranoia, pessimism, violence, hedonism and other troublesome trends. The peaceful/calm side indicates a spiritually prosperous life, a self-less native working towards helping and improving things.

The final symbol of the sword reinforces the dualities already seen, as the sword creates division. Mainly, the sword here is a symbol of power. It denotes courage, dedication, determination, and martyrdom. It denotes both attack and defense, as these natives could both be victims and victimizers.

The sword can also show pointing towards something, or focusing one’s efforts. This could indicate sacrifice, penance, efforts that could undermine the native somehow. Obviously, it indicates extreme dedication towards their efforts. In fact, dedication here is extremely strong, and these natives are truly devoted towards those whom they respect. And here comes the duality again. If they respect someone noble, they will be noble. If they respect someone chaotic and troubled, they will be extremely troubled characters. In relationships, this star usually denotes intensely devoted partners.

This nakshatra is related to the constellation of Pegasus. In Greek Mythology, Pegasus (a flying mystical horse creature) has a somewhat similar impulse to what we’ve seen here. It is wild and free-roaming, courageous and strong. It has the ability to reach higher grounds, with his wings, and it deals with spirituality by his ability to create water streams.

Speaking of the name itself, Bhadra translates into good, happy or prosperous. Pada means foot. So Bhadrapada means “the lucky feet”. The name starts with the word “Purva” which denotes the former, this word shows up in other nakshatras, with “Purva” (former) and “Uttara” (latter) pairs of stars. This name could be associated with the main symbol behind this pair of nakshatras, the feet of a funeral bed.

Purva Bhadrapada represents the front portion of a funeral cot, while Uttara Bhadrapada represents the back portion. Like the Phalguni pair, we have a bed being represented here. In the case of the Phalguni stars, the bed represented comfort and rest. Here the bed refers to a coffin or some other platform for the dead. Purva Bhadrapada relates to death itself, while Uttara relates to our post death state.

Death here can be both literal and symbolic. On a symbolic sense, death represents transformation of any kind. Purva would refer to shocking events, traumatic subjects, that lead the native towards transformation. While Uttara Bhadrapada would refer to transformation itself. Sleep, our daily death, could also be another symbolic interpretation. Uttara Bhadrapada refers to deep sleep, while Purva refers to the start of sleep, our preparation towards it.

Jupiter being related to this star is an interesting point, as most people only see this planet as a benefic providing graces. Every planet has a main goal, or abode, and Jupiter’s is that of a guru/teacher. Jupiter wants to teach you life lessons and raise you up through them. Not everything in life is pretty, so not all life lessons can be pretty and tranquil. Purva Bhadrapada represents the harsh guru, the complicated message of life.

On the positive, the relationship with Jupiter tends to provide these natives with a certain degree of luck, or synchronicity. Things tend to work out well enough for them, and usually they are well provided for in life.

The shakti of this star is yajamana udyamana shakti. Which deals with raising up a person’s evolutionary level, reaching up to the skies, or to the godly perspective. This meaning has a Hermes aspect to it, acting as a messenger between heaven and earth. Purva Bhadrapada can go between the three realms of earth, heaven and hell. On the earthly, the most common and boring of energies. On the heavenly, extremes of religious devotion, faith and dedication to purity. On the hell, this star can show disparate levels of depravity, violence, degeneracy and extremism.

Some loose notes:

  • Dual Nature, two faced, double lives
    • saint by day, whore by night
    • double agents
    • secret spys
    • people who keep secrets
  • Attraction towards extremes of behavior
    • extreme faith, extreme debauchery
    • radical ideologies, radical sports, radical activities, radical sex
    • occultism
    • martial arts, race car driving
    • Chaos, violence, confusion
  • Image issues
    • seeing yourself as ugly
    • being afraid of showing your face, showing your true self to others
    • wearing a mask or hiding yourself
  • All forms of occultism are favored. The natives here will tend to dabble with the occult in some form.
  • Martyrdom trends: the native could, at times, romanticize his problems.
  • Unusual and weird. Eccentric people or rebels.
  • Desire to hide, combined with people not noticing you at times.
  • Extremely focused or dedicated to what you believe or like. Will go through great lengths to defend and live his beliefs.
  • Similarly, extreme devotion to people he likes, specially on a romantic level.
  • Possible negative trends: paranoia, pessimism, extreme anxiety, violence, antisocial behavior.
  • A great message here: understanding and transcending polarities.
    • Avoiding evil creates a different prison.
    • Sex addiction and avoidance are both problems and imbalances, for instance.
  • On an editorial note: this is one of my favorite nakshatras to study, or read in charts.
  • Career wise:
    • Death and funerary industry: morticians, coffin makers, those performing final rites, Medical examiners and Coroners.
    • Medical profession: Specially surgeons or those dealing with heavy chemicals. Also violent methods, such as shock therapy.
    • Metal welding, soldering and heavy usage of fire.
    • Leather industry.
    • Artists, musicians, writers:
      • sci-fi.
      • other-wordly dreamy subjects.
      • escapism and ecstasy.
    • Occultism, specially dark magic and heavier subjects.
    • Sex related professions, specially violent sex.
    • Pornography.
    • Thinkers: radical, extremism and highly ideological commentators.
    • Law enforcement:
      • spies and people working undercover.
      • extremely violent endeavors: death squads, homicide, elite troops, etc.
    • Tech industry
      • emphasis on cybersecurity, or violation of it.
    • Work with chemicals
      • plastics, etc.
      • medications, chemicals, etc.
      • toxic things
    • Anything taboo in a certain society or certain point in history.

I started the text talking about how this star is misunderstood, or not properly discussed, and I stand by that. People will either focus solely on the negative and violent meanings, and mention only the destructive potential of this nakshatra. Or they will focus solely on the Pegasus aspect of it, mentioning only the prettier and more transcendental parts of it, with unicorns and non-gay rainbows — as gays could be offensive to some, and we wouldn’t want to offend.

First of all, both things can be correct, and this nakshatra deals a lot with this dual nature. Extremes of good and bad. Nit-picking and focusing solely on one side is a misunderstanding. The contrast between extremes, the dualistic nature, and this struggle for balance are key issues of this nakshatra.

Second, delving into some non-dualism, what is even good or bad? In many ways, these are variable and arbitrary concepts. Take the definition of both from the 2020s and compare it with the 1920s, the good of one can easily be the bad of the other.

Comparing this star to Ardra, the nakshatra of storms and destruction, what is the difference between the destructive trends there and the ones here? All the symbolism of Purva Bhadrapada deals with sacrifice. The fire reminds of all kinds of fire rituals. The goat alludes to animal sacrifice. And a big message here is purification.

Similarly, the destruction here always has a backdrop of purification, of cleansing of the native and his soul in some form. Ardra deals more with the material, with clearing the air, changing the world. Purva Bhadrapada deals mostly on a subtle, metaphysical level. Ardra also has a more clear-cut, expressive manner, while Purva Bhadrapada deals with with a dual nature and masks. Meaning that their true nature can be hidden at times.

Also, Ardra gets imbibed in Mercury energy, which is more volatile and adaptable. Ardra natives, at times, can be easily swayed or changed by external opinions. Purva Bhadrapada deals with highly ideological Jupiter, so ideas here tend to be fixed, stronger. Beliefs are a matter of devotion here.

Going into some shadow issues, this star can deal with extremism, violence and all sorts of evils. Strong beliefs motivate the best and the worst in the world, there isn’t much more to say than that.

Mentally, these natives can feel anxiety or an overall sense of discomfort. As this star deals with the dark forces of nature, there is a tendency towards thinking of the worst case scenario. For instance, hearing that someone is travelling to London and imagining them getting stabbed in a terrorist attack. Or seeing a nice old lady, and feeling sad that she could suffer elder abuse. Worrying that your loved ones might turn on you completely, all worst case scenarios.

On an inner level, self-esteem issues and image issues happen a lot to these natives. Seeing themselves as ugly, or not worthy, or unlovable are things that can happen here. They can be very fond of masks or face-coverings, at times, as an expression of that. Learning to love yourself, and appreciate yourself, is a hard journey that these natives must endure.

This nakshatra, in a way, personifies the meaning of malefic energies. You can’t have good without bad. You can’t have pure without the defiled. Destructive forces are necessary, and a part of life. This is personified by the coffin symbolism. No matter how strong, how stoic, or unemotional someone is; death will always shock and awaken strong emotions. Death is the only certainty in life, and yet we avoid it like the plague.

Death can be anything that causes discomfort, even death itself. Purva Bhadrapada represents the shock of death, the shock of seeing the coffin, the end of the line. It represents discomfort in all of its forms. Death, violence, aggression, black magic, sex, weird people, strange appearances, gross and disgusting things, extremism, disease, anything uncomfortable or shocking is seen through here.

Emotionally, it deals with shadows and vicious feelings. We all have them, which is why a lot of us detest seeing these things in others, as it reminds of the shadow in our own selves.

A big lesson about this nakshatra is that we all have a wilder side, a “bad” side if you prefer. Western culture, inspired by Christian morality and lovey-dovey New Age thought, loves to pretend that there is no hate, no inner violence, no negative energy in us. Only the other has this. We are the good guys, they are the bad guys. Everything I do is righteous, even if it’s awful. Hey! How dare you treat me poorly, are you literally Hitler?

We all embody tamas, we all feel anger or frustration, and that’s absolutely OK. It doesn’t mean that we are bad, or rotten to the core, because of it. It’s good to feel anger, to release anger, at times. And that is just one of the main things that “click” with the energy of Purva Bhadrapada. Remember that this is the “single ray of light”, the ending, the time to close matters and issues. Time to deal with unmanifested energy or repressed impulses, it’s not always an easy process, neither a pretty one, but it’s essential. We need to let our wild side flow at times.

In my view, this star is one of the most powerful ones in an esoteric level, dealing with all kinds of unusual and forbidden knowledge. Usually, when this star is transiting, we tend to run past weird or strange information. Extremes which we couldn’t conceive, or possibilities never assessed. It is not the most peaceful day of the lunar month. But it is certainly revealing. Another trend on this day is that of negative thinking, remembrance of old quarrels, as seen in the behavior of these natives.

As a daily star:

→ Favorable activities with Purva Bhadrapada: Anything dangerous, risky, unusual, weird or bizarre. Exploring anything unusual. Anything dealing with technology or machines (one of the best stars for dealing with technology). Holding a funeral or ending something. Wondering about death or decay. Agriculture or activities dealing with nature, specially with water.

→ Unfavorable activities with Purva Bhadrapada: Unfavorable for any new beginning or initiation. Bad for marriage, travel and dealing with authorities. Procreative sex isn’t favored here. Purva Bhadrapada has the energy of creating regret or despair towards actions started on its day.

As the daily nakshatra of the Moon, Purva Bhadrapada is very favorable towards exploring or dealing with unusual things or repressed emotions/desires. As it represents the coffin, the end, it is bad for any new beginning — a rather obvious point. As it represents raw emotions, letting things out, and acting away from the usual composure of the world it can create a sense of regret, as we might feel vulnerable. Why did I do this? Why did I reveal that?

On a predictive sense, any planet placed in Purva Bhadrapada will indicate unusual or weird matters. The 10th lord here could show an unusual career, the 4th could show unusual living arrangements. People wise, it shows strange or unusual people, odd personalities; it can also show someone who has a secret identity of sorts — double-faced energy. The 7th lord here could show that you’re attracted towards unusual people, like those dealing with occult or other strange endeavors. At times, It can indicate violence or suffering related to a point placed here, enacted or suffered. The personal planets, or strong identity points, placed in Purva Bhadrapada will tend to show image issues, self-esteem problems and some of the emotional points discussed above.


  • Dolly The Sheep (Purva Bhadrapada Moon at 22° Aquarius): the world’s first successful living, healthy example of a cloned mammal.
    • Taboo or uncertain
    • Strange or unusual
    • An unusual example for an unusual nakshatra. Dolly lived half the life span of a normal sheep, before she was euthanized.
  • Robert Alesch (Purva Bhadrapada Venus at 27° Aquarius + Sun at 22° Aquarius): Priest and collaborator with Nazi Germany during WWII
    • Two faced: During his sermons, he claimed to be a fervent opponent of the Germans, all while collaborating actively with them. He would provide them with information and intelligence on resistance groups.
      • Similarly, as a priest, he made a vow of celibacy. But he maintained two mistresses on the side.
      • His vow of poverty was also violated, as a big reason for his actions were the vast payments he received.
    • Fascination towards extremes
    • Venus is the 10th lord of reputation of the chart.
  • John Saul (Purva Bhadrapada Ascendant at 26° Aquarius + Ketu at 20° Aquarius): American writer of horror-fantasy novels.
    • Strange or unusual: He writes shocking stories, with titles such as “Punish the Sinners” and “Cry for the Stranglers.”
    • Taboo or uncertain: Violent themes, strange imagery, unusual settings are marks of his work.
    • Outcasts: He worked as a drug and rehab counsellor before finding success as a writer.
    • This example highlights the transformation of the darker themes of this star into art.

See more Nakshatra posts here