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♀︎Venus is Retrograde from March 1st to April 12th ♀︎

March 2nd/The week ahead: Tension. The week ahead is sandwiched between two eventful weeks. Last week, with Mars turning direct and Venus turning retrograde. Next week, with a Lunar Eclipse. As such, this is a time of tension and surprises. I’d specially highlight Tuesday and Friday as possible moments for great shifts and turns. On a personal level, this isn’t the best time to make strong commitments, as there is too much volatility right now.

March 2nd: Mercury is conjunct Neptune today, along with a Moon in Pisces. This puts a strong focus into dreams, creativity, ideas and spirituality. Not the best time for serious thought and analysis. The best way to use this energy is to indulge a little, take some time in fiction or some form of escapism.

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Lunar Eclipse in Libra (05/05/23)

Lunar Eclipse at 20° Libra, Vishaka Nakshatra

Visibility: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

An important point when analyzing eclipses and their effects is to understand that, generally, places where the eclipse is visible will see more effects than places where no visibility happens. It is also important to understand that eclipses have long sprawling effects, instead of immediate ones. New Moons and Full Moons affect the weeks around them, indicating monthly trends; Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses affect the months around them, indicating yearly trends. The effects discussed below are things that will tend to happen in the next 6 months.

As I’ve mentioned on my monthly prediction, this Lunar Eclipse deals a lot with power and change. Vishaka is a star ruled by Indra and Agni, two deities associated with power, making this a nakshatra strongly related to achievement and accomplishment. Vishaka shows a goal oriented persona, where a native does everything necessary to achieve his goal, regardless of a hard journey or the consequences to him and others.

Combined with that, Pluto just went retrograde on May 1st, and transits very slowly in the skies. Whenever a planet transits slowly, it leaves a more intense mark on us. As the Lunar Eclipse happens with a opposition to Uranus, it relates a lot to change and transformation in regards to power.

On a mundane level, protests around the globe and opposition to those in power will tend to intensify in the next few months. A noticeable example are the current protests against Macron in France. With the waning transit of Mars in Cancer, conflict could intensify a lot on the political front.

On a personal level, I usually notice that Lunar Eclipses are much more emotional experiences than the Solar Eclipses. Usually, people feel more on edge and fragile around the Lunar Eclipses. So if you are feeling out of sorts now, just know that things will tend to improve and get clearer in the coming days. Overall, the strong Aries emphasis on the skies right now are inspiring us to act, create and move. So this Lunar Eclipse could be a strong catalyst for change in our lives, finding the courage and the strength to make things happen.

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