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Post US Election 2024

As I predicted on my November 2024 predictions, Trump won the election. So I decided to make this post to talk a bit more about the whys and also discuss the energy around the election too.

Trump Election and the Trends

Those that follow my work regularly know that I’ve been publishing articles on the long term prospects of the world. It’s something I decided to do since I believe we are in the cusp of great change, with the major astrological aspects of the coming years showing that.

I mention this because many of the Vedic astrologers who predicted the Trump win as well mention great transits in his chart as a main factor. I similarly considered those and, yes, they are important. But to me, the decisive factor in making this prediction was the long term outlook of the world. As I wrote in my prediction:

Looking at the transits around and specially after the election, a lot tends to align with his political messages and the policy around him.

In September, I published about Saturn conjunct Neptune. This aspect deals a lot with our cultural perception of the world and social trends, relating a lot to the mythos around society. It happens every 36 years, having last occurred around 1989.

If we look at the world, much of our current culture is derived from the events in the early 90s, when the last conjunction occurred. That was a conjunction in Sagittarius. The sign deals with travel, expansion, laws, regulations; as well as an outspoken and feisty streak.

Since the late 90s up until this day, immigration and the integration of foreign cultures has only expanded. Bureaucratic boards and regulations have similarly increased, with the EU being the greatest example. Celebrities are mostly outspoken and focused on shock and awe.

In the 80s and before, most celebrities tried remaining neutral and diplomatic. Taking a stand was reserved for those with powerful and long careers. The outspoken ones were few and vastly criticized. Nowadays, we have the opposite. Few celebrities try to remain neutral, and they are criticized for it.

That was the Sagittarius impulse, which wanes more and more as we approach the new conjunction in Pisces next year.

I specifically mention celebrities, as celebrity culture was a big thing of the Sagittarius cycle. In politics, celebrity endorsements used to be powerful. Initiatives from the 90s like Rock The Vote were a clear example of this. Look at us now. Harris was endorsed by most, and the biggest, celebrities around. It made almost no difference. The celebrity age of Sagittarius is over.

Which brings us back to my main point, on why I saw the mundane trends favoring Trump more than Harris.

Harris is a lawyer and bureaucrat. She wanted to maintain immigration and foreign collaboration. All Sagittarius matters. Her imagery in the campaign was centered around sassy and outspoken behavior. Again, a very Sagittarius thing.

Along with Kamala is Brat, a big thing of the campaign was bringing people like Dick Cheney (of the Iraq War) to show how even Republicans were against Trump. War bureaucrats of the past. In many ways, her campaign was doused in Sagittarius imagery.

On the other side, Trump’s message became even stronger against immigration. He talked about reducing bureaucracy and regulations. He had an anti-war messaging, which we all should hope remains true. In many ways, his campaign was the anti-Sagittarius. A very ironic turn of events for someone who rose to fame in the 90s, by being the exact kind of outspoken character favored by that sign.

Also worth mentioning that Trump brought idealistic and somewhat coy people, like RFK Jr. and Elon Musk, into the campaign. Idealistic, yet shy, is something seen through Pisces. The sign of the 2025 Saturn-Neptune conjunction. So not only did the campaign shun the waning influences, it aligned itself with the rising ones.

On that note, Kamala is Bush. The father, not the son. Considering the Saturn-Neptune conjunctions, this election mirrors the 1992 election. It happened around the Saturn-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius, as the world moved on from the Virgo conjunctions in 1953 and their influence.

Bush was a very Virgo character, his campaign was all about responsibility, cleanliness and maintaining the order. He lost to Bill Clinton, who ran a campaign about enthusiasm, youthfulness and economic improvement. Bush criticized Clinton for his lack of experience, making an appeal to those Virgo values that were waning culturally.

This time around, Trump was criticized for not caring about the social etiquette and moral philosophies of society, like diversity and inclusion. All Sagittarius values waning in society now, as we move into the new cycle.

Overall, Trump’s messaging aligned more with the trends I see rising with the major astrological events of the coming years, which is what motivated my prediction.

Election Day

The election day was very tense, with reports of nervousness from people on both sides of the contest. I have to admit, as someone who hates and criticizes the hyperbole of MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER (always in caps lock), that this time it truly felt like it was. Hearing people talking, behaving, it truly was a significant moment. Something I felt lacking both in 2020 and 2016.

chart of Election Day

Looking at the chart above, a few things point to this. Starting from what every astrologer talked about, Mars opposing Pluto. An aspect of great tension and conflict. Some predicted great violence, riots and trouble. Which, to the best of my knowledge, has not happened. The 2016 Trump victory had a much bigger repercussion, on that sense, than this current one. On my prediction, I said that most of the protests would be ineffective and symbolical. Again, I seem to have gotten that prediction right.

But going back to that Election Day tension, it mostly comes from the Moon that day. Aspect wise the Moon sits exactly aligned with the Lunar Nodes, in the middle of them. With the Nodes being a karmic point, this indicates a day of tension and transformative events. I always look to planets sitting in the mid-point of the Lunar Nodes when making predictions, as it always denotes an intense moment. In the case of the Moon, an intense day.

Besides that, the Moon also made a square to Neptune, early in the day. Neptune relates to illusions, deception, dreams and imagination. The square shows those illusions being shattered or broken, creating a need for realignment.

The star of the show in the day’s tension, however, is the nakshatra of the Moon. Nakshatras are a specialty of mine, and a very important point of Vedic Astrology. The Moon sat on Mula nakshatra for most of Tuesday. This star is ruled by Niritti, the goddess of destruction. It deals a lot with uprooting, radical transformation and fierce energies. Natives born under this star tend to be rebels or outsiders. Events around Mula tend to leave a strong mark in the psyche.

In many ways, it was a day of tension and uprooting. People who liked the result had a whole day of tension, glued to their screens watching everything carefully. Many who disliked the result are feeling a strong shock right now.

In many countries, people believed Harris would win. A poll in Germany showed that 72% of people believed she would win the election. Needless to say, people around the world who believed their international correspondents were surprised by the results. Outside the US, most of the international press made it seem like Trump had zero chance and Harris was the perfect candidate, leading to the current shock and last minute adjustments around the world.

Overall, this was a classic Mula day. Shock, uprooting and transformation. The natural impulse of the nakshatra was strengthened by the other aspects of the day, maximizing the impact.


  • Span: 03°20′ Cancer to 16°40′ Cancer
  • Deity: Brihaspati
  • Dasha Lord: Saturn
  • Symbols: Flower, Circle and Arrow
  • Animal (Yoni): Goat (male)
  • Shakti or power: brahmavarchasa shakti = power of Brahma, the power of creation

The name Pushya can be translated into “blossoming”, “yielding” or “nourishing”. By that, it obviously relates to something prosperous or fruitful. One of the main symbols of this nakshatra is a flower, which again relates to the process of blossoming.

The flower represents a high stage of evolution, although not the final one, as we are not yet a fruit. This shows that Pushya tends to have goals, ideals and meanings. They have blossomed into a specific goal or idea for life. Similarly, the symbol of the arrow always highlights a goal or target. The circle also shows a limited area, something contained. The three symbols here indicate goals, objectives and a sense of destiny.

Going a little bit further, the flower shows a benevolent quality, with a tendency towards helping others or overall providing beauty and nice things for the world around them. The circle can also be related to cows, specially the cow udder. Again highlighting ideas of generosity and nourishment.

The deity of this star is Brihaspati, the deity related to Jupiter in Vedic mythology. All Jupiterian meanings can be related to this star. So luck, benevolence, religiosity, good fortune and a philosophical nature are indicated.

Interestingly enough, the planetary ruler of the nakshatra is Saturn, making a combination of Jupiter and Saturn here. This creates a push and pull between forces. The high and the low, up and down, the rich and the poor, etc.

The combination of these two influences, astrologically, tends to be seen as a very productive one. The influence of both is seen as a sign of things materializing or prospering in some form. So this nakshatra tends to be very productive or fruitful. On the other hand, highs and lows in life tend to be indicated, as things flip between the two polarities.

The shakti of this star is related to Brahma, the god of creation, so this star tends to be a very creative force. In many cases, this can make a person artistically inclined. It can also relate towards having many children. Overall, it highlights the meanings of prosperity and luck already discussed.

Some loose notes:

  • Luck, prosperity and progress in life
  • Great generosity and friendliness
  • Can show great creativity or talent
  • Ups and downs in life, but usually their luck allows them to rise above the downturns.
  • It tends to indicate beauty or charm
  • Family oriented, “conservative” to some degree
  • Love for circles or round things.
  • Big chest or breasts, or love for them.
  • Strong need for material security.
  • Can indicate adoption of children.
  • Love for nature and gardening.
  • They can be very judgmental of others.
  • Very religious, specially attracted towards studying scriptures or occult systems.
    • at times, they can dabble in black magic
  • Career wise:
    • Going into their family business
    • Food industry, restaurants, etc.
    • Hotels and hospitality
    • Party planning
    • Soft areas
      • arts
      • fashion
      • fun
    • Journalism
      • gossip and entertainment
      • social issues or family stories
      • religious themes
    • Real estate
    • Teachers and educators
    • Care professions
    • Nursing
    • Politics
    • Farming and gardening
    • Religion
      • all kinds of religious experts
      • but specially prone towards preaching
    • Psychology or counseling

A primary meaning of this star deals with prosperity, many of the symbols here indicate luck and fruitfulness. So these natives tend to do well in life. Material progress is usually seen here.

These are usually very kind and generous people in general. At times, this can relate to child adoption or taking care of someone outside of their own families.

Physically, these natives tend to be fleshy, with pretty smiles and a charming nature. A tendency towards large chests or breasts is seen, making for very attractive individuals.

These natives have a strong need for material security. They will usually work very hard, until they achieve enough of a cushion or enough comfort in life. Their mental health depends a lot on their material security, any slight disturbance could get them riled up.

This nakshatra tends to promote an interest in gardening and nature. At a smaller level, this will deal with many house-plants. In other cases, the native might end up owning a farm or rural property.

These natives tend to be conservative and family oriented, with two big asterisks to what exactly that shows: they want to preserve the status quo, whichever it might be; they are oriented towards their own family.

Politically, these people tend to relate to whatever the status quo is. If it is rightwing politics, then it is that. If it is communism, then communism it is. If it is giving Adrian from Nexus Astrology money, then lucky me. They tend towards accepting, embracing and promoting anything that becomes mainstream. They abhor conflict, so they tend towards anything milquetoast that promotes calm and tranquility in society. They are rarely radicals or revolutionaries.

The family oriented portion is another expression of that. It doesn’t mean cartoon characters and wholesome things, not necessarily. They are oriented towards their family, so doing whatever their family does becomes natural. If their family owns sex clubs, they will family-orientedly go into that business. If it is drugs, the same.

This last point goes in line with their strong need for material security. As long as they are comfortable and well in life, they don’t really care much about the consequences to others, or the ethics of what they are doing.

As usual, let’s delve into the negative. I debated with my editor (myself) on inserting the previous two points as negative points. I went against it, for these are not necessarily negative points, although they can develop into it.

Going back to symbols, the circle shows a gathering of something. In Pushya, they gather their family in a circle. And nobody outside matters. In a very negative expression of this nakshatra, the natives can be outright cruel and deceitful to outsiders. All while wanting the very best for their family or group. Again, this is in a very negative expression of this star, with many afflictions. Nonetheless, learning to embrace others, and seeing beyond their little circles, can be a great lesson here.

A fairly common negative of Pushya deals with emotional manipulation. These natives are prone towards playing games with others, playing the victim or using emotion to get what they want. A final, smaller note, is that these natives can be very judgmental or gossipy at times.

As a daily star:

Overall, a very joyous and nice day of the month. This nakshatra has a calm and fairly slow demeanor, so some delays and interruptions are possible. But it is very prosperous for a new beginning, as projects started here tend to grow and expand. People tend to be very friendly today. Conversations tend to center around music, arts and fun subjects; or gossip and bitchy celebrity culture.

→ Favorable activities with Pushya: favorable for any kind of new beginning. Great for parties, celebrations and meetings. Great for getting help and support from others. Also good for seeking advice from others. Good for religious ceremonies. A great time for nurturing, relaxation, comfort and anything soothing.

→ Unfavorable activities with Pushya: unfavorable for anything harsh or cruel, not a good time for confrontations. Not indicated for marriage cerimonies.

On a predictive manner, planets in Pushya tend to indicate luck and prosperity, many times they can also indicate artistic talent. A big thing though is charm, so planets in the 1st or 10th in Pushya tend to make a native well liked. In the modern world, planets here tend to help people succeed in social media.


  • Christie Hefner (Pushya Moon at 15° Cancer): American publishing executive and noted family, the daughter of Hugh Hefner.
    • Family Business: she led Playboy Enterprises for almost 20 years, improving the company’s finances greatly.
      • here we have the example of a family business, that’s not so family-oriented.
  • Cristóbal Balenciaga (Pushya ascendant at 10° Cancer): Spanish fashion designer, House of Balenciaga.
    • Family Business: He learned sewing early in life, through his mother, who worked making dresses to support the family.
    • Here we have many themes, soft subjects like fashion. Focus on beauty and pleasure. Material progress in life, starting as the humble son of a widow and ending life as a top fashion designer.

See more Nakshatra posts here

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