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5th House

5th house meanings: The creative mind, creativity, intelligence and thinking process. Good karma received in this lifetime (purva punya). Sense of destiny and ability to see the future. Speculation, investments and risky matters. Romance and pleasure. Fun, sports, hobbies and entertainment. Arts, creative arts, films. Politicians and kings. Children.

The 5th house represents anything creative, becoming very important for artists, writers or any other type of creative work. It represents children, our capacity to have them and our relationship with them. It also deals with anything related to the future or speculation, this is a key point.

When we think of speculation, the obvious themes that come in mind are investments or stock markets. But creative arts are similarly speculative. You might put in endless effort into a work, only for it to fail. Or you can make quick and cheap efforts, only for them to succeed. The repercussions of art are completely unpredictable. Movies that spend millions, only to fail at the box office and barely break even are an example of this.

Speculation deals with anything where your efforts — big or small, cheap or expensive, easy or hard, and so on — are disengaged from the results. Children are a similarly speculative matter. You will raise them, teach them, dream things for them, you might even lead them towards a certain path. But their free will is always at play, and they might completely surprise you, choosing their own different paths.

Politics similarly come into play here. We frequently see people complaining about how Candidate X or Candidate Y were the most prepared, the most qualified, only to lose to someone without such qualities or qualifications. Politics isn’t a technical job interview, it is a popularity context. Speculative in many ways.

Any kind of future prediction, divination, and things like astrology are similarly covered by the 5th house.

Moving on from speculation, the 5th house also deals with fun. Representing our sports, hobbies and things that we do for pleasure in life. Also dealing with romance and dating.

4th and 5th house: difference

Both the 4th and 5th house deal with the mind and mentality of a native, the big difference lies in the scope of it. The 4th house is aligned in meanings with the Moon, dealing mostly with emotions and mental stability. The 5th house is more aligned with Mercury, showing rationalization and logical processes, as well as the mind communicating and sharing knowledge.

I like to think of the 4th house as the soil, the foundation, of the mind. While the 5th house deals with what is planted and grown through the mind.

The 4th house will show how you feel, how is your usual mood. The 5th house shows how you think, how do you come up with ideas and what tends to run in your mind.

Planets in the 5th house

  • Sun in the 5th house: Sun here gives a strong and bright mind. The native will tend to be confident and sure of himself. A tendency towards male children will come into play, also the children will tend to be successful. Creative pursuits are important for the native.
  • Moon in the 5th house: The native is very intelligent, and he is very emotionally attached to his intellect. Expressing his knowledge or showing his mental brightness becomes important. They might be excellent teachers. Children will tend to be female.
  • Mars in the 5th house: Mars favors logic, mechanics or subjects like engineering. These natives will enjoy building and tinkering with things. Intelligence is strong here, but some anger issues are possible, specially if the native is challenged intellectually. Conflict with children is possible, they could be combative.
  • Mercury in the 5th house: A great placement, that favors intelligence. Great writers, teachers or storytellers. Good advice and good perception of the future.
  • Jupiter in the 5th house: A positive and lucky life, in many ways. An expansive and wise mind. The native might not have that many children.
  • Venus in the 5th house: Wealth and pleasure are strong possibilities throughout life. The native will love arts and beautiful things. Children could be artistic.
  • Saturn in the 5th house: Saturn tends to delay things, so the thinking process could be slower here. The native could be a deep and wise thinker. Children could come later in life.
  • Rahu in the 5th house: A very strong and active mind, very strong intellect. Good speculative skills. Unusual activities attract the native. Trouble having children is possible. The mind can be somewhat compulsive.
  • Ketu in the 5th house: Intuition tends to be strong here, with good insights or instinct. The mind can be somewhat paranoid or obsessive. Native is attracted towards conspiracies or unusual knowledge. Native could be very worried about his children, with overprotective trends.

Mercury and Sun, specially if combined, will tend to give the native great intelligence. Mars and Rahu also give a strong mind, albeit with some obstacles or troubles in the way. Jupiter gives wisdom. Venus will usually favor life’s comforts and enjoyments, intelligence could be present, but the native might be too preoccupied to apply it as much as some of the previous placements. Saturn when placed or aspecting the 5th house will show some delays, specially in regards to education and diplomas.

Ruler of the 5th in different houses

  • Lord of the 5th in the 1st: Good for children. A strong mind with intelligence and focus. These natives could be somewhat lucky. Usually they have some talent or excellence in some skill.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 2nd: Children could improve the finances of the native. The native could have luck with speculation and investments.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 3rd: The native values creativity a lot, and they could end up working with something creative. Communication is very important to them.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 4th: Luck with 4th house matter, giving lots of comforts for the native. The native could be great at giving advice. Home life is pleasurable and important for the native.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 5th: Strong intelligence and creative powers. All 5th house matters are favored and strengthened.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 6th: Some difficulty with children is possible. Hard work helps improving the mind and life. A very practical focus in life.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 7th: The partner might be someone creative, intelligent or talented. Children are an important part of life and marriage.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 8th: Troubles with children are possible. These natives could be great researchers, able to go into great depths into their chosen subjects. A knack for occultism is also possible.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 9th: A lucky placement. This placement bestows intelligence and success with 5th house matters. Spirituality, religion and philosophy could be very important for a native.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 10th: Success in speculation is possible. The native could be sought for advice, and working as an advisor becomes possible. A good placement for career.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 11th: Groups and friends could bring luck and success. The native could get involved with NGOs, class associations, or even politics.
  • Lord of the 5th in the 12th: Issues around children and loss are possible. Some troubles or blockages in 5th house matters are possible. A strong imagination, as well as an interest in escapism, is possible here. These natives could deal with photography, film or fiction; specially science fiction or fantastical works. Occultism is also possible.

The 5th lord is an auspicious planet in any chart, improving and bringing good results for whichever house he is placed at. At the same time, the placement of the 5th lord alters the qualities of the 5th house, so the placement in more negative houses will create some troubles for 5th house matters.

The 5th lord’s placement will show the common place of the mind. How the native usually thinks, rationalizes things, and what he is usually thinking about. So for a 5th lord in the 4th native, thinking about cars, real estate, or comfort and home matters becomes a key thing. While someone with the lord in the 10th would think a lot about status and career. 2nd and 8th placements would think a lot about money and finances.

To me, the most interesting point comes with the dusthana (6, 8, 12) placements.

5th lord in the 6th, which is the house of enemies and obstacles, puts the mind focused on conflict. The native could always be thinking of the worst case scenario, always running the most gruesome script in their mind. A good thing with this placement is that reality is usually much better than your expectations. These natives could expect arguments that never materialize, or conflict that never comes.

These natives could be extremely practical with their hobbies, always preferring things that bring them something, rather than more enjoyable or loose things. Cooking as a hobby could come here, or fixing cars, rather than an interest in watching sports; would be an example. The thinking is somewhat crooked, and these natives will usually bend the rules or proper paths towards learning. Solving things their own way is more important than following guides. Obstacles and blockages will tend to appear in their intellectual endeavors, but learning to be flexible and putting in the effort becomes important.

5th lord in the 8th, the house of death and transformation, puts the mind focused on a caustic and shifting environment. Obsessive thinking comes into play here, hyper-focusing on a subject or wanting to dig deep into matter comes here. On the positive, this makes for excellent researchers. On the negative, they could go overboard, specially in regards to people. Stalking, spying could be possibilities here.

There is a degree of hardness of the mind, so these natives could be prone to verbal outbursts or even anger at times. A dark sense of humor is usually present here. A strong interest in finances or occult subjects, maybe both, could come into play with this placement.

5th lord in the 12th, the house of dissolution, puts the mind focused on endings and loss. Mental or intellectual pursuits could get diffused or become fruitless in some manner. These people could feel mentally spaced out or detached from the world. A slowness of thinking is possible with this placement at times. A liking for foreign cultures or languages is possible, as well as an interest on spiritual pursuits or cinema. Science fiction or works “out of this world” impress the native, and he might love reading/watching this type of work.

Uttara Bhadrapada

  • Span: 03°20′ Pisces to 16°40′ Pisces
  • Deity: Ahir Budhanya
  • Dasha Lord: Saturn
  • Symbol: Back legs of a funeral cot
  • Animal (Yoni): Cow (female)
  • Shakti or power: Varshodyamana shakti = power to bring rain

Ahir Budhanya is the name of the mysterious deity behind this star. The name translates loosely into “serpent of depth”, and it refers to a serpent that lives under the earth’s surface or at the bottom of the ocean — in some accounts. This deity is mysterious, as not much was written about him, unlike with other nakshatra deities. One of the few pointers related to him is that he is said to bring and maintain the fertility of earth, something related to the shakti of this nakshatra.

Going deeper, or at least attempting to, he is one of eleven Rudras. Rudra is an incarnation of Shiva, denoting his fierce form. Rudra means “to howl/roar”, so Rudra refers to “the destroyer” or “the furious one”. Rudra is associated with storms, strong winds and destruction. He is the deity ruling Ardra nakshatra. That is Rudra. Rudras, on the plural, refer to eleven deities or incarnations responsible for bringing happiness and helping realize the work of the gods. Ahir Budhanya and Aja Ekapada (deity of Purva Bhadrapada) are two of these eleven Rudras.

From that understanding, we can infer a few things. First, that this star is related to Shiva, or ruled by Shiva, in some degree. Second, that this star is deeply related to Purva Bhadrapada (something rather obvious, as they form a pair of stars) and Ardra. These 3 stars are related to Rudra, related to Shiva, so all of them become related to each other through this.

Speaking of the name itself, Bhadra translates into good, happy or prosperous. Pada means foot. So Bhadrapada means “the lucky feet”. Uttara Bhadrapada is the “latter lucky feet”. This name could be associated with the main symbol behind this pair of nakshatras, the feet of a funeral bed. Purva Bhadrapada represents the front portion of a funeral cot, while Uttara Bhadrapada represents the back portion.

Like the Phalguni pair, we have a bed being represented here. In the case of the Phalguni stars, the bed represented comfort and rest. Here the bed refers to a coffin or some other platform for the dead. Purva Bhadrapada relates to death itself, while Uttara relates to our post death state.

Death here can be both literal and symbolic. On a symbolic sense, death represents transformation of any kind. Purva would refer to shocking events, traumatic subjects, that lead the native towards transformation. While Uttara Bhadrapada would refer to transformation itself. Sleep, our daily death, could also be another symbolic interpretation. Uttara Bhadrapada refers to deep sleep, while Purva refers to the start of sleep, our preparation towards it.

Another symbol related to this star is a wiseman, like the elder advisers of ancient tribes. This stems again from the name of the star, Bhadra mainly refers to luck, but it can also mean someone skillful or wise. These natives tend to be wise, and they frequently end up in positions of advice or guidance.

This nakshatra is very different from other stars, such as Purva Phalguni or Ardra, where we can see a clear pattern of behavior or clear preferences manifesting. Here the preferences are extremely variable, and the manifestation of the star tends to be subtle. You can find very peaceful natives, you can find very fiery natives, they could deal in a truckload of different professions; focusing on superficial characteristics and details here is usually not the best path, as the variety is huge and the focus is on the subtle.

The keywords here are wisdom and stillness. Whichever the details of these natives lives, a key point will always be wisdom. They will always be dealing with providing knowledge, advice or guidance in some degree. Similarly, their calmness or stillness is to be noted. They act in a well-thought manner, never hastily. They always keep the big picture in mind, acting reasonably and usually cooling things down. They tend to create calm and peace wherever they go.

The wisdom aspect is reinforced by many of the symbols here, starting from the name itself, as described above. The shakti, or the power, of bringing rain shows nourishment. As the rain waters the crops, providing nourishment through harvest, so does a guru teaching wisdom. The same can be said of the cow symbolism, nourishing with her milk.

On the stillness front, the cow isn’t the fastest animal in the world, Saturn denotes things that are slow, and Ahir Budhanya is said to sit still unless something happens. This acts a double-edged sword. On one side, stillness promotes peace, calm, contentedness and a knack for cooling down or appeasing others. On the other hand, it could lead to laziness, procrastination or a total lack of action.

The Bhadra aspect of luck is very much present here, and usually these natives are very fortunate. They tend to have an easy time earning money, handling money and dealing with businesses. A lot of times, they will benefit from gifts, inheritances or bonuses. They might benefit from friends and people around them as well.

Similarly, they are very charitable and compassionate, frequently helping and offering a hand to the people around them. They also tend to be very reasonable when dealing with others, giving and taking, instead of just taking from others.

Another strong trend here deals with reclusiveness. These natives are private, and they could be fond of keeping secrets. Keeping things to themselves or settling in their own little world, instead of sharing everything with the world. They are prone towards early retirement, or some kind of isolation/distance from their former pursuits.

Some loose notes:

  • Shy, reluctant and passive nature.
  • Acts in a controlled and planned manner.
  • Wise or dealing with wisdom.
  • Secretive and reclusive tendencies.
    • Could choose to isolate himself in some form, an example would be an early retirement or some kind of retreat
  • Lucky and usually gets benefitted by inheritances, gifts and bonuses.
  • Calms or cools people down. Brings peace or solutions.
  • No hurry to act or do things.
  • Charitable, generous and fair.
  • Always tries to act in a reasonable manner.
  • Might be wealthy or well off in some manner.
  • A lack of movement or excessive stillness might be his biggest issue.
  • They could be interested in travel, specially to foreign lands.
  • Career wise:
    • As denoted in the main text, this nakshatra doesn’t have a fixed or clear expression, so all kinds of careers are possible here.
    • Whichever chosen career:
      • The native will find a position where he provides advice/wisdom.
      • He will lean towards charity or helping others.
    • It could denote unemployment, retirement or lack of work in some form. The native could rely on an inheritance, legacies or charity.
    • Careers could deal with:
      • little movement or exertion: clerks, librarians, doormen, etc.
      • something that requires a unique skill or talent: arts of all kinds can be seen from this, also medicine or even things like shamanism.

As a daily star, Uttara Bhadrapada favors all peaceful and calm activities. All kinds of relaxation and self-care. It is a great moment for psychic or spiritual works, meditation and anything related to other worlds. Good for new beginnings, making agreements and dealings. Good for gaining the support of others. Arts of all kinds are favored.

This is not a good day for negative activities, such as lawsuits, conflict and fights. As this is a star that stands still, any active requiring a lot of movement or exertion is unfavorable. This is not a good day for travelling.

Predictively, this star represents wisdom, any planet here will provide or deal with wisdom in some manner. For instance, the 4th lord could mean that the mother is a very wise person. The 11th lord could mean that the native find wisdom through his friends. Some degree of fortune or luck could also be associated with this star. A major point with this star deals with stillness, or a lack of movement, so planets placed here could show areas in life where we could procrastinate or not act much. This points to an area in life where we will need a push, or stimulation, to get us going.

Planets like Sun, Mars and Jupiter tend to act better here, as they stimulate the natural stillness of Uttara Bhadrapada into action. Usually, at some point in life, some event or person will have to push or trigger the native into action.


  • Steve Jobs (U. Bhadrapada Moon 14° Pisces):
    • Although Jobs spent most of his life dealing or leading technology efforts, his actual work in this field always dealt more with advising or orienting others. While people like Steve Wozniac tinkered and enjoyed it, Jobs much preferred staying in the side lines orienting and giving ideas.
  • Joseph H. Pilates (U. Bhadrapada Moon 13° Pisces): German physical fitness trainer, inventor of the Pilates method. With stretches, assisted exercises, and movement focused on improving strength, flexibility and stamina on those that practice it
    • Here we have the meanings of advice and wisdom, but also the nature of the exercises follows the idea of “stillness” or “lack of movement” from the star.
    • Pilates exercises have a very focused/controlled range of motion, allowing the person practicing to focus on specific muscles or areas of the body, reducing the impact of the exercise on other joints or body parts.
    • Pilates can even be used as physical therapy or practiced by disabled people.
    • During World War I, Joseph was put in an internment camp, along with other German citizens living in England. During his period there, he taught self-defense and wrestling, boasting that people would come out stronger out of the camp. This shows mental perseverance, as he tried working and improving, instead of wallowing in depression/desperation with the sad fate of being held prisoner.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, this star has a much subtler expression than other nakshatras, which makes the job of finding examples harder. I’ve found this star to be very prominent in academia, with professors or researchers, in various fields.

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