Tag: eclipses (Page 4 of 10)

Post Eclipse Blues and a Pint of Mercury

The Eclipses have come and gone, and so has the craziness around them. In these first weeks of April, I’ve read a ton of doomsday reports about the Eclipses. The Solar Eclipse was going to be the end of the world, the rapture was coming, the aliens were coming, Amy Winehouse and Elvis were coming back to release a duet album — Suspicious Minds Back to Black is the working title. Good times, nothing better than a little bit of insanity to cheer life right up.

Times are cyclical, everything changes and yet remains the same. In ancient times, people feared Eclipses like cats fear baths. These were dreaded days, filled with fear-mongering lore and feelings of doom. The darkness in the sky was seen as the end of the world, or a sign of evil spirits and demonic omens running around.

Times changed, excluding Astrology and Astronomy columns, people barely knew or cared about Eclipses. In both fields, people have their reasons to care, and yes it matters. But in neither case, were Eclipses turned into doomsday events. For the average person, excluding the possibility of taking a photo for their Instagram, it didn’t matter.

And now we’ve cycled back. It’s the end of the world, nuclear war, the Eclipse will eat your family, run for your life. We are back at the fear-mongering of medieval times, but with twerking and Apple Watches instead of witch burnings — this new generation (those born after 1755) is so lazy, no work ethic to burn people.

It is a new era/cycle of insanity. Which brings me to the main point of this text, insanity. Pisces is the sign of deep faith, which can deal with beauty and loving kindness, but it also shows loving-kind insanity. Strong Pisces moments will always deal with excesses and illusions, people seeing monsters in the skies and under their beds.

April, starting today, is a very strong Pisces moment. Retrograde transits intensify planets and their influence, and Mercury retrogrades into Pisces later today. Mercury will remain in this sign until May 10th, and retrograde until April 25th. With that, communications this month have this Pisces flavor of faith, illusion and excess. Expect doom and gloom, expect people thinking a plastic bag stuck in a tree is an UFO, expect conspiracy theories and emotional stories.

Q&A – Ask your dumb questions!

In some happy (maybe not) news, I’m doing a Q&A about Astrology. Ask your questions below, I will be posting the answers around Friday, the 12th.

Edit: Answers posted here

Solar Eclipse in Pisces (08/04/2024)

Visibility: USA, Canada, most of North America and parts of Central America.

Solar Eclipse at 24° Pisces, Revati Nakshatra

An important point when analyzing eclipses and their effects is to understand that, generally, places where the eclipse is visible will see more effects than places where no visibility happens. It is also important to understand that eclipses have long sprawling effects, instead of immediate ones. New Moons and Full Moons affect the weeks around them, indicating monthly trends; Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses affect the months around them, indicating yearly trends. The effects discussed below are things that will tend to happen in the next 6 months.

A Solar Eclipse is always an important event, but this one gains more prominence, as it happens during the Astrological New Year. Every year, around late March or early April, the New Moon in Pisces represents the chart for the coming year. It shows trends, issues and focal points. With an Eclipse happening along, the year gains more importance, and the chart becomes revealing of important things in the coming years plural rather than just the next year.

The last time we’ve had a New Year chart along with a Solar Eclipse it was 2015, with the build-up of the 2016 election in the US, as well as other populist movements around the world. So to boot, I’d say that the current year will tend to launch or start important events for the years ahead, much like what happened around 2015.

Looking at the chart of the Solar Eclipse, we see that it happens on Revati nakshatra, I won’t go fully into the mythology surrounding this nakshatra, as I’ve already did on the text for it. But it represents wealth, powerful people and deep illusions. It also represents reality checks for these illusions, it represents being toned down in some form.

Also in the chart, we have two interesting conjunctions, Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter conjunct Uranus is a big harbinger of change and transformation in the world. Mars-Saturn is an aspect that promotes a lot of energy, as the Martian anger gets prolonged by the slow Saturn impulse. But it also tends to promote resentment and feelings of revenge.

The pattern of this Solar Eclipse is interesting as both of these aspects sit surrounding the Eclipse. To me, this denotes a closeness to these meanings.

Predictively, this Eclipse will show trouble for those that stand tall, those that lead their respective fields, and yes those in power positions. In some form, people or organizations that have power will be toned down, as recent changes have created a lot of resentment.

On a tangible note, an example that I see is Apple. The company has stood tall ever since the iPhone was launched, leading the market and trends. Now they are facing increasing challenges from the EU in regards to their dominance. They are being forced to make changes, tone down their control, and let go.

Similarly, we can see some issues in regards to religion and church, specially big institutions like the Catholic Church, coming into play. Issues of sexual harassment or sexual scandals could gain traction now.

The Russia-Ukraine war can similarly have escalations, and the conflict could increase in the coming year. This Eclipse has an interesting note for the US, as this Solar Eclipse will be visible in the country, much like a Solar Eclipse in October was. This indicates a time of strong changes for the US. Surprises and turbulences could be seen ahead for the US, 2024 is a year of big changes there.

On a personal level, this Solar Eclipse signals a time of intuition and inspiration, of reaching other dimensions or seeking something beyond. This could mean a time for spiritual pursuits, or things like occultism. But it also shows a moment of breaking out of your shell, and reaching the unconventional. Maybe doing something you’ve never done before, finding the courage to act differently, or finding and applying knowledge from unexpected sources.

Pisces is the endless stream of possibilities and inspiration, this Solar Eclipse signals a time where we are open towards finding something new, as a rebirth of sorts. So breathe in, reach out and try to find change now.

Check my guide for Eclipses to understand how will the Eclipse affect you personally.

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