Tag: eclipses (Page 4 of 10)

New Moon in Bharani (May 7th)

I don’t usually do New Moon texts, but I make them when I feel it is important, so here we go. This New Moon on May 7th is an interesting one, as it happens amidst some interesting astrological changes, and in a nakshatra also related to change.

Pluto went retrograde on May 2nd, with it being the planet of power and transformation, Pluto retrograde always signals a time to rethink how we apply our energies and efforts. Are we in control of ourselves? Are we being controlled by others? Are we fighting the right battles? Some of the questions to be asked in this cycle, from now until October.

But with Pluto changing motion so recently, things are intensified in this early portion of May. A lot of us can feel powerless, or weak. We can feel a sense of hopelessness now. As with any start, this is hinting towards what we have to fix and improve. Any problem area, or deep concern, appearing now is a hint to things that you want to improve.

Another recent change was Jupiter in Taurus, the change of Jupiter always shows a new direction. But so recently after it, we are not yet clear on what changed or where to look to, hence the confusion.

On Bharani itself, this is the star of Yama, the god of death and dharma. He acts as an enforcer of rules. In many ways, a punisher. An emphasis on Bharani always promotes the idea of rules and order, on the positive. And authoritarianism and excess, on the negative.

Bharani can be related to any kind of suppression, repression, censorship or any excessive promotion of rules/regulations. Uranus in Bharani, from 2020 up until early this April, was the height of censorship and suppression around the world. Specially on the internet, which is related to Uranus. With the long cycle of the planet, it will only go back to Bharani around 2105 — you read correctly.

With Uranus out of Bharani, we will see increased fighting against censorship. I’m not saying it will end, like magic, but there will be less tolerance and passivity towards it. People will protest, complain and refuse to comply with excessive rules, rulers or censors.

In a way, as I’ve said other times, the 2020s are a rehash of the 60s. With many shared astrological similarities in both times. It is no wonder that similar events are happening in the world. The racial protests of 2020 had a similar tone to the ones in the 60s. The current repression of campus protests in the US are reminiscent of old clashes, like the Vietnam War draft protests.

The times ahead are strong moments of change. Looking a little less ahead, we have some interesting Mundane points this May.

The degree point of an Eclipse becomes a sensitive point, that gets activated whenever a planet passes through. On that note, this Friday we will have Mercury passing the Ecliptic point. This can be a time of revelation, information coming out or new discoveries. Specially for those with planets near the Eclipse, this can be an important moment of change and discovery. Either way, this is a time of clarity.

To see if you have a planet touched by the Eclipse, see my guide here

Later in the month, around May 24th, Mars will transit the Eclipse degrees. With Mars being a malefic planet, a harsh event can come from this influence. On a personal level, strong changes or complicated news can lead towards a new course in life.

Going on the even shorter term, into now, the week ahead up until the New Moon can be a very confusing and upsetting time. A lot of things feel unsettled now, and we might feel toned down or forced by circumstances. New information, specially emotional or shocking news, can come out now and force us to stop and reassess things.

The New Moon itself can be a strong time for revelations, new discoveries or some type of transformation. But things will feel more settled after it, and it will be easier to comprehend things and define rules or goals to deal with what we discover.

Post Eclipse Blues and a Pint of Mercury

The Eclipses have come and gone, and so has the craziness around them. In these first weeks of April, I’ve read a ton of doomsday reports about the Eclipses. The Solar Eclipse was going to be the end of the world, the rapture was coming, the aliens were coming, Amy Winehouse and Elvis were coming back to release a duet album — Suspicious Minds Back to Black is the working title. Good times, nothing better than a little bit of insanity to cheer life right up.

Times are cyclical, everything changes and yet remains the same. In ancient times, people feared Eclipses like cats fear baths. These were dreaded days, filled with fear-mongering lore and feelings of doom. The darkness in the sky was seen as the end of the world, or a sign of evil spirits and demonic omens running around.

Times changed, excluding Astrology and Astronomy columns, people barely knew or cared about Eclipses. In both fields, people have their reasons to care, and yes it matters. But in neither case, were Eclipses turned into doomsday events. For the average person, excluding the possibility of taking a photo for their Instagram, it didn’t matter.

And now we’ve cycled back. It’s the end of the world, nuclear war, the Eclipse will eat your family, run for your life. We are back at the fear-mongering of medieval times, but with twerking and Apple Watches instead of witch burnings — this new generation (those born after 1755) is so lazy, no work ethic to burn people.

It is a new era/cycle of insanity. Which brings me to the main point of this text, insanity. Pisces is the sign of deep faith, which can deal with beauty and loving kindness, but it also shows loving-kind insanity. Strong Pisces moments will always deal with excesses and illusions, people seeing monsters in the skies and under their beds.

April, starting today, is a very strong Pisces moment. Retrograde transits intensify planets and their influence, and Mercury retrogrades into Pisces later today. Mercury will remain in this sign until May 10th, and retrograde until April 25th. With that, communications this month have this Pisces flavor of faith, illusion and excess. Expect doom and gloom, expect people thinking a plastic bag stuck in a tree is an UFO, expect conspiracy theories and emotional stories.

Q&A – Ask your dumb questions!

In some happy (maybe not) news, I’m doing a Q&A about Astrology. Ask your questions below, I will be posting the answers around Friday, the 12th.

Edit: Answers posted here

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