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January 2025 in Astrology

One of the first aspects of the year will be Mars opposing Pluto, this is the second of three hits of this aspect. The initial one happened in November last year, the next one will be in the end of April. Mars-Pluto is usually an explosive combination; indicating conflict, fighting and major clashes. But with Mars debilitated in Cancer, this trend becomes somewhat faint and strange. November itself was very peaceful, despite a few protests and issues here and there.

I don’t see January being a moment of extreme events, I believe those will be more likely in February, after Mars turns direct. Still, Mars in Cancer is very emotional, and people are very prone towards excessive and harsh actions. Petty vengeance or lashing out can be seen through this influence.

On the 20th, Mars will retrograde back into Gemini, changing the tone of the conversation. Mars will remain in Gemini until April 2nd. With this placement, we will be focused a lot on technology, communication and travel. Issues of freedom of speech are likely to gain some traction under this influence too.

Another interesting, and fairly long, point deals with Venus. Venus will enter Pisces on the 27th, turning retrograde between March and April, it will remain in Pisces until May 31st. This is a very long transit for Venus, usually in a sign for less than a month.

Events in January 2025

  • 03/01/2025 02:22 Mars Opposing Pluto 06°55’45” Cancer R 06°55’45” Capricorn
  • 04/01/2025 01:36 Mercury in Sagittarius
  • 13/01/2025 17:27 Full Moon in Punarvasu 29°47’19” Gemini
  • 13/01/2025 22:26 Sun in Capricorn
  • 15/01/2025 21:39 Sun Opposing Mars 02°00’10” Capricorn 02°00’10” Cancer R
  • 20/01/2025 23:35 Mars in Gemini (R)
  • 21/01/2025 07:29 Sun Conjunct Pluto 07°30’31” Capricorn 07°30’31” Capricorn
  • 24/01/2025 07:10 Mercury in Capricorn
  • 27/01/2025 20:33 Venus in Pisces
  • 29/01/2025 07:36 New Moon in Shravana 15°38’56” Capricorn
  • 30/01/2025 12:18 Uranus direct 29°03’12” Aries
    • 01/09/2024 10:43 Uranus retrograde 03°03’19” Taurus

A big influence in the air now is Rahu-Neptune, with us since late December and until around April. Rahu exacerbates anything it touches, Neptune deals with illusions. Two and two together, this is a time of illusions, deceptions and blurred vision.

Many problems loom in the air right now, and people will simply ignore them under this influence. The masses are easily fooled now, and it is easy to mask any kind of troublesome situation. The big problem is the day after, when the illusions end and reality gives us a hard knock. That will be a time of great upset, conflict and disappointment.

The exact timeline of this day after is debatable, on my 2025 Predictions, I highlighted the period between March and May:

From late March to mid May, Saturn and Rahu will be transiting conjunct in Pisces. Saturn-Rahu is an influence that promotes protests, turmoil and agitation. So after the March eclipses, we could enter a very heated moment.

2025 predictions

Yet one can also highlight late February, after Mars turns direct. Mars turning direct is akin to a shaken soda bottle, or a champagne bottle being popped. All that built up pressure, suppressed by the retrograde cycle, gets released all at once. Still, I believe that the height of events in this first semester will come forth between March and May.

With that being said, what is January about? Illusions, the world is on a bizarre honeymoon. I follow the news on many countries of the world, and everything is extremely volatile and unstable in many places, with unsustainable situations almost everywhere.

2025 deals a lot with change, and change is never easy. Everyone wants a revolution, but only as long as they don’t have to do any work or deal with any hardship. But those struggles and problems are a requirement for change. 2025 will deal with incoming change, and the unsavory troubles that surround it.

January is a moment of sleep. People will not notice, or outright ignore, the hurdles around and ahead. They will shoot the messenger. And they will remain ignorant.

Even those of us aware can be (and probably are) deluded in some level. Illusions are a dominant influence now, we are not Gods, we are not completely immune to them. I’d say everyone is in an illusion now, the form of it will vary, but everyone has a blurred vision as of early 2025. We will gain clarity later on, specially around March.

The Full Moon on the 13th happens on Punarvasu nakshatra, on the very edge of the sign of Gemini, with the Sun about to enter Capricorn. All the Full Moons until April will happen on the edge of signs, at 29°. This shows a time of volatility. On a mundane level, sudden news or big changes can create conflict.

The New Moon on the 29th happens on Shravana nakshatra, this is a very studious and intellectual nakshatra. Combined with a nice Jupiter aspect during this New Moon, this is a strong time to study or dive deep into something. Education, learning and discovering are favored now.

Mundane wise, with Uranus turning direct on the 30th, some surprises can happen in the very end of January.



On a mundane level, there is a lot of illusion in the air. People might be actively trying to trick or manipulate others now. Still, finesse is strongly lacking, and many distortions now are as subtle as a pink elephant wearing a sombrero. Manipulations now will tend to make people angry, and rile them up, with said anger coming up later when Mars turns direct next month.

Most of January still has Mars in Cancer, so people are very emotional, petty and vindictive. Stories about such types of crime are very common now. Similarly, vindictive ideas or outright public revenges will tend to arise now.

Around the 20th, Mars will retrograde back into Gemini and change the conversation. Issues about travel, free speech and communication will become prominent. Similarly, some major issues of September and October 2024 could make a comeback into the public.


Obviously, the 20th has the US government shift, I might discuss the inauguration chart later on. But for now I would highlight two main features: Mars retrograde about to change signs, the Sun conjunct Pluto.

Mars here shows some kind of going back and forth, as we cycle between Cancer and Gemini since about August last year. Conflicts, reversals and changes in plan are seen through this. Sun conjunct Pluto shows great power being yielded, so there is great forcefulness and strength coming into play in this new government. Who will yield such power is the big question.


On a personal level, January is not a great moment for personal change, there is a lot of volatility in the air and Mars retrograde doesn’t favor pushing ahead. In my view, New Year’s resolutions will have a hard time going forward this year.

When Mars turns direct, on February 23rd, things will be better and easier. Until then, this is a great time to review our past decision and actions. Looking back at past projects, past successes or failures is a very good idea now. Mars retro is a time to plan, strategize, and organize instead of pushing ahead. The Full Moon will be a great moment for this.

Another thing about Mars is that, while in Cancer until the 20th, it is not that pleasant. People are simply more aggressive, petty and tending to lash out. Avoid being provoked and try to avoid conflict.

Still, until late March we are under the umbrella of Rahu-Neptune, and things seem confusing and blurry. It is very hard to be certain about things right now. Flexibility is key this early 2025, as a lot can (and will tend to) change around March and April.

December 2024 in Astrology

I start these predictions for December right after a nice star gazing session, admiring the Full Moon in November and taking a good look at Orion, my favorite constellation in the sky. December is an odd time, as we look both ahead and behind, ending the year and starting a fresh one. Looking at the skies is always a nice inspiration to think things over.

Going into the month itself, this is a packed month astrologically with many interesting aspects. We start the month amidst Mercury retrograde, which will be with us until December 15th. The usual precautions are advised, and in my November column for those that need a refresher on them.

Mercury retro will mean that Mercury will oppose Jupiter three times, one last month and two in December. Jupiter deals with the future, while Mercury is the eternal now. Jupiter is the grand scheme of things, Mercury is the small details. So this opposition always deals with a clash between the present and the future. Combined with Mercury retrograde, early in December, it can be hard to see the big picture. Late in the month, things will be clearer to understand.

The New Moon this month happens on the very first day, in Anuradha nakshatra. This is the star of friendship and devotion, dealing a lot with intense love or worship for causes, ideas and people. It happens with both Mars and Neptune stationary, with Mars going retrograde and Neptune going direct just a few days after the New Moon.

Looking at these energies, it’s a star that deals a lot about beliefs, combined with Neptune the planet of dreams and illusions. So early December becomes a time of ideology and intensity. As I mentioned last month, this is a time of strong declarations. With Mars stationary in Cancer, the red planet gets feisty, and extreme events and violence are possible now. With Mercury retrograde adding fuel to the fire, this can be a time of blockages or conflict.

It should also be noted that the Mars-Pluto influence, mentioned last month, remains in effect all through December and for the first half of January. Mars opposing Pluto shows power struggles and conflict between big institutions on a macro level. It also shows a time of anger, hostility and instability.

Events in December 2024

  • 01/12/2024 01:21 New Moon in Anuradha 15°20’37” Scorpio
  • 02/12/2024 01:27 Venus in Capricorn
  • 06/12/2024 18:28 Mars retrograde 11°57’57” Cancer
    • 23/02/2025 21:07 Mars direct 22°48’22” Gemini
  • 07/12/2024 15:58 Sun Opposing Jupiter 22°03’03” Sco 22°03’03” Tau R
  • 07/12/2024 20:01 Neptune direct 02°55’33” Pisces
    • 02/07/2024 03:39 Neptune retrograde 05°44’00” Pisces
  • 13/12/2024 00:54 Uranus in Aries
  • 15/12/2024 04:02 Full Moon in Migrashira 29°40’31” Taurus
  • 15/12/2024 11:41 Sun in Sagittarius
  • 15/12/2024 15:57 Mercury direct 12°11’25” Scorpio
    • 25/11/2024 21:42 Mercury retrograde 28°28’02” Scorpio
  • 23/12/2024 02:27 Sun square Rahu/Ketu (in effect ~17/12-30/12)
  • 24/12/2024 16:59 Jupiter square Saturn 19°49′ (Taurus-Aquarius)
  • 28/12/2024 13:11 Venus in Aquarius
  • 30/12/2024 17:27 New Moon in Purva Ashada 15°31’17” Sagittarius

On December 13th, Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, remaining in that sign until March next year. This is the end of the Uranus in Aries transit, started around 2017. This final whiff of Aries will deal a lot with the wars around the world, as well as protests.

On the 15th, we will have Mercury going direct, the Sun changing signs and a Full Moon. So it can be an eventful and emotional day, with many turns and things being walked back.

The Full Moon this month happens in Migrashira nakshatra, a star that deals a lot with exploration and discovery. Happening close to Jupiter, this can be a positive time to expand our mentality and discover new things.

Later on, around the 24th, we will have Jupiter square Saturn, the second of three exact aspects. The square is a step on the Jupiter-Saturn cycle, with a conjunction every 20 years, an opposition (half cycle) every 10 years, and the squares in-between.

The last conjunction happened around 2020, so the square tends to deal with a review of what happened around that time. In September, I discussed the first hit of Jupiter square Saturn, and how some issues of 2020 (like online censorship) were being discussed again and walked back. We will similarly see more 2020 issues coming back into focus, but on a fresh (many times critical) lens in the coming months.

Going back into 2024 and Jupiter square Saturn, we are likely to see some pushes in regards to these Taurus issues. An increase in usage of cryptocurrencies will tend to happen.

As quoted above, from my predictions on this aspect, made on January 2024 I mentioned that crypto would tend to grow. Interestingly enough, after Trump was elected, most cryptocurrencies had upturns in price.

A final interesting aspect this month is the Sun squaring the Lunar Nodes, which will be in effect throughout the second half of December. This aspect promotes a time of intensity, where karmic events are possible.

We have another New Moon to discuss this month, the final one of the year, starting the norm of 2025 with New Moons occurring towards the end of each month. This New Moon happens in Purva Ashada nakshatra, a star related a lot to rest, rejuvenation and creativity. It is a very good opportunity to start 2025 fresh. Anything relaxing is favored, specially activities near water, like going to a beach.

Summary and Predictions

December continues two transits of November, Mercury retrograde and Mars opposing Pluto. Along for the ride, Mars will turn retrograde, adding a lot of intensity early in December. Early December can deal a lot with blockages, conflicts and anger.

Looking at a timeline of things, Mars opposing Pluto will be with us until about half of January next year. So from November until late January becomes a time of conflict, power struggles, anger and anxiety. As I explained last month, this is a time of big talk and big declarations.

Mercury retrograde will only be with us until around the 15th of December. But with Mercury in Scorpio, a lot of what circulates right now in the media will lean towards the bitter, resentful and provocative. Again, making December a time of conflict and heightened tension. The days around the 15th can be very eventful, as a lot will be happening astrologically.

Many issues of 2020 will be revisited in the coming months under a new lens, we will tend to see that specially in late December and this January. This is the energy of Jupiter square Saturn, active since around August this year, and strongly with us until around June 2025.

With Mercury opposing Jupiter, another point that I would raise deals with online censorship. Mercury being communication devices, and Jupiter dealing with laws and regulations. After the US Election, many countries are rushing to enact laws and regulations regarding online censorship.

Intense talks will happen, specially in December. But I tend to believe these efforts will be ineffective. Measures taken now tend to be rushed and poorly planned, so the results will be similarly lacking.

Mars guide and Personal Predictions

I hate Mars in Cancer. This is a constructive statement that I whole-heartedly approve. In mundane astrology, Jupiter and Saturn are king in regards to a year’s energies, the outer planets deal with longer term trends, and Mars shows monthly trends.

The average motion of Mars is about 60 days (or two months) per sign, although the planet has a variable and erratic motion. In 2024, the average was about 39 days per sign. This is the faster motion of Mars, preceding the retrograde cycle.

Mars represents energy, action and lust. In transit, it shows the moods and passions of the masses at a certain moment of time. Although a fairly short influence, it is very noticeable, as we see the moods change through the months.

With the shorter transits, we get stronger turns and changes in mood. For some people, 2024 might have felt rushed or too fast. In contrast, retrograde means a slower transit, so we have more time to digest and feel a transit. Things don’t seem to change, the mood tends to remain the same and we keep mostly on the same mood.

With the retrograde, Mars will be in Cancer for about 5 months, between 2024 and 2025. Mars in Cancer is all about emotions. An emotional fire. People are less rational now, and more prone to vicious moods.

Jealousy, vengeance and resentment are strong themes for Mars in Cancer. It also deals with rushed and poorly planned actions (based solely on emotion), that tend to turn ineffective. It is not all bad, Mars in Cancer also tends to promote nesting, comfort seeking, home improvement and it can stimulate people to deal with their emotions.

However, this combined influence of Mercury in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer puts this end of 2024 in a very bitter zone. People are overly emotional, vicious, bitter and resentful. It is not the easiest of moods to handle. We have to be aware of that and tread carefully.

Editorial Note

I’m currently working on my 2025 predictions, which I intend to publish late in December, hopefully around the 20th. So check back around then.

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