Tag: nakshatras (Page 12 of 13)


  • Span: 16°40′ Cancer to 30°00′ Cancer
  • Deity: Nagas, the Vedic serpent kingdom
  • Dasha Lord: Mercury
  • Symbol: A coiled snake
  • Animal (Yoni): Cat (male)
  • Shakti or power: Visasleshana shakti = power to inflict with poison

Ashlesha is not ruled by a singular deity, but by the whole kingdom of celestial serpents, meaning that this star is influenced by all the mythological serpents of Vedic culture.

In occult symbolism, snakes represent many things, the main one being the duality between good and evil. This related a lot to the human experience, as we can range from extremely selfish and deceitful to kind and selfless in our actions. Snakes also represent rebirth, regeneration, transformation and the cycle of life; similar to the shedding of skin in real snakes. Their mysterious nature, with sudden attacks is another point. The snake demonstrates the unpredictability of life, where people make unexpected choices, things take unexpected turns, and so on and so on.

Whenever snakes are mentioned, we are dealing with basal trends, the reptilian brain. It deals with the desire to fulfill our basic needs and desires for food, sex and our instincts. A big issue with that is when people are ruled by their desires, by their basal and selfish needs.

The coiled snake symbolism is specifically related to many matters as well. Being the symbol of medicine, it indicates the control of our natural instincts towards a higher purpose. It also showcases the usage of negative or harsh measures in medicine, such as poisons (including snake poison) to heal or violent endeavors like surgeries. In regards to the occult, Kundalini energy is said to be a coiled energy at the base of our spine, much like a snake. DNA itself is a coiled link, much like a snake, and Ashlesha deals a lot with matters of the past; such as legacy, DNA and karma.

The cat symbolism walks hand in hand with the snake in a lot of ways. First, both are enticing animals, and the natives here tend towards extreme charm or enchantment. Both are somewhat selfish animals, mostly concerned about their own needs and comfort, a trend for these natives as well.

Mercury as the ruler makes sense when we understand that Mercury is a merchant, someone that will tell anything necessary to make a sale. This is the alluring quality of Ashlesha, the biblical snake selling the apple. Mercury gives Ashlesha great charm, intelligence and perception, as well as the obvious communication skills. As Cancer is ruled by the Moon, this means a Mercury-Moon combination, which usually is an indicator of some emotional issues; as it shows the unity of mental/rational (Mercury) with the emotional (Moon).

Combining most of the symbolism, Ashlesha natives tend to be highly intelligent and charming, with their big weakness being a philosophical gluttony. They always want more, they always need to satisfy their desires. So they are prone towards excess, not only in consumption and enjoyment, but also in their means. A trend towards dishonesty or deception is strong here, taking advantage of other, engaging in corruption or other harsh activities and behaviors are indicated. There is also a trend towards hiding one’s intentions, much like a snake preparing for a sudden attack, so a friendly face might hide negative intentions.

Ashlesha usually has good intuition and perception, but a lack of a long-term vision could be an issue here. This star shows a very reptilian impulse, so the big focus is on the now, on your current need and satisfaction. A disconnection from consequences, or future issues and matters, is a strong tendency here. So these natives might make decisions without thinking, and create trouble for themselves in the future. The snake is a very reactive animal, actions are thought in regards to the now, similarly, Ashlesha natives tend to have this immediatism with life

These natives are usually very focused, Ashlesha rarely deals with indecision or a yearning for a path. They are usually very focused, they know what they want, and they will stick with it.

A strong trend here is towards clinging, or embracing strongly, like a snake. This shows positively on a strong drive, as denoted above, but it could also deal with trying to control or dominate others, to keep them close. Which could, ironically, cause the person to move on from the native. A good analogy deals with beach sand, the stronger you squeeze it, the more you lose it.

Some loose notes:

  • A sense of inner weakness usually manifests here, and this could be overcompensated with outer shows of “strength”.
  • Manipulation, control and obsession are trends here. There is a need towards being in control of situations.
  • Questionable practices and calculative manners.
  • Big appetites on all levels. Food, money, sex, etc.
    • Could indicate addiction.
  • Craving for power might make the native engage in politics.
  • Always active or always moving, specially on a mental level.
  • Very alluring eyes are usually indicated, when prominent in a chart.
  • A strong destiny in life. There is usually a very clear direction, whenever Ashlesha is present.
    • Whether it is life leading towards certain circumstances, or a strong desire by the native, it doesn’t matter. The main point is that a clear path, a clear direction, will be favored.
  • Controlling impulses and desires is a big lesson for these natives.
  • They might suspect of everyone, and trust no one, as they project their inner selfishness and deception onto others.
    • Fear and suspicion
  • Victims and victimizers, they could both suffer or inflict strong blows and troubles in life.
  • Strong social climbers. Could lead towards great achievement.
  • Work related to sex, pornography, alcohol, drugs and poisons is favored.
  • Politics is favored as well, as it deals with power.
  • Medicine is also a strong area.
  • Publicity, advertising, journalism and all areas of information control are favored.
  • A relationship with the occult is possible and favored as well.
  • Work or endeavors related to deception, or some kind of manipulation.

The coiled DNA connection here could show many things, the main one being a strong sense of destiny for these natives. But this could also deals with genetic diseases or complicated karmas and legacies to deals with in life. For instance, a native might have to deal with strong stigma from his family.

This is a star frequently associated with doctors and medicine, there are other stars that deal with this, such as Ashwini. The type of medicine is a big difference here. Ashwini deals with softer and more personal practices, while Ashlesha deals with impersonal and violent manners. Surgery, violence, heavy usage of poisons and medications are indicated. There is a tendency here towards heavy dosages, heavy usage, and a disengagement from side effects - Ashlesha thinks in the now, so the future doesn’t matter. Both styles of medicine are necessary in this world, if some weren’t more violently inclined in their attitudes, we wouldn’t have surgeons.

Politics stems from an unquenchable hunger or desire in life, disguised as preoccupation or concern for others. It is a very Rahu oriented area, and strongly favored by Ashlesha. In fact, I’ve met twin brothers born under this star, where one of them became a politician and the other one a doctor. Ashlesha will usually engage in politics, at some point in life. Not only could they become politicians, but they could work for them, they could become leaders of institutions or associations, etc. Ashlesha tends to prefer behind the scenes activities, so this could also be in play. In one way or another, Ashlesha usually deals with politics.

On a predictive manner, Ashlesha represents selfish and immediate action. Acting without thinking in the future, or consequences for other people, is a strong thing indicated by this star. Deep indulgence in pleasures is also indicated. Poisoning and inflicting harm are also trends whenever Ashlesha is prominent.

As a daily star, Ashlesha favors harsh and violent activities. Such as filling lawsuits, inflicting poisons, scheming or conspiring against others. It favors sexual activity and indulgence. It is excellent for short term activities. It is very unfavorable towards new beginnings, specially in regards to partnerships or business deals. Not good for long-term planning.

I would usually go into a “on the negative” section, but this is one star where much of the natural symbolism already highlights the negatives, so let’s do the opposite.

On the positive, a lot of Ashlesha natives learn to control their negative impulses, and act in less deceptive ways. We also have to understand that, even though certain things aren’t pretty, that doesn’t mean that they are not necessary. Bees are disturbing for a lot of people, but essential for agriculture. Similarly, Ashlesha’s selfishness and desire for achievement a lot of times creates people essential to society, such as surgeons. A lot of times, an Ashlesha native will (selfishly) end up creating good in a quest towards fulfilling his needs.


  • Prince Andrew (Ashlesha ascendant at 18°): royal related to many sex scandals.
  • Sonny Bono (Ashlesha Moon at 19°): singer, later in life became a politician.
  • Joan Quigley (Ashlesha Moon at 19°): astrologer, noted for being Nancy Reagan’s astrologer during her husband’s presidency. This was a public scandal at the time, as the Reagans were questioned for relying on astrologers.
  • Johnny Depp (Ashlesha ascendant at 19°): famous actor, who went through a turbulent and publicized divorce from Amber Heard. The scandal affected his career.

See more Nakshatra posts here


Lord Yama
  • Span: 13°20′ Aries to 26°40′ Aries
  • Deity: Yama, the god of death and Dharma
  • Dasha lord: Venus
  • Symbol: Vagina, Womb, Doorway, Boat
  • Animal (Yoni): Elephant (male)
  • Shakti or power: Apabharani Shakti = power to take things away

Lord Yama is the god of death, being responsible for taking care of souls after death. Usually, entities related to death are feared and seen as evil, but this is not the case here. Yama is also the lord of Dharma, which means justice and honor, in a loose translation. Yama directs the souls after their earthly death, so he has the responsibility of properly rewarding and punishing people for their deeds in life. This obviously relates to a sense of judgment and accountability, as well as fairness, as we wouldn’t want people getting away with bad deeds.

Yama is the brother of Shani (the deity related to the planet Saturn), both are responsible for managing our karmas. But Shani/Saturn does it during life, allowing us to reduce our burden right now. While Yama awards (or punishes) us only after death.

Yama confers a strong sense of justice to this star, more specifically, a strong need for punishment and rules. Bharani figures might be harsh leaders, who are always setting up rules and restrictions or punishing people for even the smallest slights.

All the symbols related to this star denote the transportation from one realm to another, as well as the transformation of things. Bharani is a star strongly associated with transformation, strong changes in life are a big possibility under this star. This also relates to the incubation of things, keeping ideas or projects a secret until they are ripe or ready for revelation, much like a birth. It could also mean taking care of something delicate or precious.

Transformation also relates to creativity and this is a very creative star, with many artists or creative types spawning through here. Being related to life and death, at the same time, this star is associated with all extremes. Male and female, positive and negative, light and darkness, etc. These natives might also have extreme tastes or intense feelings in life.

The name meaning “bearing” again indicates our previously discussed point of incubation, but it also shows burdens. Carrying burdens, carrying secrets, having to bear a strong burden. I associate this star with sexual traumas or sexual assaults, as a lot of times this was a burden seen with these nativities. Of course, it won’t always happen, it depends on other chart factors. Carrying burdens also means holding responsibilities, a lot of times these natives might have strong duties in life, being responsible for complicated matters or situations.

The Elephant confers many meanings to this star. One of them deals with delays and jams, specially related to travel, as this is the burden of a large animal or a large vehicle. This larger than life quality also reflects on the native’s charm, as they tend to impose respect naturally. These are not people to be pushed around by others.

Venus as the planetary ruler complements many of our previous points, specially in regards to creativity, natural charm, but also transformation. Venus, esoterically, is a planet associated with fertility in many ancient cultures. This comes from the fact that Venus periodically goes through a rebirth, from morning star to evening star, and vice-versa. In Vedic culture, Venus is related to Sanjivini Vidya or “the knowledge to raise the dead back to life”, this is a power conferred to Shukracharya (deity of Venus).

Venus also confers a distinctive charm to these natives, even if there isn’t anything strongly attractive in them, they are still magnetic and seen. Usually, I’ve noticed this star related to tomboy women, which is somewhat unusual when you consider Venus as the classical feminine planet. Similarly, I’ve noticed this star quite frequently related to sensual and sex related work, like pornography.

Saturn’s debilitation happens here, at 20° Aries, which is really symbolic considering that Yama and Shani are brothers with distinctive duties related to Karma. Shani deals with releasing the burden of Karma during this life, Yama relates to releasing the burden of Karma through a new incarnation or in the after life. In a way, Bharani would block the proper path of Shani, favoring the path of Yama towards Karma.

On a loose interpretation, this would mean not facing our Karma in the current life, and instead waiting for death to face them. On a practical sense, it deals a lot with a lack of responsibility, these natives might be childish at times; acting impulsively and not taking responsibility for the consequences. It also relates to the meaning of strong transformations, as these natives deal with their karmas through large lessons, and big moments instead of longer smaller issues. Bharani might have a lot of “rebirths” or transformations in life.

In occult symbolism, death symbolizes transformation, as all transformations are similar to small deaths. So it is not surprising that a star ruled by Yama, the god of death, deals with transformation. Here these events either deal with a long incubated idea, or dissatisfaction, or with a sudden harsh event leading the native towards change.

Some loose notes:

  • Being a Nakshatra related to Venus, this star tends towards attractive natives of both genders.
  • Liking for secrets and secrecy.
  • Jealousy and envy issues, both on the giving and receiving end.
  • Strong sensual nature, they want to feel things intensively.
  • Need for rules, restrictions and punishment. A profound attachment to feeling
  • They like to make sudden and strong changes. A Bharani native will usually have, at least, one big transformation in life. Bharani is related to anything sudden or surprising
  • Losses or strong complications might trigger these changes.
  • Dealing with extremes, happy and sad, light and darkness, etc.
  • Carrying a burden, holding strong responsibilities or being relied on.
  • A strong memory and good recollection of facts is usually seen here.

Archetypally, this star is associated to handsome and sensual natives, with an unusual beauty to them. They are not conventionally attractive, but something seems to pull you into them.

On a predictive manner, sudden and surprising events are related to this star. Specially in regards to secrets and previously hidden or unknown matters. Judges, harsh figures, punishers can also be seen. The negative side of Bharani deals with an excessive desire for control, or a quest for vengeance, holding grudges is another issue. A big problem for these natives is excessive indulgence, specially in regards to sex.

As a daily star, Bharani is great for creative activities, spontaneous behavior, harsh and strong measures. This is a great day for dealing with neglected activities, things that you procrastinated, as well as for cleaning up or getting rid of old items. Releasing any burden is favored here.

On the negative, Bharani is a terrible day for travel, with a strong tendency towards traffic jams or delays. Gentle and serene activities are not favored. Initiations and beginnings are not favorable here, as the star deals a lot with death and endings. Things started around Bharani usually deal with some kind of burden weighting down said matter.


Donatella Versace (Ascendant 15° Aries and Sun 17° Aries)

Sister of Gianni Versace, also his creative partner and muse. She had to carry a strong burden after her brother’s assassination, carrying his legacy and leading the brand creatively, all while dealing with the pain from losing her dear brother and friend. Her exaggerated style of make-up and dress is a clear example of the Bharani extremes.

Daniella Perez (Ascendant 22° Aries)

Actress, daughter of a noted Brazilian soap opera writer. While starring in a soap opera, she was brutally murdered by her co-star Guilherme de Padua in December 1992. She suffered 18 stab wounds that pierced through her neck, lungs, and heart; and was left in a vacant lot.

The main reasons behind the murder were envy and jealousy. Guilherme spent months harassing Daniella about getting her mother (the soap’s head writer) to give him more screen time. His wife, on the other hand, was jealous and frustrated with his constant interactions with Daniella and their on-screen love scenes. The couple planned and carried her murder.

Other Examples

  • Christie Hefner (Ascendant and Jupiter in Bharani): daughter of Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy. She was the CEO of the company from 1988 until early 2009. Themes of sex and sensuality. Carrying a burden: she took the company out of fiscal troubles and made it profitable again.
  • Gloria Vanderbilt (Ascendant in Bharani): lost her wealthy father as a baby at 18 months of age, which lead to a lengthy custody battle in regards to her inheritance and her mother’s lavish spending habits with it. Themes of loss, death, envy and jealousy.
  • James Garfield (Moon in Bharani): American president, murdered after serving four months in office. His killer was a disgruntled office seeker, who felt he deserved a position in Garfield’s cabinet. Themes of jealousy and envy.

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