Tag: nakshatras (Page 2 of 13)


  • Span: 03°20′ Cancer to 16°40′ Cancer
  • Deity: Brihaspati
  • Dasha Lord: Saturn
  • Symbols: Flower, Circle and Arrow
  • Animal (Yoni): Goat (male)
  • Shakti or power: brahmavarchasa shakti = power of Brahma, the power of creation

The name Pushya can be translated into “blossoming”, “yielding” or “nourishing”. By that, it obviously relates to something prosperous or fruitful. One of the main symbols of this nakshatra is a flower, which again relates to the process of blossoming.

The flower represents a high stage of evolution, although not the final one, as we are not yet a fruit. This shows that Pushya tends to have goals, ideals and meanings. They have blossomed into a specific goal or idea for life. Similarly, the symbol of the arrow always highlights a goal or target. The circle also shows a limited area, something contained. The three symbols here indicate goals, objectives and a sense of destiny.

Going a little bit further, the flower shows a benevolent quality, with a tendency towards helping others or overall providing beauty and nice things for the world around them. The circle can also be related to cows, specially the cow udder. Again highlighting ideas of generosity and nourishment.

The deity of this star is Brihaspati, the deity related to Jupiter in Vedic mythology. All Jupiterian meanings can be related to this star. So luck, benevolence, religiosity, good fortune and a philosophical nature are indicated.

Interestingly enough, the planetary ruler of the nakshatra is Saturn, making a combination of Jupiter and Saturn here. This creates a push and pull between forces. The high and the low, up and down, the rich and the poor, etc.

The combination of these two influences, astrologically, tends to be seen as a very productive one. The influence of both is seen as a sign of things materializing or prospering in some form. So this nakshatra tends to be very productive or fruitful. On the other hand, highs and lows in life tend to be indicated, as things flip between the two polarities.

The shakti of this star is related to Brahma, the god of creation, so this star tends to be a very creative force. In many cases, this can make a person artistically inclined. It can also relate towards having many children. Overall, it highlights the meanings of prosperity and luck already discussed.

Some loose notes:

  • Luck, prosperity and progress in life
  • Great generosity and friendliness
  • Can show great creativity or talent
  • Ups and downs in life, but usually their luck allows them to rise above the downturns.
  • It tends to indicate beauty or charm
  • Family oriented, “conservative” to some degree
  • Love for circles or round things.
  • Big chest or breasts, or love for them.
  • Strong need for material security.
  • Can indicate adoption of children.
  • Love for nature and gardening.
  • They can be very judgmental of others.
  • Very religious, specially attracted towards studying scriptures or occult systems.
    • at times, they can dabble in black magic
  • Career wise:
    • Going into their family business
    • Food industry, restaurants, etc.
    • Hotels and hospitality
    • Party planning
    • Soft areas
      • arts
      • fashion
      • fun
    • Journalism
      • gossip and entertainment
      • social issues or family stories
      • religious themes
    • Real estate
    • Teachers and educators
    • Care professions
    • Nursing
    • Politics
    • Farming and gardening
    • Religion
      • all kinds of religious experts
      • but specially prone towards preaching
    • Psychology or counseling

A primary meaning of this star deals with prosperity, many of the symbols here indicate luck and fruitfulness. So these natives tend to do well in life. Material progress is usually seen here.

These are usually very kind and generous people in general. At times, this can relate to child adoption or taking care of someone outside of their own families.

Physically, these natives tend to be fleshy, with pretty smiles and a charming nature. A tendency towards large chests or breasts is seen, making for very attractive individuals.

These natives have a strong need for material security. They will usually work very hard, until they achieve enough of a cushion or enough comfort in life. Their mental health depends a lot on their material security, any slight disturbance could get them riled up.

This nakshatra tends to promote an interest in gardening and nature. At a smaller level, this will deal with many house-plants. In other cases, the native might end up owning a farm or rural property.

These natives tend to be conservative and family oriented, with two big asterisks to what exactly that shows: they want to preserve the status quo, whichever it might be; they are oriented towards their own family.

Politically, these people tend to relate to whatever the status quo is. If it is rightwing politics, then it is that. If it is communism, then communism it is. If it is giving Adrian from Nexus Astrology money, then lucky me. They tend towards accepting, embracing and promoting anything that becomes mainstream. They abhor conflict, so they tend towards anything milquetoast that promotes calm and tranquility in society. They are rarely radicals or revolutionaries.

The family oriented portion is another expression of that. It doesn’t mean cartoon characters and wholesome things, not necessarily. They are oriented towards their family, so doing whatever their family does becomes natural. If their family owns sex clubs, they will family-orientedly go into that business. If it is drugs, the same.

This last point goes in line with their strong need for material security. As long as they are comfortable and well in life, they don’t really care much about the consequences to others, or the ethics of what they are doing.

As usual, let’s delve into the negative. I debated with my editor (myself) on inserting the previous two points as negative points. I went against it, for these are not necessarily negative points, although they can develop into it.

Going back to symbols, the circle shows a gathering of something. In Pushya, they gather their family in a circle. And nobody outside matters. In a very negative expression of this nakshatra, the natives can be outright cruel and deceitful to outsiders. All while wanting the very best for their family or group. Again, this is in a very negative expression of this star, with many afflictions. Nonetheless, learning to embrace others, and seeing beyond their little circles, can be a great lesson here.

A fairly common negative of Pushya deals with emotional manipulation. These natives are prone towards playing games with others, playing the victim or using emotion to get what they want. A final, smaller note, is that these natives can be very judgmental or gossipy at times.

As a daily star:

Overall, a very joyous and nice day of the month. This nakshatra has a calm and fairly slow demeanor, so some delays and interruptions are possible. But it is very prosperous for a new beginning, as projects started here tend to grow and expand. People tend to be very friendly today. Conversations tend to center around music, arts and fun subjects; or gossip and bitchy celebrity culture.

→ Favorable activities with Pushya: favorable for any kind of new beginning. Great for parties, celebrations and meetings. Great for getting help and support from others. Also good for seeking advice from others. Good for religious ceremonies. A great time for nurturing, relaxation, comfort and anything soothing.

→ Unfavorable activities with Pushya: unfavorable for anything harsh or cruel, not a good time for confrontations. Not indicated for marriage cerimonies.

On a predictive manner, planets in Pushya tend to indicate luck and prosperity, many times they can also indicate artistic talent. A big thing though is charm, so planets in the 1st or 10th in Pushya tend to make a native well liked. In the modern world, planets here tend to help people succeed in social media.


  • Christie Hefner (Pushya Moon at 15° Cancer): American publishing executive and noted family, the daughter of Hugh Hefner.
    • Family Business: she led Playboy Enterprises for almost 20 years, improving the company’s finances greatly.
      • here we have the example of a family business, that’s not so family-oriented.
  • Cristóbal Balenciaga (Pushya ascendant at 10° Cancer): Spanish fashion designer, House of Balenciaga.
    • Family Business: He learned sewing early in life, through his mother, who worked making dresses to support the family.
    • Here we have many themes, soft subjects like fashion. Focus on beauty and pleasure. Material progress in life, starting as the humble son of a widow and ending life as a top fashion designer.

See more Nakshatra posts here

Questions, August 2024

Order and chaos, a few editorial questions and doubts about people and conversations.

See the previous Q&A here.

Only Talks Money

"what makes a person a golddigger who only talks about money ?"
Name: rosie

Short answer: Only talks about money? Probably a Scorpio.

Long answer:

The 3rd house represents what we tend to talk about. For instance, Leo loves talking about arts, movies and beauty. The third house is Libra, ruled by Venus, a sign that deals a lot with the fine and pretty things of life.

Similarly, all water signs have their third house being an earth sign. Earth is mainly concerned with stability, resources and money.

Cancer has practical Virgo as the 3rd house, so it talks a lot about getting things done. Pisces has Taurus, which is the sign of money, but Venus (ruler of Taurus) can steer things away; focusing more on arts and beauty.

Scorpio has business oriented Capricorn, and Scorpio naturally deals with the 8th house of other people’s money, so it all becomes money.

  • “he does this this and that, he also has that company that sells…”
  • “he has so much money, people can’t screw with him”
  • “he never loses money”

Those are all phrases I’ve heard in conversation with Scorpios. Whenever somebody gave me a financial rundown of a stranger’s life, I would always find a Scorpio Moon when approximating their birthday on my phone. The only time it wasn’t, it was a Scorpio Ascendant, the scorpioness showed me her birthtime.

I really don’t understand the allure of it. To me, the only money that matters is the one I can use. If I can’t turn it into coffee, booze and debauchery, it is irrelevant money in my book.

But the cuddly scorpions love this subject, and they love steering conversations towards it. I’ve recently been in a conversation, originally about cats and dogs, that became about some random youtuber’s finances. All thanks to a Scorpio. I will never understand it. I would rather give a colonoscopy to a dog than discuss some random youtube-person’s money, but hey, some people are into it. Scorpios.

On that note, if you want to approach a Scorpio, having gossip about some rando’s finances is a good ice-breaker.


"youre very negative about pisces"
Name: nienke

Short answer: No, I don’t think so.

Long answer:

In my writings and studies, I always like to go against the grain, even if just a little, to balance out the excesses and issues in the consensus. There is always nuance, and nuance is always lost when you reach a consensus. Why? Because people start repeating the same phrases and statements, but without the proper background knowledge.

On signs, a lot of the mainstream pop astrology opinions on them come from a woman named Linda Goodman — I covered her biography briefly on my Revati text. The thing is a lot of people nowadays have no idea who she is, yet they still repeat her ideas, why?

Because people learned from her, made their own derivative works, and the world moved on. A mom read a pop astrology book in the 90s, based on Linda’s book from the 60s. Her daughter read a Tumblr post in 2014, based on a 2005 website, based on that 90s book. This will all lead to a TikTok, which will inspire the next generation.

With signs, we have a general consensus that tends to demonize certain signs, like Aries and Gemini. And sanctify others like Pisces and Aquarius. Why?

Aquarius is said to represent astrology, and a lot of western astrologers are born under tropical Aquarius. So there is this bias. But that isn’t the actual main reason.

Some astrologers believe that each sign shows a higher point of human evolution. With Aquarius and Pisces being the last signs, they are seen as holy and superior influences. This comes mostly from Esoteric Astrology, from the times of Madame Blavatsky.

Similarly to the Linda — poor old Linda, she was a fine lady, I would have had a glass of wine with her — situation above, a lot of people repeat Esoteric Astrology lore, without having read or even heard about it. Again, the derivative works, the beat goes on, etc.

My opinion? I’ve met the scum of the earth, and angels too, of all signs. I don’t buy the holiness of Pisces. Sorry, I am not sorry.

I will keep writing the complicated, weird, negative and bad side of Pisces — and everything else, for that matter. It exists, it needs to be discussed, and it helps people.

I’ve received feedback on some of my Nakshatra texts, people identifying with the negative sides, and finding some sense of peace. Understanding why they tend to act in certain manners, can be key to dealing with it. An Anuradha lady told me she finally understood why she kept so many bad friends around.

Back to Pisces, the sign has more defects and issues than “loving too much”, as some tend to say. And I will write about them. As long as a meteor doesn’t kill me, I will write about it. To those used to the ass-kissing and “they are so evolved”, it will sound unfair, not much I can do about it.

Ketu in the 2nd house transit

"what does ketu in 2nd house transit mean?i read it can show poverty"
Name: 宇轩

Ketu’s transit shows an area of detachment, where we are letting go and releasing ourselves from something. For instance, in the 1st house or with the Moon, it can show letting go of personal blockages. Letting go of a fear, a limitation, etc. Someone scared of public speaking could decide to let go, and face their fear, for example.

The 2nd house denotes money, finances, keeping and storing resources. Ketu’s letting go certainly doesn’t sound attractive here. Letting go of “keeping resources” can mean spending more money, instead of saving it.

In my experience, this is usually the time when people tend to make extravagant purchases or more lavish expenses. Getting a new phone, new TV, new car, etc.

Specially with people who tend to save money, this can be a surprising time looking back. As you spend your whole life saving, putting up with old stuff to avoid spending, and suddenly you don’t bother letting go and using your money.

For people who spend money carelessly already, this transit will exacerbate that, so they should try finding someone to advise them — or even nanny them — to avoid breaking the bank.

But overall, for the average person, this transit will show increased expenses. Usually pleasurable or desirable for them. A slight dent, or lack of growth, in their savings. But nothing radical like poverty.

Order and Chaos

"in what order are you publishhing the nakshatras? im curious"
Name: blue

Short answer: Order? There is no order, just chaos.

Long answer:

When I started this site, I planned on publishing them in the vanilla order. My first two published ones were Ashwini and Bharani. Then I had to go into Krittika, and I got slightly annoyed with following the order. So I ended up going: Ashwini, Bharani, Ashlesha, Swati, Purva Phalguni, Ardra, Uttara Bhadrapada, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta [actually followed the order here, but not intentionally], Purva Bhadrapada, Revati, Krittika, Anuradha, Shatabishak, Mula, Punarvasu and Vishakha this month.

Completely out of order. After the first two, I just decided to do “the one I felt like doing” at a particular moment. And I find it a great decision!

My process in writing these texts is flipping through my messy notes on each of these nakshatras, and turning them into something that other people can read and understand, unlike my notes. I usually write one every month, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Vishakha is kinda of a frozen lasagna in that sense. July was a hectic month for me, as sadly August has also been, so I couldn’t really get going with the nakshatra I had decided on doing. But earlier in the year, I made Vishakha as an extra. It came in really handy now.

On the bumped nakshatra of August, it is funny to me. Because it isn’t the first time I’ve bumped it. This is either the second or third bump. Bummer, specially because I’m considering doing other nakshatras instead of the bumped one now. I felt like doing it, I no longer feel like doing it.

But I think this lack of order is great, for a few reasons.

The first point is the reality of people and astrology. Give someone a book, or reference, what is the first thing they will check? Their own placements. If they are a Cancer, they will check Cancer first. If they are a Sagittarius, it will be Sagittarius. If they are Revati, it will be Revati. People want to see their own first, without much care for the order.

“I wrote this in the most beautiful and perfect order”, cute, but people will just read their own thing first.

The second point is lazy writing and school-teacher-esque writing. As we recall from the last class. As we recall from the last lecture. As we saw in the last one. Those recollection devices that assume you saw all the lectures. I don’t like to assume that. As we recall. Who is we? I cut class that day to read an astrology book. I also have no desire to be a part of a we involving you!

As explained above, people will just read their own thing first. So if you assumed they read the previous one, you assumed wrong. They don’t have the knowledge you expect them to have.

I hate these assumptions and literary devices, I avoid them like the plague. I like to use informed comparisons instead. I compare, I link to a previous text, but I give a short explanation of why the comparison. Even if you haven’t read the text, you can still understand it.

Reading in whichever messy order it pleases you, you will still be able to understand it. Because one text doesn’t rely on another one to be understood. And that is a great thing.

Charts are rarely orderly. Many times they are messy, with conflicting influences. Getting used to finding order, in a lack of order, is an essential skill to any astrologer. I think I do a good job in teaching that.

I got no questions from Lasagna this time, I miss Lasagna.

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