Tag: nakshatras (Page 4 of 13)


  • Span: 20°00′ Gemini to 03°20′ Cancer
  • Deity: Aditi, goddess of infinity
  • Dasha Lord: Jupiter
  • Symbol: The arrow
  • Animal (Yoni): Cat (female)
  • Shakti or power: vastuva prapana shakti = power to gain wealth

The name Punarvasu represents the “the return of the light”. The suffix Punar means again, once more or renewal. Vasu is related to a ray of light, gold or other auspicious matters. So from the get go, this nakshatra is related to positive, prosperous and light-hearted matters. The name also points to two important matters of this star: repetition and positivity.

The deity behind this star is Aditi, the universal mother, the goddess of infinity. She is said to rule and love everything that is born in the universe. As the mother of all creation, she represents love that has no restrictions or prejudice, loving all her children (all of creation) equally.

The symbols for this star are either an individual arrow or a quiver of arrows. The main point being the arrow symbolism itself. The arrow represents a focused energy, hitting a target, concentrating your efforts into something. Astrologically, the arrow is present on the symbol of Mars, as well as the main symbol for the sign of Sagittarius.

Wherever the arrow symbol pops up, it represents coming into a focus, through adventure. The arrow is a tool of the warrior, so it is not a symbol of contended concentration, like that of a monk or sage. It is the energy of a warrior. The arrow shows someone who explored, far and wide, and reached or found a niche/target. The right place to strike or focus on.

The power of this star vastuva prapana shakti is the “power of obtaining wealth”. Prapana means getting or obtaining. Vastuva refers to wealth or precious objects. But it can also refers to plans or designs, so this shakti can also be “the power to reach your goals”.

Some loose notes:

  • Very positive and friendly natives, one of the most friendly placements.
  • Very open towards new people, other cultures, etc.
  • Affinity for travel and exploration.
  • Great luck, tendency to get good opportunities in life.
  • Easy time adapting and mingling in foreign cultures or places.
  • Love for restoration and recycling, bringing new life into old things.
  • They can lack judgment at times, making poor plans and decisions.
  • A talent for innovation, new discoveries or things related to technology
  • Career wise:
    • Travel Industry:
      • Pilots, crew, etc.
      • Travel agents or guides
      • Concierges or hotel managers
    • Marketing and Communication:
      • Any kind of commerce or sales.
      • News casting, radio, podcasting, blogging.
      • Importing and exporting.
    • Real estate:
      • Home builders
      • Architects and civil engineers
      • Landlords or property managers
      • specially renovation or restoring of old homes
    • Hospitality industry:
      • Hotels
      • Restaurants
      • Theme parks
      • Night clubs
      • Promotion of shows or events
    • Teachers, professors or instructors.
    • Writers of technical books.
    • Technology and innovation.
    • Philosophers, priests or gurus.
    • Historians.
    • Those selling or dealing with antiques.
    • Recycling experts.

Taking the above points, one of the main features of Punarvasu nakshatra is positivity, on all levels. Not only are these natives bestowed with luck and opportunities, but they are also very positive and receptive people, extremely friendly and open to new ideas and people.

Freedom is another major feature of this star. The name Aditi translates to “unbounded” or “unrestricted”. Similarly, these natives want to enjoy freedom. Be it by travel and exploration, be it by simply living in a loose and carefree manner, Punarvasu has a strong craving for freedom.

Speaking of travel, this is another major point of this nakshatra. Much of the symbolism here deals with adventure and exploration, so travel becomes a key meaning.

Many times, these natives have an easy time learning languages or adapting to foreign cultures, they also tend to enjoy the process of exploring new places and ways of living. Frequently, Punarvasu is prominent in the charts of people in the travel industry, such as pilots or flight attendants.

Luck is another strong indication here, these natives have very good luck in life. It can indicate wealth, good fortune and enjoyment. Although it won’t necessarily make you into a billionaire.

Usually, the luck here shows a person that always bounces back, as if the universe was taking care of them, like a mother tucking her children. Things like losing a job and immediately finding a new, maybe better, one. Getting lost in a trip, but finding something better.

In a way, Punarvasu always tend to reach the proper destination, or their goal. The phrase “God writes straight with crooked lines”, to me, tends to resonate a lot with the energy of this nakshatra. The luck of this star always points the native towards a proper and prosperous path, even after crooked paths or obstacles.

The motherly nature of Aditi translates into a very easy-going, open and receptive way of life. At times, it can be lead to gullible or careless ways. If you see everything as fun and pretty, it is easy to make mistakes. However, the luck of this star usually saves them from major troubles.

This nakshatra has a lot of affinity with technology, having an easy time dealing with it. Natives with placements here are frequently found in IT professions. A tendency to stay fresh and in contact with the times is also seen here. You will find older natives with planets here having an easy time adapting to new social media apps, new devices and innovation in general.

Punarvasu natives are usually the people who change their phones every year, maybe even more often than that, because they tend to like technology and want the latest and greatest.

A big theme of Punarvasu is bringing a new life, a new start, to things. So this nakshatra tends to be related to things like restoration, recycling or reusing. Furniture restoration, house renovations or recycling can be related to this star.

A theme of repetition is also a big thing about this nakshatra. This is specially noticeable on a mundane level, or when dealing with daily astrology — as denoted below. But much more subtle when dealing with a native’s life.

It can manifest as passions and obsessions, always doing the same thing, travelling to the same destination multiple times or things of this sort. It can also manifest as some forced repetition, like always going to the same/similar job assignment.

As usual, let’s delve into the negative. The Ardra (previous nakshatra) tendency of overthinking is not present here, for good and bad.

For good, these natives are way more relaxed, much less anxious and they tend to have an easier time in life. On the negative, they might think too little at times, making mistakes or not thinking things through.

A lack of foresight is frequent with this placement, the native doesn’t measure consequences properly, leading to mistakes. Similarly, they can have a hard time analyzing or looking back at things, getting easily boggled down by the present. However, as mentioned above, they tend to bounce back from these mistakes.

Another negative can be excessive openness, leading them towards bad relationships or bad company. They try to always see the positive in others, so they can have a hard time noticing red-flags or problems. Again, their luck helps, but these natives should strive to filter things better and not see everything through rose-colored lenses.

As a daily star:

A very positive day, great for learning and dealing with any growth oriented activity. An excellent day for travelling. Also for starting any big projects.

A big thing about this day, however, is repetition. Punarvasu bodes repetition. Anything started this day tends to repeat. It is a great day to start new positive habits, exercise routines, diets, etc. Those will tend to repeat and become a habit.

A negative I noticed with this deals with problem solving. Calling a plumber, electrician, a 19th century chimney sweeper, whatever on this day will also create repetition. Meaning a visit will not be final. A service will take more than one, usually three, visits to be solved or finalized. I would advise scheduling this kind of service not on this date, but as any person who has dealt with “I will come between 9am and 5pm, some time this week” I know that this isn’t always possible.

→ Favorable activities with Punarvasu: Great for initiating positive habits, new rituals and routines. Great for new beginnings, buying a new car, house, computer, etc. Agriculture and gardening. Great for charity and spiritual activities. Excellent for travelling and exploring new cultures or places.

→ Unfavorable activities with Punarvasu: unfavorable for conflict, confrontations and aggression. Not good for lending or borrowing money, as it promotes repetition of that.

On a predictive manner, planets placed here overall tend to promote luck and prosperity. Any planet placed here tends to promote good results for his ruled houses and matters. Another point of Punarvasu planets is repetition. With the 4th lord here, I’ve seen this deal with moving into the same street the native lived as a child. With Venus, I’ve seen people marrying former childhood friends. Years later meeting up and developing a relationship.


  • Jonathan Scott (Punarvasu Ascendant at 3° Cancer): reality TV star on the renovation show “Property Brothers” where he stars with his twin brother.
    • Real Estate work: His television career was founded on a successful real-estate career.
      • also themes of renovation and restauration.
    • Positive and Friendly: He is known for his very friendly and charming demeanor.
  • Steve Wozniak (Punarvasu Moon at 1° Cancer + Venus at 0° Cancer): founder of Apple, responsible for designing most of the initial computer line of the company.
    • Positive and Friendly: He was known, at times, as the “non-evil” Steve, when compared to Steve Jobs. Post Apple, he has kept a very positive and friendly media image, very receptive towards fans of the brand and his work.

See more Nakshatra posts here


  • Span: 00°00′ Sagittarius to 13°20′ Sagittarius
  • Deity: Niritti, the goddess of destruction
  • Dasha Lord: Ketu
  • Symbols: Elephant’s goad or the tail of a lion, Tied bunch of roots.
  • Animal (Yoni): Dog (male)
  • Shakti or power: barhana shakti = power to break things apart

The name Mula refers to the root, the base or the foundation of anything. This is the root energy, the source of power. In the chakra system, Muladhara Chakra refers to the root chakra, the first one, responsible for our basic life force and stability.

Through this name, a symbol associated with this nakshatra is that of a tied bunch of roots. This shows the collection of important energies, or important ideas, as the multiple roots. It also shows restriction, bondage, as the energies are all tied towards something. This symbolizes karma, or a strong destiny.

Another symbol is an elephant’s goad. For those unfamiliar, it is a hook-like tool, used to harness, train and handle elephants. Symbolically, this shows harnessing and taming our energies, controlling our impulses towards the proper path. The lion’s tail has a similar energy, albeit in the opposite route. When you touch the tail of a lion, he gets provoked into attacking you.

All the symbols here refer to a powerful energy and the expression of it. Being harnessed into a righteous or proper path. Or turned into anger and explosive attacks.

Following along the same line, Kundalini energy is said to rest on the Muladhara Chakra. This is a very powerful energy, seen as a miracle force, but it can be very destructive towards those uninitiated or not ready for it.

The deity, Niritti, is the goddess of destruction. She is associated with calamity, dissolution and total annihilation. Representing a very violent, fierce and destructive energy. However, similarly to Rudra — deity of Ardra nakshatra — Niritti destruction is said to work towards improvement or purification. Eliminating unneeded things, triggering transformation and leading us towards development.

Niritti is sometimes called Alaskhmi, representing the opposite of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. The opposite of opulence and wealth is poverty, so Niritti is said to represent poverty.

The shakti yet again shows how Sanskrit terms tend to convey multiple meanings. Barhana can mean uprooting, tearing or pulling out something. But it can also mean something vigorous, strong or powerful. So we can translate this shakti into either “power to uproot or break apart”, or into “power to exert force”.

Some loose notes:

  • Very strong, forceful and active natives.
  • Very focused, usually having one big pursuit in life.
  • Deep investigative instinct, they love to dissect things or get to the root of things.
  • Extremes, explosive results. Tendency towards extremes.
  • Luck:
    • Great luck, almost magical protection around these natives.
    • Prosperity and wealth, although with obstacles on the way.
  • Magnetic personality, very alluring natives.
  • Sarcasm, boldness and somewhat aloof behavior.
  • Very good for spiritual pursuits, initiations or sacred paths.
  • Natives could deal with gardening or agriculture.
  • Big outsiders and rebels, they tend to defy social norms or break out of the grain in many ways.
  • They can break gender barriers, with the men dealing a lot with feminine energies, or vice-versa.
    • It can deal with drag, or cross-dressing.
    • It can also show entering a field/pursuit traditionally done by the opposite gender
  • Sexually, it can show wild behavior, as well as a tendency towards exhibitionism.
  • Career wise:
    • Agriculture:
      • Specially roots and vegetables
      • Selling herbs
      • Training and taming animals
    • Mining:
      • Precious stones
      • Metals
      • Gold
      • Petroleum
    • Engineering:
      • specially Civil Engineering
        • specially work related to foundations
      • Agricultural Engineering
    • Science:
      • Nuclear physics
      • Microbiology
      • Genetics
      • Advanced mathematics
      • All kinds of deep research
    • Performers:
      • Anything that causes shock or requires bravery
      • shock jock types
      • Music, arts, writing, anything as long as it is shocking
    • Politics, specially with debating, agitating and provoking others.
    • Police work, military, fighting, wrestling.
    • Any type of investigative work.
    • Judges or the judicial system.
    • Anything related to tantra, black magic or harsher sides of the occult.
    • Psychology or psychiatry.
    • Destruction or demolition.

Summarizing the points above, one of the first inferences we can make is that Mula represents power, or a strong energy. All the symbols behind this nakshatra show, in one way or another, the idea of power. Similarly, these natives tend to be very strong, active and forceful in life.

Mula tends to promote deep investigation, breaking things apart, searching for the root or base of anything. Natives here are very inquisitive, they leave no stone unturned when looking for an answer. There is an impulse, somewhat similar to Ardra (the nakshatra in the opposite sign of Gemini), of deep research. Breaking things apart until you find an answer.

The difference is that the energy here is focused, like the tied bunch of roots. Ardra searches far and wide, always looking for new ground, sometimes even lacking an aim. Mula always tends to have a focus. Either there is a total focus on some area of study, let’s say religion as an example, and the native only focuses on that. The native isn’t constantly transforming and re-inventing like Ardra, who is always looking for something new.

In the case where the native seeks some variety, there is always a target for it. For instance, with a native interested in religion, if he dabbled in technology and music too, he would find a way to promote religion through these pursuits, rather than enjoying them as separate things.

The energy here is bound, tied up towards some goal. So the native’s research will always have a focus. The native’s projects will always have a clear common thread.

An example I had was a native who studied nuclear physics, up until the PhD level. On the side, he had many seemingly disconnected pursuits, but they were all related to his research, and towards getting a position at an university abroad.

Result wise, Mula tends towards extremes in results. Either the best and most good, or a total defeat and destruction. Nonetheless, these natives tend to have an insane amount of luck in life. In one way or another, things always tend to work themselves out for Mula natives.

Mula is related to shrubs, bushes or weeds. Those are small, and usually not that noticeable plants, but look at an abandoned house or a vacant lot. At times, you can’t even see that a house exists, as the greenery grows big enough to cover and hide it. Mula is also associated with deserts, mountain peaks, caves or any type of isolated place.

These final symbols relate to the idea of isolation, being an outsider or outcast. Spiritual or magical initiations will usually require some kind of isolation, leaving society, going out of the grain. Secret knowledge isn’t meant for everyone, so some distance is required. Mula is very conductive towards any kind of spiritual path or initiation, as the natives are ready to give up and sacrifice the daily grind for a great goal.

Outside of spirituality, the idea of isolation creates interesting results. The natives tend to be unusual personalities. Sarcastic, somewhat aloof, bold in their statements, saying things without much filter or care for feelings and etiquette. They tend to tell it like it is, speak their mind, leaving no stone unturned no matter what. They also, usually, tend towards outside or radical perspectives and opinions. Making their disagreements with others even more tense.

They are true unapologetic outsiders. Behaving, acting, dressing, talking and believing differently than others. Yet, at the same time, they are very charming and attractive. There is always something magnetic about these natives. Again, this duality shows their great luck. On one hand, they can put people off with their ways. On the other hand, their charm helps them through life.

Many times, Mula deals with being an outsider in regards to gender norms. With many Mula men doing things like drag, or breaking into the traditional female territory. Similarly, Mula women can tend towards more tomboyish or male pursuits. There is an androgynous tendency here too.

As usual, let’s delve into the negative. The big shadow of Mula deals with the outsider energy, and its expressions.

Everybody loves the idea of an outsider. Innovation is a pretty buzzword that people throw around. But that is all in theory. In reality, every outsider or innovator was heavily criticized or detested. People love boundaries being pushed, if they are not their own boundaries. They love to see society changing and evolving, if they don’t have to deal with the harsh process of it. People love outsiders, just not in their backyard.

Being true outsiders, Mula natives will never be loved by all, maybe not even tolerated by all.

They can act in arrogant ways at times because of these trends, so learning to tame and smooth their edges becomes important. Another issue here could be anger. Extremes of anger, verbal attacks or tearing down people can happen when these natives gets angry. Again, they need to learn to control these destructive instincts.

As a daily star:

Mula is a excellent star for investigation, as it signals finding the lowest common denominator in all subjects. So this can be a day of discovery, finding new things, collecting information, seeing the common ground between multiple ideas, etc. Analyzing problems comes naturally here, so this is the day to tackle your deep issues and concerns in life. It can be an excellent time for self-analysis, understanding the root of your problems, and reaching breakthroughs.

This can be a very grounding day, as it becomes hard to distract ourselves from our problems. It might not be an easy day, if we want to run away from our problems. But it can be a great opportunity for healing and improvement, if we let go and understand our problems.

→ Favorable activities with Mula: Great for analysis, going deep into a subject, doing research, etc. Excellent for self-inquiry or analysis, contemplation or psychological understanding. Any activity that requires courage, strength or charm. Public presentations, confrontations, etc. Great for planting, gardening, dealing with seeds and crops. Good for remedies, specially herbal or natural medicine. Great for adventures. Good for expressing sexuality. Good for worship of fierce deities like Kali, as well as dealing with the darker side of the occult in general. Good for initiation into the occult, or study of subjects like astrology.

→ Unfavorable activities with Mula: unfavorable for anything requiring tact, diplomacy, balance or compromise. Not good for dealing with finances and banking matters. Unfavorable for marriage.

On a predictive manner, planets in Mula tend to show some intense energy or event that uproots you. For instance, a 9th lord here tends to show an important change related to the father, maybe a fight that triggers a change in you. Venus here shows a love affair that transforms you. Any communication factor, like Mercury or the 3rd lord, can show brash communication and an off-putting demeanor when placed in Mula.


  • Jeffree Star (Mula Ascendant at 03° Sagittarius + Mula Moon at 13° Sagittarius): American makeup artist and online personality
    • Outsider/rebel: As a child, he experimented with his mother’s makeup and started wearing it, later turning this into an internet career and successful business.
      • Similarly, he has been involved in controversy because of his use of swastikas in some earlier works, as well as comments seen as racist.
    • Breaking gender barriers: Many times, Mula natives tend to be androgynous or engage in some form of cross-dressing.
  • Jiddu Krishnamurti (Mula Moon at 02° Sagittarius): East Indian teacher and religious leader
    • Outsider/rebel: He preached a different kind of spiritual doctrine, focused on independent salvation. He claimed that tradition and doctrine were barriers to salvation, an obviously controversial point, in a world where people want to take everything literally.
      • He was against blind beliefs, acceptance of authority and religious ceremony.
    • Great luck: He experienced a whole life of material prosperity, living well-off. As a child, he had access to a whole world of scriptures and education.

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