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Uttara Phalguni

  • Span: 26°40′ Leo to 10°00′ Virgo
  • Deity: Aryaman
  • Dasha Lord: Sun
  • Symbol: Symbol of the 4 legs of a cot/bed
  • Animal (Yoni): Cow (male)
  • Shakti or power: chayani shakti = power of prosperity

Aryaman is one of the 12 Adityas, which are solar deities, the offspring of the goddess of infinity Aditi. Aryaman is said to rule over kindness and cooperation. He is said to be the deity of customs and hospitality, ruling over the general well-being and functioning of people as a society. The name Aryaman can be translated into “close friend”, “companion” or other words related to friendship.

His depictions usually represent him as a benevolent ruler. Of course, enforcing rules and order will never be something completely lighthearted, as you need to act decisively at times. But Aryaman is depicted as an adviser, an elder, a friendly coach; not as a brutal leader. He is sometimes described as the leader of the Pitris, or the ancestors. Again, reinforcing the idea of an elder, as he is heading the ancestors and their wisdom.

The name starts with the word “Uttara” which denotes the former, this word shows up in other nakshatras, with “Purva” (former) and “Uttara” (latter) pairs of stars. The word “Phalguni” refers to a fig tree or the color red. From that, two interpretations arise. The first one deals with fruitful, with fulfillment of desires, or the creation of things. The second one deals with the color red and its meanings, in regards to passion, and all the characteristics related to this color.

The Phalguni pair of stars deals with passion and fruitfulness, the realization of desires, in their different phases. Purva Phalguni deals with enjoyment, opulence and a quest for pleasure. Uttara Phalguni deals with a more productive aspect of this, where a native seeks to create and mold the world towards his passion.

Speaking of the pair, the main symbol of both stars is shared, which is a bed. Purva Phalguni is said to represent the front legs of a bed, while Uttara Phalguni represents the back legs of a bed. The front of the bed represents the start of rest, while the back represents the ending of it. After a nice rest, we are good to work and produce, which is why Uttara Phalguni represents the more productive aspect of things.

Understanding this nakshatra becomes easy when we think of the process of the Leo nakshatras as a whole. Magha shows the throne, meaning victory or achievement. Purva Phalguni shows rest and enjoyment, as the immediate state after a great conquest, with celebration and a needed brake. Uttara Phalguni shows the maintenance, the work of managing the throne achieved in Magha.

Taking an example, let’s say we were talking about a lottery prize. Purva Phalguni shows the needed enjoyment and celebration, its the day after. Uttara Phalguni shows the thousands of days after the day after. Its the life after. There is still enjoyment, party and lightheartedness. But it isn’t all about this anymore. The native has to concern himself with managing and taking care of what was earned, making sure that he doesn’t lose it, making sure that things can grow and last.

Considering this, a lot of the characteristics of the Phalguni stars can be shared. Things like fun, enjoyment and an overall light approach to things. But Uttara Phalguni has a more serious side or demeanor, being more focused. The laziness of Purva Phalguni is not present here, along with the feisty moods and occasional selfishness of the previous nakshatra.

This stems a lot from the deities of these two stars. Bhaga, the god of wealth, ruling Purva Phalguni. His main mission deals with making sure that people get their share of goods and enjoyment in life. While Aryaman, ruler of Uttara, deals with companionship, collaboration and with the maintenance of societal customs. His mission is much bigger, also a lot harder.

Aryaman and Bhaga have a shared role, being invoked during marriage ceremonies, representing the well wishes for the couple. The idea that they will gain prosperity and enjoyment, through the realm of Bhaga. And that they will find companionship, collaboration and respect through Aryaman.

Giving enjoyment, or giving money, is much easier than trying to promote things like peace and collaboration. As such, Aryaman’s role is a lot more expanded in mythology. Once he was asked to replace Lord Yama, in his role as the god of death. This happened at a time where Yama was being punished for being considered unfair, Aryaman came as a level-headed temporary replacement. As fair as you can be, this is still not an easy role. Having to enforce death and karma is a tough job. You can’t be excessive, but you have to give everyone their fair share, good and bad.

In some other instances, Aryaman has been ascribed a role similar to Vishnu’s role in the Bhagavad Gita, talking to Arjuna. In that case, Vishnu was talking to a hesitant Arjuna, weary about fighting a complicated war. Similarly, Aryaman has been assigned the role of talking people out of despair or desolation.

So while Purva Phalguni gets the enjoyment qualities of Bhaga, Uttara Phalguni gets the leadership and stronger role of Aryaman.

Through that, Uttara Phalguni natives tend to have a much more serious demeanor. They tend to impose respect, rather than appearing relaxed and easy going as the Purva natives. They also tend to be much more generous and giving to others, again, dealing with the qualities of collaboration of Aryaman. Uttara Phalguni natives are usually very helpful and willing to lend a hand to others.

Activity wise, Uttara Phalguni is the king ruling and working, so these natives tend to be very active. They tend to work hard towards their goals, and get involved with many projects. These natives are unstoppable when they get going, and they are vastly motivated by their past accomplishments. Usually, this nakshatra tends to be seen in leadership or advisory roles. At some point, these natives are lead towards commanding or leading others.

Overall, Uttara Phalguni shows natives with great ambition who tend to follow a righteous struggle through life, as they reach their goals. They have great executive ability, being excellent planners and organizers. They help and receive support from others frequently.

Some loose notes:

  • Very ambitious.
  • Good leaders, advisers.
  • They tend to achieve a lot.
  • Strong will, independence and self-reliance
  • Helpful and generous, they could be sough by others for help.
  • Similarly, they could get help and support when needed.
  • Great at making friendships, maintaining peace and relationships with others.
  • Great planners and organizers. They act in precise and well thought out ways.
  • They could suffer from sex or love scandals.
  • They could get married for money, or their partner could marry them for their money. Finances tend to be central in their relationships.
  • Very attractive individuals, sex symbols, specially the men.
  • They tend to assume hard responsibilities or tasks, that nobody else would take. There is a heroic or martyr quality here, that tends to be rewarded.
  • At times, these natives could deal with isolation or loneliness.
  • They could have some issues of addiction.
  • Career wise:
    • Anything dealing with leadership roles or managerial roles.

Both of the Phalguni stars tend to be prosperous towards marriage and relationships, although the Virgo portion of Uttara Phalguni could have some difficulties in this regard. At times, these natives could deal with sex scandals or love related troubles. Maybe a lover causes a fight with the native’s family, maybe a sexual relationship causes trouble, or other related issues.

In some cases, Uttara Phalguni’s marriage can deal a lot with money. Either with the native himself marrying for monetary reasons, or with a partner that wants his money. The Phalguni pair of nakshatras is all about prosperity and relationships. As Uttara is the more practical side, a practical approach to relationships could arise.

Getting into some shadow issues, this nakshatra at times can deal with addiction to alcohol or other drugs. As I’ve said above, the deity of this nakshatra deals with harsher matters and complicated missions, so a need for escapism arises out of this. Not every native will deal with addiction, but this could come, specially with malefics here.

As usual, the shadow issues deal a lot with the excess or the overplay of the meanings of this nakshatra. Excessive ambition could lead to ruthlessness, their desire to manage others could turn into bossy or demanding personalities. As well as other excesses related to power. However, generally, this is a star with very positive connotations. This rougher side only tends to come out with malefics or other factors influencing the chart.

→ Favorable activities with Uttara Phalguni: favorable for all kinds of beginnings. Great for dealing with authorities or getting favors. Great for all kinds of ceremonies. Great for marriages. Good for promoting peace, tact and diplomacy. Great for planning and organizing.

→ Unfavorable activities with Uttara Phalguni: unfavorable for harsh activities, like fighting, scheming, confrontations, or inflicting harm to others.

Predictively, Uttara Phalguni tends to indicate strong personalities, leaders, those in charge. A 10th lord here would show someone that tends to be assigned leadership roles, or be the main person in their job. A 5th lord here would indicate ambitious and very directed children. It generally indicates affluence to anything placed here.


  • Tiger Woods (Uttara Phalguni Ascendant at 0° Virgo): American professional golfer
    • Sex/Love scandals: In 2009, an extramarital affair became public, derailing his career and public image. He lost sponsorships and truly went through a turbulent time.
  • Steve Jobs (Uttara Phalguni Ascendant at 29° Leo): founder of Apple
    • Leadership and Initiative: Jobs is mostly known as the head of Apple, where he was fundamental to the current success of the company. But he also headed Pixar and other companies.
    • Shadow: Jobs was known for feisty moods and a complicated temper, which relates a lot to the shadow of this star.
    • Sex/Love scandals: He had a daughter which he refused to recognize for years, only acknowledging her years later.

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  • Span: 00°00′ Leo to 13°20′ Leo
  • Deity: Pitris
  • Dasha Lord: Ketu
  • Symbol: Throne
  • Animal (Yoni): Rat (male)
  • Shakti or power: tyage kshepani shakti = power to leave the body

This nakshatra is ruled by the Pitris, the ancestors, as a deity. Ancestor worship was an important part of ancient times and religious practices. Celebrating your past, those that came before and paved the way for you, was seen as a sacred duty. Honoring and paying respects to older relatives, understanding your lineage, family history, tradition and culture are all things that come under this domain.

In modern times, the science of genetics shows how much of our behavior and actions are influenced by our past, by our lineage. With a lot of tastes, capabilities and tendencies being passed down through generations.

The name Magha translates into “mighty”, “the great”, “magnificent” and other words of importance. Magha deals with anything majestic, important and strong.

The main symbol of this star is a throne. The throne represents something important, but mostly it represents an inheritance here. Something from the past influencing the present. Associating with the meaning of ancestors, everything we inherit from them comes through the realm of Magha. Wealth, property, appearance, knowledge, status or genes. Magha denotes those rewards of the past coming into play now.

The throne also represents a quest for achievement, and Magha people are usually go getters or great achievers in life. Usually, these natives are hard workers who will eventually reach some sort of high position. The explicit results of this will often vary, but Magha will usually show honors and prestige in some degree. For instance, think of tenured or commended college professors. Although not the most wealthy, powerful or important people in the world; they often find prestige and status in their fields.

Magha represents the power to leave the body, this deals with all processes of death and transformation. Magha deals with transporting souls to Pitra Loka (the ancestors realm). Pitra Loka is one of many destinations a soul can take after death, it is seen as a transitory realm. We go there to rest and meet our ancestors before either going back for another incarnation, or moving on to other realms.

Magha represents change guided by the past, by wisdom and intelligence of ancient sources. Magha is all about moving the present with influences of the past.

Ketu, being the planet of our former incarnations, represents yet again this link to the past. Ketu also deals strongly with identities, representing strong attachments to tradition, such as in tribal cultures. A symbol related to Ketu is the flag, as all flags are ruled by Ketu. A lot of times, Magha natives will find themselves strongly attached to some form of identity, they love celebrating who they are. This could relate to tastes or preferences, but also race, religion and nationality.

Ketu also represents paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother, so some close relationship or similarity with these relatives could be present in a Magha native.

Some loose notes:

  • Strong relationship with the past and traditions.
  • Connection with ancestors, they might follow a family activity or follow a similar path to an older relative.
  • Love for history, archeology, ancient scriptures and everything related to the past.
  • Tendency towards hard work and achievement.
  • They could get favors from people in high places.
  • Strong ambition and yearning for power and status.
  • They might have trouble with technology. Outages, errors, malfunctions, etc.
  • A lot of times they either are not fond or proficient with technology.
  • These natives are very fond of praise and flatter, which becomes a vulnerability, at times.
  • Magha denotes ancestors, whenever you see it prominently, it is worth to research into the native’s ancestors.
  • Family talents, proclivities or tastes are usually seen in these charts.
  • A majestic, boastful and sometimes arrogant demeanor is seen in these natives.
  • Their pompous and boastful way of speech is a very noticeable marker.
  • Spiritually, these natives could deal with illusions, pseudo-spirituality or erroneous messages. Being misled or misleading others could come out of this.
  • Dark magic or the use of religion for selfish means can happen here at times.
  • Career wise:
    • Rulers of any kind: kings, presidents, heads of corporations, politicians and those in power or high places.
    • Anything dealing with the past: historians, researchers, genealogists, antiquarians, archeology, etc.
    • Those that solve disputes: lawyers, judges, magistrates, etc.
    • Actors, musicians and perfomers.
    • People who keep records, document or archive matters.
    • Building great structures or majestic things.
    • Researching ancient scriptures or ancient literature.
    • Anything dealing with black magic.

Magha’s many symbols relate it to the past, so anything related to the past or tradition is strengthened with this star. Delving into religion, study of ancient scriptures could be seen with this nakshatra The study of history, archaeology or any investigation into the past will similarly fall into the realm of Magha. These natives could have a love for history, antiquing or anything that brings a connection with the past into their lives.

Similarly, their own family history will play strongly in their lives. They might follow similar professions, or life paths, as their parents or grandparents. Alternatively, they could revive some old tradition in their family, for instance, a great grandfather who was a chef and the native becoming one as well.

When someone has Magha prominent in their chart, they will usually have a strong connection with their ancestors, or their family traditions. Even if that isn’t exactly clear to everyone, or something that they do consciously. In some level, there is always a connection happening.

The name itself shows affluence or power, so there is always an association with achievement in life. These natives are usually hard workers and people who strive a lot, they will usually get good opportunities and end up in high places in life. Affluence, achievement and recognition are usually indicated by this nakshatra.

As it deals strongly with the past, the future can bring trouble at times. Specially in regards to technology, I notice that this nakshatra is not very favorable. Complicated issues, outages and malfunctions usually happen when this star is transiting prominently. Similarly, natives with this star strongly in their horoscope can have longstanding issues with technology. They could be averse to it or they might not know how to use it properly. Usually, these natives will be very prone towards experiencing technical difficulties, Mercury retrograde is specially hard for these natives.

The respect for tradition present in Magha guarantees that they are not ones to rock the boat, usually behaving in accordance to all the required etiquette and pomp in formal circumstances. They will have a good sense respect for elders, superiors and hierarchies.

Magha deals a lot with the sense of self and individuality, so it deals a lot with identities. These natives will be very attached towards their identities. Such as race, class, lineage, religion and others. Magha has a strong yearning towards celebrating what he is, what parts form his personality and world.

On the negative side, a lot of the shadow issues here deal with excess. The connection with the past can make them stuck in life, or stuck in the past, as they refuse to move on or find new ways. A quest for status and achievement can become an obsession, and they might be conniving or even cruel towards reaching their goals. Their pompous stance can become arrogance, pride and self-righteous behavior.

They are very susceptible to flattery. On one hand, they might disconsider anyone that doesn’t meet their standards of pomp or praise. On the other hand, they will easily accept anyone who gives them adulation. Obviously, not everyone who speaks sweet is sincere and deserving of trust, but Magha might have a hard time understanding this. As long as they feel flattered, everything is fine, even if it isn’t.

→ Favorable activities with Magha: Pomp and circumstance, anything that requires flattery. Coronations, public performances, awards, parades and big events. Moving to a higher position or higher status. Anything dealing with the past or tradition. History, archeology, genealogy, research of ancient scriptures and cultures. Things related to our ancestors, remembrance and celebration of them. Settling disputes or arguments. Seeking favors for those in power or higher positions. Buying and upgrading furniture.

→ Unfavorable activities with Magha: Servile activities, anything that lowers your status or makes you feel small. Lending money. Planning for the future or thinking in the long term. Dealing with technology, technological processes. Very unfavorable for purchasing new electronics.

Predictively, Magha’s main meaning deals with tradition or connections with the past. A person with a strong Magha presence in their chart might follow the path of an older relative, or an ancestor. A 4th lord in Magha could show someone that lives in a historical or older home. The 10th lord here would show a career related to past studies, such as history or archeology. People wise, the person indicated by a planet in Magha could be related to tradition. For example, Sun and Moon showing father and mother, respectively.

Another meaning seen by planets in Magha deals with achievement and high status. For instance, the 11th lord here could show that your brother has a good standing in society. While the 7th lord would show the same about your partner.


  • Sir William James Herschel (Magha Moon at 8° Leo): British Indian Civil Service (ICS) officer, who used fingerprints for identification on contracts.
    • Keeping records: That was the nature of his work, also he was a pioneer on using and documenting fingerprints for identification, noticing that they were unique and unchangeable through life. Moon sits in the 10th house of the chart.
    • Tradition and status: He was knighted and styled 2nd Baronet, as his father was a knighted 1st Baronet.
    • Observation: His father, John Herschel was a polymath active as a mathematician, astronomer, chemist and inventor; His grandfather was an astronomer and composer. His father invented the blueprint, and named seven moons of Saturn and four moons of Uranus. His grandfather discovered the planet Uranus.
      • Again, we see tradition, with a family of inventors and pioneers.
      • There is no accurate birth time for his father and grandfather, but his father’s Moon would approximately be in Magha as well.
      • In the native’s chart, Moon sits in the 10th, but it rules the 9th house of father. So the father is related to tradition, as the father followed the same line of work as the grandfather of the native.
  • Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber (Moon at 3° Leo, Ascendant at 5° Leo): British composer and playwrighter noted for some of the greatest hit shows of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
    • Status: again we have someone with a nobility title.
    • Lineage and Tradition: His father was a composer and organist, he also served as director of the London College of Music; his mother was a violinist and pianist.
    • Achievement: He is seen as the most successful musical composer of his generation, has been vastly commended and applauded for his work.
    • Bringing back tradition: His musicals are credited with revitalizing British theatre in the late 20th century, a tradition that was waning at the time.
  • L. Ron Hubbard (Moon at 8° Leo): American engineer and writer of science fiction who established the Church of Scientology in 1954.
    • Achievement and Status: from meek beginnings, he reached great heights of status, being seen as a religious leader later in life. He gained fame and fortune.
    • “Hubbard enjoyed being pampered and collected a cadre of youths around him. Dressing in simulated Navy attire, giving his organization a paramilitary structure, and being called Commodore, he was waited on night and day, insisting that temperature, humidity, and every other aspect of his comfort be taken care of. At this point he had the temperament of a spoiled child with eccentricities that equaled the reclusive Howard Hughes. He could erupt like a volcano spewing obscenities and insults if his shirts had not been rinsed correctly and smelled of soap.”
      • themes of love for pomp and circumstance, need for praise and luxury.

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