Tag: planets (Page 1 of 7)

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini forms a merging of Mars and Mercury energies, also present with Mars in Virgo. This favors many constructive pursuits. It is a great Mars for surgeons, dentists or those working with exact tools. Similarly, it is a great placement for engineers, architects or those dealing with computers.

Pride, Passion and Arrogance

Mars in Gemini favors the intellect, as well as the search for information. Natives with this placement take great pride in how much they know, and how much more they can learn.

A lot of times, natives with this placement are multi-talented, knowing many different skills from many different areas.

A doctor with this placement would know not only about medicine, but also a little bit about nutrition and exercise, as these other areas could influence the main issues of his job.

A fashion designer would dabble with multiple styles, clothes for women and men, rather than just focusing on one thing.

The key-point for this placement is variety, knowing many things, knowing varied subjects and applying the combination of all of that into your work.

Independence and Risk

These natives are not afraid of trying something new, if they feel that they can learn something, or if they find something about it interesting or curious. Taking a new course, learning an unusual subjects, learning new skills are all things that come naturally here.

Similarly, expressing themselves comes naturally, and they would seldom feel shame of presenting something they believe in.

Tools and Weapons

Information is the key tool for Mars in Gemini. A lot of natives with this placement go through books, texts and reports as if devouring a bag of potato chips. The vast and varied information they consume informs their decisions. They keep their ear to the ground and are able to come up with new, informed and interesting solutions to any problem.

Logic becomes a weapon here and, specially when angry, these natives are prone towards tearing down people and going on verbal rants of criticism. Very argumentative natives who love debating.

Anger and Aggression

A key word and issue for Gemini is always freedom. They crave freedom and hate restriction. So it figures that Mars in Gemini would be angered by any type of restriction or barrier to their intellectual exploration.

don’t you think you should concentrate on X, rather than doing all these different things?” is a phrase that deeply angers Mars in Gemini. Trying many things, having variety, having contact with multiple people and information is a key thing for them.

Any type of restriction, or idea of control, would anger Mars in Gemini.

Sex and Men

Sexually, this placement promotes variety, so the natives are prone towards experimenting. A stable point for them, however, is a love for anything verbal. Whether it is compliments or offenses, hearing something during sex is very important. Verbal foreplay can go a long way with this placement.

Men with Mars in Gemini will tend to be known as accessible and relatable, as they are always willing to listen to new people and new information, always trying to find even more variety than they already have. Men with Mars in Gemini will also always have variety in their lives, sometimes to the shock or surprise of others.

Why does the fancy executive go to McDonald’s? Why did the serious drama actor decide to do a stupid silly comedy? Why does the comedy actor write serious drama? Variety, variety and variety are indicated with Mars in Gemini.

If you have Mars in Gemini, you tend to be attracted to men that are: communicative, youthful and/or childlike, well-read of informed, funny. Writers, journalists, programmers, actors or creative types.

Other points

  • Versatility and adaptability on everything they do.
  • Extremely restless, always moving and doing multiple things.
  • Their way of solving a problem, any problem, always starts with gathering a lot of information about the subject at hand.
    • For instance, if they had a leak in their house, their first instinct would be to search online and read a lot about that.
  • Constant seeking of information or ideas.
  • Usually, people that read a lot and read fast.

Read more about Mars in Astrology

Questions, July 15th 2024

This time we have, yet again, Mercury retrograde. A galore of retrogrades, discussion on the most evil and difficult nakshatra. 2025, the year of ascension. We have god, we have lasagna, we have everything.

See the previous Q&A here.

Mercury Retrograde, but this time it’s different

"i was born with mercury retrograde. some places say this is good, others say that it is bad, what is it?"
Name: Yuri

Short answer: neither.

Long answer:

Retrogrades are a controversial topic in Astrology, with varied interpretations of it. Let’s make a couple of inferences:

  1. Retrograde motion makes planets slower, therefore more noticeable, or stronger.
  2. Retrograde means moving backwards, so the effects tend to be “reversed” in some manner.

Both of these points tend to be an agreed basis on interpretating retrogrades, the problem comes in making the actual interpretation.

On point number 1, we have the classical issue of reductionism. Everything is good or bad, demons and angels, highs and lows. Nothing can be human or in-between. So people assume that “stronger” will always mean better, and “smaller” will always mean worse.

On a brash example, would having a stronger cancer be better? Nope, not really. Retrograde planets are stronger, period. Whether that is “good” or “bad” depends on the what, the when and the who.

On point number 2, what does reversion entails is the million dollar question. In my view, this deals with internalization and externalization. The qualities of a retrograde planet are internalized, meaning that a native relies more on his inner fortitude, than on external circumstances.

For instance, Saturn retrograde tends to make hard workers and people who aren’t easily put down by life. Saturn itself tends to create challenges and obstacles in life. A Saturn direct person tends to see these problems, and get boggled down by the unfairness of life. A Saturn retrograde person will tend to rise above, and want to work towards solving things, rather than blaming the circumstances.

Going into Mercury, what does retrograde entail?

Mercury deals with perception, the senses, communication, the nervous system. It deals a lot with noticing things, analyzing and seeing. Retrograde makes this stronger, so these people tend to notice more. On one hand, this gives great intelligence. On the other hand, issues of sensory overload or mental exhaustion can arise.

On the internalization front, Mercury here can be less communicative, natives might have a hard time making themselves heard or expressing themselves. A fear of telling your real thoughts can arise, and get in your way at times, as you yield to please people and forget about your own needs.

Overall, Mercury Retrograde in a natal chart tends to make highly intelligent people, who can excel in academia or any mental work. Still, the excessive mental activity can create some nervous issues, as well as things like anxiety. It can also lead to a fear of expressing yourself, which needs to be remedied and worked on, learning to show your true self (and true intentions) without fear is a big lesson with this placement.

Retrograde Galore

"mercury gets all the attention, tell us about other retrogrades"
Name: Lasagna 2

Short answer: Hi Lasagna 2, love you too, my darling.

Long answer:

The answer above is a really good intro and complement to this, but let’s make a retrogrades galore:

→ Mars retrograde: Coming this December! I like to explain Mars Retrograde with a garden hose. Open the faucet, cover the hose hole with your thumb. You will have a huge build-up of water, and pressure, that will seemingly explode when you remove your thumb. This is Mars retrograde.

Mars retrograde internalizes Mars, which is a planet that deals a lot with externalizing and making things. So we feel the anger, the lust, of Mars. But we build it up inside, instead of releasing it. There are less confrontations, less aggression and less turbulence with Mars retro. The few things that happen tend to be ineffective. But the anger is still there, building up inside.

When Mars goes direct, all that pressure is released, much like with our hose example. The weeks (sometimes months) after Mars goes direct tend to be times of trouble, aggression and conflict. As Mars retro built up all that pressure.

→ Pluto retrograde: Pluto deals a lot with inner fears or tensions that arise out of a need for control. Dealing a lot with the internal, retrograde tends to invert that, and Pluto gets externalized.

During Pluto retrograde, we are more inclined to face our fears in tangible manners. For instance, going after something we want, rather than just sitting and complaining. Getting yourself into the dating market, rather than just complaining about your love woes. Having hard conversations, etc.

On the other hand, Pluto retro tends to promote violence, as people similarly want to externalize their desires for power and security.

→ Jupiter and Saturn retrograde: Grouping these two together, when discussing their retrogrades, is interesting. As they represent positive and negative, in many ways. Jupiter is growth, Saturn is decay. Jupiter is glory and prosperity, Saturn is lack of recognition and poverty.

When Saturn goes retrograde, we tend to internalize the karmic conscient ways of Saturn. The idea that we make our own troubles, as well as our own fortune. Saturn retrograde is a strong time for problem solving, life improvement, as we tend to stop blaming external circumstances and focusing more on our own ways.

Jupiter retrograde makes us careful, we tend to spend less money, and we are fearful of pushing our luck, so we tend to plan and act in less flamboyant ways. People who get financial windfalls during Jupiter retrograde, tend to save it or invest it carefully, rather than making lavish mindless purchases.

When these two go retrograde together, it is easier to be productive and focused, as both of their cycles tend to stimulate hard work. In recent (not that much) years like 2018 and 2019, this happened for many months. This year, we will have October with both of them retrograde.

The Hardest Most Evil Meanie of Nakshatras

"i have moon in kritika, joni patry has just called it 'the most difficult nakshatra' is that true? 😧"
Name: april

Short answer: No, I don’t think so.

Long answer:

I’ve been around with Nakshatras. I’ve read, heard and researched a ridiculous amount of opinions on them. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen someone classifying Krittika like this, not even once, not even kinda.

Usually, the crown of “most difficult” is fought between Ashlesha and Purva Bhadrapada, with some other contenders occasionally popping by. And I haven’t seen Krittika appearing among the contenders.

Let’s remember some points about Krittika. It is represented by fire and a scalpel. It is ruled by Agni, the fire god. It has an energy akin to Mars, dealing with intensity, passion and force. This can be, and usually is, harnessed towards productive possibilities. But it can lead towards aggression, combativeness or violence.

There is potential for trouble, yes. But I wouldn’t even classify it as “one of the most difficult”, let alone the most difficult itself. Usually, these natives tend to harness their excessive energy, finding some outlet for their fieriness. A lot of them get involved in cooking (knifes, fire and yelling Gordon Ramsay style) or with fitness and sports. Competitive, fast paced work environments are a similar expression, with things like the stock market — on a more white collar route. The inner fire of Krittika placements is usually easy to handle, as long as the native finds an outlet. So no, I don’t think it is difficult, let alone the most difficult one.

On the why she said this, I can only speculate, as I couldn’t find where she said it. But I remember an interview with Joni, where she talked about equating the Fixed Stars (of western astrology) with the Nakshatras in her practice. Something that I would call questionable, to put it softly. My guess is she is equating this nakshatra with some disastrous fixed star meaning.

By principle, I like to think that things have names for a reason. Paul is not John. Paulette is not Paul. John is neither Paul or Paulette. They are all different people. Fixed Stars are one thing, Nakshatras are another. Fixed stars are points to be searched, and analyzed when a planet is conjunct them. Nakshatras are a zodiac of their own.

Fixed Stars are usually applied with a 3° orb of influence, sometimes even less than that. So a Fixed Star would span about 6° of influence in a sign. A Nakshatra spans 13 degrees and 20 minutes. Equating a Fixed Star, of about 6°, to an entire Nakshatra, of 13°20′, is questionable in many ways.

Could I wear my 10 year old cousin’s t-shirt? Yes, but it would be a cropped top on me, and some establishments might kick me out because of dress code, no matter how cute my belly button looks. It wouldn’t fit like a t-shirt, it wouldn’t be the same.


"is 2025 the year of the rapture?"
Name: god

Short answer: No.

Middle answer: I got multiple questions about 2025, I kept the most fun one, too lazy to add more.

Long answer:

If you’ve been around occult circles, you know the hype about 2025. As early as 2016 you could read about it. People talking about ascension, raptures, return of christ, mass awakenings, a new golden age and things of the sort. Usually, this type of hype would die down, the more we approached the actual year. But this time around this isn’t happening. The hype is either the same, maybe even more, than it was a few years ago.

Do I believe the hype? No.

What do I think? Well, that is a long answer so long, that I would rather just make into an actual text. Was actually working on it even before this Q&A, will put it out soon1. But for now, a short preview/summary:

Most of the hype about 2025 deals with a Saturn-Neptune conjunction, that happens about every 36 years, last time it was 1989. Some have taken this to mean a new era for humankind, where everything will be unicorns and rainbows.

To me it, is just another cycle. The Saturn-Neptune cycle shows our illusions, hopes for society, taste in arts and creative works. So those will certainly change. For the better? Maybe, one can only hope, but probably not. Will the world be fixed, and we will be surrounded by love and peace everywhere? In my view, The Beatles coming back, with Kanye West replacing John Lennon, is more likely — the music would probably be better2.

But hey, I could be wrong and all of the rapture people could be right. One can only hope for the best, we can’t guarantee it.

1Sometime between now and never, most likely around late July or early August.

2Yes, I had to say it. Yes, I wanted to get boomers mad. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending for the Q&A.

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