Tag: transits (Page 16 of 31)

Rahu conjunct Chiron 2024

An interesting aspect in 2024, that probably nobody else will talk about, is the conjunction of Rahu (North Node) to the asteroid Chiron. Chiron in astrology is a comet, usually summarized as “the wounded healer”. It represents deep wounds, blockages and damages to the psyche of a native. It shows an area in life where you need healing. The name Chiron comes from Greek Mythology, Chiron was a healer and teacher who could heal everyone, except himself.

Any planet that gets close to Rahu gets intensified, this is specially true in transit. So with this comet transiting close to Rahu, these ideas of healing and wounds will be intensified in 2024.


05/03/2024 Chiron conjunct Rahu 23°16′ Pisces

The exact aspect will happen early in March, but the effects sprawl from September 2023 until around May 2024. As such, this aspect will be prominent around the eclipses in March and April, becoming an important influence for early 2024.


This influence will unlock old wounds, old problems and blockages we feel in regards to the Pisces house in our charts. This is an emotional and transformative time, on many levels. We can feel hurt, attacked or ineffective in regards to this house initially. But this transit invites us to take back our power, and get back in charge of the subjects at hand.

With Chiron, it is always about an internal journey, not an external one. It means healing yourself, for yourself, not for others. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Impress anyone. Get approval of anyone. You have to fix the problem inside yourself first and foremost.

This is an important concept to reiterate, as we live in a world of proving them wrong and showing them, where life is an imaginary high school movie where you get revenge in the end.

Live your life for yourself, solve your problems for yourself, not for a person who barely thinks or cares about you. That is the lesson of Chiron transits.

It is a time to build your self-confidence and self-worth. You should avoid overcompensating, trying to impress others, trying to follow/please/appease others. Chiron signals a time for internal, not external, solutions.

Predictions – Mundane

With Chiron dealing with old wounds, it becoming prominent shows old conflicts, old issues coming into play on a mundane level. This relates a lot to the ethnic conflicts, ethnic wars and disputes, arising in the world right now. But it can also show a trend towards vengeance or revenge.

Chiron is the deposit of any old slight, or old issue, and that can trigger an idea of payback. So revenge will come strongly as a theme in the world in late 2023 and early 2024. This can specially come through courts, lawsuits and judicial systems. Short term, fun. Long term, trouble. A lot of the actions made now, in pursuit of revenge, will only create further (probably bigger) problems later on.

Similarly, during this transit, we should be careful with our words. As people will be more sensitive, and prone towards getting hurt. A lot of arguments, discussions and even fights will tend to arise out of this emotional instability.

Predictions – Personal

In a way, this transit is a complemental force to the Nodal transit happening on the Pisces/Virgo axis, so I would recommend reading my predictions on it to better understand this.

Below we have predictions for all the 12 signs, please read in accordance to your Ascendant or Moon sign:

  • Aries: The 12th house is all about letting go, release and loss. You are learning a lot about releasing things, rather than trying to hold on to them eternally. Similarly, your money expenditure could be changing. Your tendency to spend to impress others is getting a reality check.
  • Taurus: The 11th house shows achievement, large groups and great gains. Many lessons about what is important to you, what is an actual achievement, are coming into play. Maybe you did something impressive to others, now what? Are you really happy? Your tendency to please and carry your friends could also come in check. Are your relationships worth your effort? This is a great time for reevaluating how much energy you put into things, and how much they matter.
  • Gemini: The 10th house shows work, career and your relationship with the world. You might feel hurt or diminished in your career, maybe your role was reduced, or you were passed up for an opportunity. This can be a moment of rethinking your career, maybe finding a new path, considering new ways of doing things. Your fresh ideas can help you, even if others might not perceive the same as you.
  • Cancer: The 9th house shows wisdom, spirituality and the relationship with our father. Your beliefs could be put to the test, or you could be doubting yourself right now. Going back to the root, and understanding why you believe, or were attracted to, a certain idea in the first place is important now. You could also be discovering new ideas and ways of seeing the world. Old wounds with your father can come up, and it is time to release yourself of them.
  • Leo: The 8th house deals with transformation, change, sudden events and death. A big point of this transit can be the purpose of change. Who are you changing for? Yourself or others? You can be used to making changes to please others, or to follow a trend, or because your loved ones advised you to. And yet you don’t feel satisfied, the change never fixes anything. This is a moment of changing for yourself, making the changes you want and need, rather than what others think you should do. Physically, you could go through surgeries, procedures or health ailments at this moment. The 8th house is the higher octave of the 4th house, so it deals with deep emotions and deep wounds. Many issues of the past can arise now, old trauma, fears, identity issues, etc. You are releasing yourself of these deep wounds, learning to be freer and bolder.
  • Virgo: The 7th house puts the other, your relationships, in focus. This could mean feelings of abandonment, usually stemming from the past, that you are projecting in your current relationships. Your constant need for validation, and external assurance, is a bottomless void that hurts you. You need to be secure about yourself, love yourself, before you can love others. In business relationships, this transit could make you mistrust people and scare them off with controlling trends. If someone will betray you, deal with it when it happens, don’t keep anticipating it and suffering beforehand — it might not even happen.
  • Libra: The 6th house puts a focus on health issues. Obsessions, hypochondria and body-image issues could figure strongly now. This is a time to learn how to manage things, stay healthy and in shape, without making it an obsession. Healing old wounds, of fears and sickness in childhood, can go a long way into healing your psyche now.
  • Scorpio: The 5th house puts a focus on creativity, expression and children. Getting over a fear of expressing yourself could figure strongly now. You could be used to second-guessing yourself, or fearing how others will react. This is a time to let go and learn to express yourself. Alternatively, this can be a moment of expressing yourself less. Maybe you use external expression, and outer approval, as a replacement for your inner turmoil. You please people, they laugh, they compliment you, yet you still feel empty. This is a time to fix that and focus on your inner world. If you have children, this is a time of learning to let them be, rather than wanting to control them and their lives.
  • Sagittarius: The 4th house puts a strong focus on feelings, emotions and the relationship with your mother. Old wounds, feelings of abandonment or overall emotional issues from your past can come up strongly now. This is a strong time of learning how to feel secure about yourself, by yourself, rather than by external things. A trend towards consumerism, or using expensive things as a substitute for feeling well about yourself, should be reevaluated. If you feel bad inside, no Balenciaga tacky coat outside will fix it. Dealing with your feelings will though. Alternatively, this can be a moment of dealing with trauma related to your mother and your relationship with her, releasing yourself from old blockages and wounds created there.
  • Capricorn: The 3rd house deals with expression, as well as siblings. So old wounds related to siblings might pop-up, and it is the time to outgrow them. A fear of expressing yourself, or a trend to get easily hurt, can figure now. Pay attention to speech or words that bother you, they are key to understanding old wounds and problems you have. The person on TV isn’t your bully, or your friend that left you, no matter how much they remind you of them. Deal with that old wound and release yourself from that blockage.
  • Aquarius: The 2nd house deals with family, finances, self-esteem and sustenance. Lack of self-worth, over reliance on family, and a fragile ego are some of the issues that come up with this transit. Maybe controlling parents caused you to always second-guess yourself, maybe being different made you consider yourself weird or ugly. These issues are coming back strongly now, and it is time to rise above them. Maybe facing your fears, taking risks and relying on your own self-worth; rather than external validation.
  • Pisces: The 1st house deals with, well, you. Your whole life comes into focus now, any of the 11 descriptions above could apply to you. This is a time where all your dissatisfactions, or your wounds, from life are popping up. Maybe a disease, or a health scare, can show up as a physical expression of this. With Pisces being a sign that usually gets what it wants, this could be a time of learning to let go. Be it with your wife, your mother, your father, your children, your friends, your sex-demon bondage mistress, it doesn’t matter the specifics. This is a time of letting go, learning that you can’t win everything, you can’t always have your way. Your way might not even be the best way, it might simply be an illusion. Let go, let people be. You might be stuck by trying to merge (and control) other people into your ways. It is time to release this idea of fixing everyone.

January 2024 in Astrology

2024 starts on a funny, yet interesting note, as both Jupiter and Mercury will have turned direct around the first day of the year. Both planets deal with knowledge, information and wisdom. With both direct, it becomes easier to process and deal with new information. Specially with Mercury, however, we could get some fresh news starting the year. Maybe a secret or something that has been bubbling up for a while.

Events in January 2024

  • 30/12/2023 21:58 Jupiter direct 11°23’24” Aries
    • 04/09/2023 09:58 Jupiter retrograde 21°23’46” Aries
  • 01/01/2024 22:08 Mercury direct 27°59’24” Scorpio
    • 13/12/2023 02:08 Mercury retrograde 14°17’57” Sagittarius
  • 07/01/2024 10:46 Mercury in Sagittarius
  • 10/01/2024 21:34 Sun square Rahu/Ketu (in effect ~05/01-14/01)
  • 11/01/2024 06:57 New Moon in Purva Ashada 26°32’55” Sagittarius
  • 14/01/2024 16:14 Sun in Capricorn
  • 18/01/2024 10:27 Venus in Sagittarius
  • 20/01/2024 08:46 Sun Conjunct Pluto 05°47’34” Capricorn
  • 25/01/2024 12:54 Full Moon in Pushya 11°03’11” Cancer
  • 27/01/2024 03:31 Uranus direct 24°53’46” Aries
    • 28/08/2023 21:06 Uranus retrograde 28°53’22” Aries
  • 30/01/2024 02:04 Mars square Rahu/Ketu (in effect ~23/01-05/02)

With the Sun in Sagittarius, we will have the Sun transiting aligned to Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo. Whenever planets transit in this mid-point of the Nodes, they get intensified in some manner, and it becomes a sort of destiny point, in my experience.

With the Sun, we should be very aware of that house in our natal charts, as we could seen some changes or surprises in regards to it during this transit. Maybe a new development, a new pursuit, etc. For Libra, this could be a fresh communication, being the 3rd house. For Leo, it could be a new opportunity, either of fun or creative expression, maybe both, being the 5th house. Taurus could be making a big change, as this relates to the 8th house. For Gemini, Virgo, Pisces and Sagittarius; strong changes are possible, as they are key part of this square. The other ones, I won’t say because I don’t have all day, and I need to get my hair done for New Year’s.

The New Moon this month happens in Sagittarius, on the 11th, along with this aspect discussed above. The New Moon happens in Purva Ashada nakshatra, a star that deals a lot with rejuvenation, healing, restoring and gaining strength. This is the centaur getting ready to strike, ready to go. So it is a good time for new beginnings, taking a stance and making changes in life.

On the 14th, the Sun will enter Capricorn. In India, this is celebrated as Makar Sankranti. Sankranti means movement, and Makar is the name of Capricorn in Sanskrit. The festival celebrates this movement of the Sun as a new beginning, signaling the end of winter and the start of the harvest.

To me, the Sun in Capricorn between January-February represents a strong karmic moment. Capricorn is the sign of Karma, so this is always a time where we are asked to deal with certain loads or duties of life. Whether it is a new beginning, saying “no” to someone, starting a new pursuit, ending something, this is a time for the pull between karma and free will. Free will lies in how we deal with a certain karma, and these 30 days of Capricorn always highlight this.

On the 27th, Uranus will turn direct in Aries. 2024 is a key year for Uranus, as the planet will finalize his transit in Aries this year. Uranus will venture into Taurus for half of the year, between June and December, when it will retrograde back into Aries. From March 2025 onwards, Uranus will not go back into Aries, remaining in Taurus until 2031.

Later in the year, I will discuss more on Uranus in Taurus, but it is important to understand that this year we are on the final leg of the Aries transit. So there is a culmination happening now.

Going back to January, Uranus direct will put a strong influence of this planet from around the 23rd to the 30th of January. This could be a time of fresh insights, ideas or change in our lives. New found strength or new found mental fortitude could lead us towards a new path.

On the 30th, Mars in Sagittarius will transit the mid-point of Rahu and Ketu, just as the Sun did earlier in the month. As such, Mars energy will be intense from around the 23rd of January until the 5th of February. On the positive, this is a good jolt of energy, great for getting out of a slump.

On the negative, whenever Mars is prominent, it is a time of fighting. So arguments, aggressions and displays of force could figure late in the month. Specially as Uranus and Mars will be acting almost simultaneously, as a combined influence for most of this time.

Watch out as well for lightning storms or electrical accidents, even electrical fires too. If you have anything janky with your electrical system, this is a good time for a check-up, as problems could arise.

The Full Moon this month happens in Pushya nakshatra, on the 25th, under the umbrella of both of the transits discussed above. So again, this Mars-Uranus influence will be highlighted. An interesting point about the Full Moon is that Saturn will also be at 11° during it, so there will be a relationship between Sun-Saturn-Moon active.

There is a strong push and pull between our emotional needs, as well as our duties during this Full Moon. Also a contrast between our work life, and our personal life. This imbalance can lead towards frustration, as if we can’t fix things or as if we are falling behind. This Full Moon is a great moment to prioritize, reduce and focus only on what matters. It is a time to use wisdom, be intelligent and discerning.


January has a lot that points towards an active moment. The strong Mars and Uranus influences through the month, combined with the Nodes becoming prominent, show a moment where noticeable events tend to happen.

Mercury turning direct on the 1st, right after Jupiter, shows that some strong communication or idea could show up early in the year, as a big announcement. Overall, January starts the year strong.


As I’ve said above, Mercury could signal some strong communication or declaration happening early in the new year.

Most of the month will have an influence of Rahu and Ketu, so it could be a time for fated events, specially in regards to laws, judges and courts. We could be dealing with abuse of authority or misuse of power right now.

The month ends with a combined Mars and Uranus influence in the air. So late in January and early in February we could see some intense events, like fires, accidents or even things like plane/helicopter crashes. Electrical problems, or issues with electricity, will be highlighted around this time too. Electricity usage only expands, while the power grid remains the same of when only radios existed.

This influence can also signal some shifts, or strong movements, in regards to the wars going on around the world. Intensified aggression or strong attacks are a possibility now.


January does something that I love to see in a month, which is challenges combined with influences that help you tackle them. It is a contrast to December, which had an intense Neptune energy, and showed a more relaxed month; more of a time of enjoying or letting go, rather than acting.

January has the usual pressure of the Sun in Capricorn, combined with some other turbulent influences, such as Mars-Uranus. But this goes along with Rahu/Ketu stimulating transformation and change, as well as great transits for taking advice, learning and finding our own voice. So we feel pressure, we have some obstacles, but we also have tools to deal with them and improve.

Overall, this month could have a few challenges, but it is a great moment for organizing yourself and setting your priorities straight.

Editorial Note

Last month I promised a few 2024 previews, which I ended up not doing, as I was busy with last minute issues on my day job — fame hooker, prostitute, wench. I figure it is for the best, as with Jupiter and Mercury direct, things are easier to digest. So I will be publishing these texts on January.

I will also start the year with publishing a text on Revati nakshatra, accomplishing a mission I’ve set up of discussing all the nakshatras that Rahu will be transiting in Pisces. I intend to publish one nakshatra a month going forward, until we cover all of them. With Revati, we have 12 of 27 nakshatras covered, a pretty good tally.

This website was one year old last October, something I didn’t exactly celebrate, as I’m not that fond of celebrations. But here we are, starting what will lead towards year two.

Year one was a time of organizing things. From the layout, the design, the annoying sysadmin work, to the actual articles and texts. I needed to set up shop, and now the shop is set. Year two will be all about content.

I started this website after around a decade studying astrology, and after about half a decade doing predictions in private, to friends and those close-by. A few missteps along the way, but I did some good back then.

I had a friend that was being invited, by some of her own friends, for a big trip in a sunny April. I told her repeatedly around January that she should refuse, she did, albeit a little annoyed at me. Then March 2020 came, along with lockdowns, and the trip (along with the money spent on it) going down the drain. I wasn’t such an annoyance after all — I really am, though.

Most of 2020 to 2022 was spent with people stimulating me to create a website, or whatever, to write about astrology. But I just kept it private around that time. Part because I’m stubborn, part because of what I believe, but mostly because I’m stubborn.

I believe that the internet has enough junk, with SEO farms, stolen content and garbage galore. I never wanted, and have no intention of making, a simple re-hash or repetition of what everybody else is doing. If I’m making something, it has to be me, it has to be unique, and it has to be good.

I could just blurt out 10 texts a month, if I copied other people, or gave a blind repetition of whatever other people have already said. I don’t want that. I want to do my own research, I want to have and give my own conclusions. If they are exactly the same as others (they seldom are), fine. If they aren’t, we can all learn from them now. I would much rather have my 2-4 texts a month, slowly surely. But made by me, made original and made well. Quality over quantity, that’s my motto.

Here is for a great 2024 and a great second year.

I have updated my transits calendar, covering the astrological events for 2024. I have also added a retrogrades page, in case you want to know when the next Mercury retrograde will happen — April, in case you’re wondering.

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