Below I go month by month, but focusing more on the year as a whole, factoring what I believe to be the main trends. For a more detailed understanding of each month, check back on my Monthly Predictions throughout the year.
January starts with Mars opposing Pluto, which could indicate aggression or excesses. I don’t see it, but many astrologers believe so. Last November, the aspect was active, I expected faint protests and not much going on — because of Mars being debilitated and weak in Cancer. I was right on that call, I believe this trend will continue.
Around the 20th, the Sun will be conjunct Pluto and Mars will retrograde into Gemini. This is when I believe we could see intensified action or protests. Free speech issues will become a focal area with Mars in Gemini too.
The month will end with another bang, as Uranus will turn direct in Aries, signaling surprises and turns.
Jupiter and Mars turn direct this month, both should be watched. Mars turning direct, after being retrograde, tends to act like shaken soda bottle being opened. Mars retrograde builds up a lot of tension, and all of that will come out when it turns direct. So February can be a time of protests, tension and extremes.
Deep illusions can rile people up late in the month, specially around the time when Mars turns direct.
March — Eclipses
March is a month that should be noted, as a lot will be going on astrologically.
Venus will turn retrograde March 1st, going direct only on April 12th. Venus retrograde is a time where we rethink about value, worthiness and enjoyment. Are our efforts worth it? Are the people around us good for us? Do we need to make changes in our social/love life or in our finances?
March 14th has a Lunar Eclipse at 29° Leo. The Sun will be conjunct Saturn, and the Moon will trine Uranus during the Eclipse. Planets close to an Eclipse seem to be swallowed by the Eclipse. In Saturn’s case, this could show restrictions or issues in that regard being diminished.
Uranus being the planet of sudden events, shows that this Lunar Eclipse could show past authoritarian restrictions being lifted or eliminated. This can be a time of great turns happening.
A day after, we have Mercury turning retrograde on the 15th, going direct on April 7th. Mercury retro around Eclipses always shows a time where we are digesting new information and dealing with great matters.
On the 18th, Uranus will enter Taurus, marking the change written earlier in the text.
On the 29th, we have triple duty, with a Solar Eclipse and Saturn entering Pisces. Both Eclipses have some kind of prominence for Saturn, this should be noted. Here we have Uttara Bhadrapada, a nakshatra that deals a lot with wise elders or advisers. Issues with bureaucracies or boards are possible around this Eclipse, Saturn approaching the Eclipse tends to signal restrictions coming in the way of these institutions.
The third point is that the Solar Eclipse will be the Astrological New Year for 2025-2026. So the energies of this Eclipse become a strong factor for the coming year.
It should be noted that March and April can be very eventful months, as the Eclipses will happen here. Many changes or shifts can happen around these months. Still, a lot will tend to deal with the past, or older events. There is a strong focus on past matters in the first semester of 2025.
April — Eventful
Mars enters Cancer again, Mercury and Venus go direct. The most interesting point of April, however, is Saturn conjunct Rahu.
This will be a fairly short conjunction, as Rahu will enter Aquarius and shift away in May. Still, Saturn-Rahu tends to show turmoil, protests and agitation. So these are likely between late April and mid May.
Mars will make his final opposition to Pluto, after the ones in November 2024 and January this year. Again, agitation and excesses are possible with this influence.
Combined with the aftermath of the Eclipses, and the factors above, I tend to believe that April could be an eventful month.
May and June — Change in Mood
Pluto turning retrograde early in May could signal events or changes, specially considering the events of April.
However, the main thing about May is how we start going forward, as new influences start entering. Jupiter will end his Taurus transit, and enter Gemini on May 14th. Later on, Rahu/Ketu will enter Aquarius/Leo on the 18th, after being in Pisces/Virgo since October 2023.
Both of these changes signal a strong shift of mood in the world. We will see discussions, ideas, moods all changing after May. In many ways, we will feel fresh and renewed, it will feel as if turning a new leaf.
Going into this mood of change, Mars will enter Leo on June 6th, marking the first time that Mars breaks new ground. After being between Gemini and Cancer since August last year. Again, this shows that we are going forward.
On the 15th of June, we have the final hit of Jupiter square Saturn. This aspect dealt a lot with reviewing matters of 2020-2021, so this final hit can show a moment of conclusion. With things being finalized, it is a moment of closure and moving on.
June will have many squares, and tricky aspects, so it could be a rocky road. Conflict, changes and surprises are possible. Again, I reiterate a point that I always make, change is not easy or pretty. People always long for awakenings, or great changes, but only as long as it is comfortable. Well, change is never comfortable.
July and August
July has both Saturn and Neptune turning retrograde. Their conjunction is a key factor of 2025 and 2026. The conjunction is in effect for most of these two years, but the exact aspect will only happen February 2026. The effects are explained earlier in the text.
Interestingly enough, however, both planets will be at 7° Pisces this month, forming a loose aspect. They will be so close that they could kiss, but never actually kissing, to put it in a metaphor. So seeing some kind of change, or major event is a possibility this month.
Mercury will be retrograde between July 18th and August 11th. The usual precautions are advised.
Mars in Leo will be conjunct Ketu. Mars-Ketu is a complicated aspect, that many times deals with violence or excesses. The exact conjunction will happen on the 22nd, but the aspect will be in effect from the 10th until early August. July can show a hot summer, with protests or clashes, under this influence. Specially on the 28th, Mars will transit the exact degree of the Lunar Eclipse in March, reactivating those energies.
Also on the 28th, Mars will enter Virgo. In the new sign, Mars will oppose Saturn and Neptune, which can again indicate some clashes happening in the world.
On August 22nd, Mars will transit the degrees of the Solar Eclipse that happened in October 2024, activating those energies. Issues in regards to technology can come into focus, as well as past trickery or transgressions coming out.
September — Eclipses
Uranus turns retrograde on the 6th, with a Lunar Eclipse right on the 7th, so Uranus will be stationary during this Eclipse; showing a strong moment of changes or surprises.
The Lunar Eclipse happens in Purva Bhadrapada, with a strong aspect from Jupiter in Gemini. Many surprising and shocking turns are possible around this Eclipse. On the negative, this could deal with chaotic or exacerbating events. On the positive, a new discovery or improvement could be revealed now.
For most of September, Uranus will very close to a trine to Pluto, activating that strong energy of change and transformation.
On the 21st, we have a Solar Eclipse in Uttara Phalguni. This Eclipse happens forming a trine to Uranus and Pluto, as well as an opposition to Saturn and Neptune. As this nakshatra deals a lot with leadership, great clashes between leaders are a possibility now.
Overall, the Eclipses of September will tend to show shocking and transformative events. The Solar Eclipse happens almost in complete alignment with the two big aspects of the moment — Saturn conjunct Neptune and Uranus trine Pluto — so the Eclipse will unearth and reveal these energies. The Lunar Eclipse similarly has a shocking nature, that could deal with great revelations or disagreements.
October and November
October will deal mostly with the aftermath of the Eclipses. The middle of the month could be specially eventful. Besides that, not much to say.
Jupiter will make a temporary venture into Cancer, between October 18th and December 5th. This short burst will deal a lot with justice. Judicial matters could come into focus, as well as questions about past injustices.
Late in October, on the 27th, Mars will enter Scorpio. Mars in Scorpio is always a little feisty, dealing a lot with conflict and issues of vengeance. But the combined influence of Mars in Scorpio, the opposition to Uranus, and Jupiter in Cancer will highlight this trend. Between late October and early December, this influence in the skies could show a time of conflict and trouble. It can be a time for violent events.
The days around the 10th of November could be specially troublesome, as new information can create confusion and rile people up.
The end of November can be similarly eventful, as both Saturn and Mercury will turn direct around then.
December 2025 has a strong emphasis on Neptune. The influence of Saturn-Neptune will intensify, and along for the ride Mars will also affect Neptune. So December will deal a lot with revelations, illusions being shattered and surprises coming into play.
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