Whenever the Lunar Nodes enter a new sign/house, we tend to notice some immediate shifts related to their newly occupied houses. New ideas, new focuses or big decisions could come around that time.
Rahu’s house usually indicates an area of obsession, or focus, where you concentrate and put a lot of our energies. For instance, Rahu entering the 10th could put a big emphasis on dealing with your career or your contribution to the world. While the 4th could show a time where you focus a lot on your feelings and inner needs.
Ketu’s house shows an area where we find, or try to find, closure. This could deal with letting go of something, like abandoning a project. Or with accepting something and learning to deal with it, rather than trying to constantly fix or change it. Ketu can also show some level of neglect, or a void.
For instance, Ketu in the 4th could make a person feel that others neglect or don’t care about their emotions. Ketu in the 10th could lead you to abandon a pursuit you dislike, or that doesn’t fit you.
With Pisces and Virgo specifically, the polarities are kinda reversed. Rahu deals better with the more material and detail-oriented Virgo, while Ketu similarly has a better time with the detached and spiritual Pisces.
Through the lens of the signs, this Rahu in Pisces transit will favor seeking something by letting go. Which is an odd phrase. But we all have attachments, or a desire for everything to be perfect before going ahead. I will only go after my dreams, when everything is perfect. I will only face my fears when I’m comfortable enough. Or other similar conditionals.
Rahu in Pisces stimulates liberty, freedom, from this type of blockage. Going after something, and worrying about the details later. Taking a leap of faith and just trusting the process. Rahu here wants us to simplify things, rather than overthink them.
On the opposite route, Ketu in Virgo is showing detachment through a material lens. Whatever it is that we are letting go, or abandoning, has a clear physical expression of it. Decluttering and getting rid of old things will tend to come strongly now. Letting go of old objects now can act as a clear signal that we are entering a new phase.
To give a few examples, Ketu in Virgo in the 10th could show someone changing their wardrobe and appearance, as a way of starting a new career path. Ketu in Virgo in the 3rd could show someone getting rid of computers/smartphones, reducing their usage, maybe engaging in a social media detox. This is the letting go of Ketu in Virgo, a physical or material expression of something leaving or being modified.
Rahu in Pisces promotes the opposite, a loose and free form, change through faith. So Rahu in Pisces in the 10th could show someone finally building up the courage to start a long procrastinated project. Rahu in Pisces in the 3rd could show someone just starting a project, without any frills or planning.
Below we have predictions for all the 12 signs, please read in accordance to your Ascendant or Moon sign:
- Aries (Rahu in the 12th, Ketu in the 6th): The greatest proof that Rahu is a roller coaster is the shift from the 1st house to the 12th house transit. In the 1st, there is a ton of activity and events around you. In the 12th, not so much. This is a more introspective transit, where you are processing and dealing with recent changes in your life. A new found interest on occult or alternative health could figure strongly with this transit. Rahu in the 12th tends to promote some fears and emotional troubles, and you could suffer from insomnia during this transit. There is an obsessive trend in the mind, and good mental health hygiene is necessary now. You can also be dealing a lot with the past, with people or situations from before returning now. Seeing old friends or returning to a place you haven’t been in a long time are some examples of that. Ketu in the 6th of health, along with the obsessive trends promoted by Rahu in the 12th, makes this a time for some health troubles. You might feel tired or depleted at times. This is an important time to watch your health, your eating habits and maybe having a check-up.
- Taurus (Rahu in the 11th, Ketu in the 5th): Rahu in the 11th connects you with new ideas and fresh insights. This is the house of groups, and you might discover a new group of people, or a new set of ideas that inspire you. Alternatively, as this is also the house of great financial gains, good financial opportunities could come from new interactions and contact with people. Ketu in the 5th, if you have children, could show a complicated period with them. Trouble in their lives, or just overall complications in relating to them could be bothering you. As the 5th shows the creative mind, you could be specially inventive or creative now. Education could be troubled now, and you might have to make changes in that area.
- Gemini (Rahu in the 10th, Ketu in the 4th): Rahu in the 10th could show great changes in career. This could be a great new opportunity, or a sudden need to make a change in your work. Transitions, changes and new pursuits are all possibilities now. With Ketu in the 4th, there is a feeling of void regards to home and emotions. You could be working a lot, and away from family and home. Or you could simply be feeling neglected, or dealing with an emotional crisis. This is a good time to assess what you truly need to feel happy, what would truly satisfy your emotions.
- Cancer (Rahu in the 9th, Ketu in the 3rd): Rahu in the 9th could show a change in life direction, usually inspired by a new perspective or new found inspiration. You could feel more confident, and this could lead you towards changing your ways and goals. A certain degree of luck is possible now. Rahu here could also show a change in your father’s life, or in your relationship with him. Many changes related to father are possible, with the family life altered or with his career changing, for instance. Ketu in the 3rd can put a damp on your communications. Troubles with packages or deliveries are possible, as well as delays. You could be misinterpreted at times, with people not understanding or even getting your messages. Similarly, you could find yourself with a reduced audience, or reduced group of people around you. Letting go of old communication patterns could be key, as well as focusing your efforts better. The 3rd house shows willpower and effort, Ketu here could stimulate you to let go of excessive projects, and focus only on what truly matters.
- Leo (Rahu in the 8th, Ketu in the 2nd): The nodes here will put a big focus on finances and money. With Rahu in the 8th, Leo could make some unexpected gains. Maybe a windfall, an inheritance or the result of a lawsuit could benefit you. As the 8th is the house of transformation, this is a time where a lot of change is happening around you. Either by your own making or the circumstances around you. Transforming and finding new ways becomes important now. Ketu in the 2nd shows letting go in regards to family. This could deal with the loss of a relative, or with changes in your relationship with the family. Maybe detaching from expectations and finding your own way, or something like moving away from home.
- Virgo (Rahu in the 7th, Ketu in the 1st): Rahu in the 7th puts a big focus on relationships and the other in your life. The other could be other people, larger institutions, foreign places, etc. With this transit, there is a bigger focus on dealing with others, rather than with yourself or what is familiar to you. Through that, this could be a time where you find a new relationship, or a stronger focus on a partnership. It could be a time where you deal a lot with foreigners, or you spend some time abroad. Ketu in the 1st could stimulate you to get rid of old ways, old habits and trends. Learning to share more becomes very important.
- Libra (Rahu in the 6th, Ketu in the 12th): Rahu in the 6th, on one end, energizes you towards achievement. You could be very well disposed towards working hard, going after your goals and getting over fears and difficulties. On the other hand, this transit can indicate some health ailments. Keeping your health in check now is a must. Ketu in the 12th is a great transit for spiritual seekers, a great time for engaging with meditation and other spiritual practices.
- Scorpio (Rahu in the 5th, Ketu in the 11th): Rahu in the 5th energizes your creative world. You want to express yourself and showcase your ideas. Writing, painting, really any creative outlet would do you good with this transit. Pursuing further education could also come into play now. Besides that, this also tends to be a very fun transit. The 5th house rules hobbies and entertainment, and Rahu here will strengthen your fun. This could be a time where you are constantly going out and constantly engaging with fun activities, hobbies, sports, movies, etc. Ketu in the 11th shows a time where you could be letting go of some friendships and relationships, maybe somebody moves away, or maybe you just grow distant. Changes in your social group now will harbor greater changes later. People you meet now will tend to give you an unusual, yet fresh, outlook on things.
- Sagittarius (Rahu in the 4th, Ketu in the 10th): Rahu in the 4th puts a big focus on emotions, comfort and how you feel about yourself. What others think of you could take a backseat right now. This is a time where you’re more engaged with your emotions, rebuilding what truly makes you feel good. As the 4th house rules home and comforts, you could be moving into a new home or thinking about changing/renovating your house. This can also be a time where you travel or stay abroad for a while. Ketu in the 10th could mark for sudden changes in career, so you must remain adaptable. Also, this could be a time where you are less concerned about your professional life and focusing more on home and your inner world. Letting go of outside expectations about you could figure strongly now.
- Capricorn (Rahu in the 3rd, Ketu in the 9th): Rahu in the 3rd energizes you towards achievement. This is the house of will power and efforts, so you feel very strong and active now. A lot can be achieved during this transit. New opportunities, new contacts and new projects can arise now. You could be travelling a lot too. A problem with Rahu in the 3rd is that you could get in trouble through communication, by aggravating someone, so be careful with your words. Specially on social media, you should be careful now. Ketu in the 9th signals a time where you might be letting go of the past, or trying to rethink some of your beliefs. Your father could also figure strongly now.
- Aquarius (Rahu in the 2nd, Ketu in the 8th): The nodes here will put a big focus on finances and money. You are very focused on earning your own way, rather than getting help from others. This could be a prosperous moment professionally. This cycle specially favors independence, so in areas where you felt too dependent on others, you will be letting go and learning your own way. Organizing your resources and building a “nest” is a true need now, you want to have solid ground so that you can move forward. Some issues with self image can arise with this transit, as you compare yourself to others and feel “unworthy” to some degree. This can be a great cycle for finding your worth and regaining your confidence.
- Pisces (Rahu in the 1st, Ketu in the 7th): This is the big one. A time of great changes in the life of Pisces. Rahu in the 1st always signals a time where a native deals with great changes, some of his own making and others by sheer destiny. New pursuits, new interests, new realities, changes in the world around you. A world of possibilities opens up with this transit. Ketu in the 7th signals a time where you could be somewhat distant from your partner, he could be specially busy or occupied right now.
A final point on the personal aspects of this transit deals with Nodal Return and Nodal Inversion.
- Nodal Return: Nodes in the same position as in your natal chart. You have Rahu in Pisces in your birth chart. More on Nodal Return
- Nodal Inversion: Nodes in the opposite position as in your natal chart. You have Rahu in Virgo in your birth chart. More on Nodal Inversion
The return is an intensification of your natal karmic trends, so it is a strong time of action. You feel alive, you feel confident, and you want to express exactly who you are. With Pisces, your need for escapism could become very strong now. As well as your interest in arts, music and all forms of expression. Great opportunities can arise now, as you feel the world opening up to you.
The inversion is a time of challenge of your karmic trends. It is a time for adjustment in your life. Maybe you focused too much on the wrong thing, maybe you chose the wrong path. This is a time where you learn through contrasts. With Rahu in Virgo, your nit-picking trends are called into question, and you could be letting go of some excessive expectations or needs for perfection. Something not perfect, but done, is better than something not done.
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