Partial Solar Eclipse in Libra (7°50′) 25/10/22 at 7:00

Visibility: Europe, South/West Asia (India), North/East Africa, Atlantic.
Predominantly visible: Russia, Middle East, North Africa

An important point when analyzing eclipses and their effects is to understand that, generally, places where the eclipse is visible will see more effects than places where no visibility happens. It is also important to understand that eclipses have long sprawling effects, instead of immediate ones. New Moons and Full Moons affect the weeks around them, indicating monthly trends; Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses affect the months around them, indicating yearly trends. The effects discussed below are things that will tend to happen in the next 6 months. So don’t expect everything to happen or change on October 25th, as that won’t occur.

Chart for the Solar Eclipse

When analyzing eclipses through Vedic Astrology, a great starting point is to understand the Nakshatra where the eclipse is happening. In our case, Swati is a nakshatra ruled by Vayu, the God of the Wind, which relates it to all kinds of air related activities. This nakshatra is sometimes called “the star of businessmen”, as it is fairly prominent in business executives and entrepreneurs, it usually denotes a strong commercial sense with a fair share of ambition by the combination of Rahu and Venus. Kubera, a manifestation of Vayu, is the god of wealth and also related to Swati.

Usually, when Swati is related to the Sun or Mars it shows political issues or crooked leaders coming into play. The wind is an uncontrollable energy, which could range from a nice breeze to a devastating hurricane. Similarly, Swati could be related to a misuse of power or wealth. Political fights, corruption, or unhinged leaders could be seen from this influence.

On that note, one of the first possibilities with this eclipse deals with political conflict around the world. We could see protests, riots, or strong political clashes happening with this influence. As Jupiter sits six houses away from the ecliptic point, we could specially see issues with the judicial system. Judges taking unhinged actions, abuse of power or other types of excesses.

Venus sits very close to the ecliptic degree, this brings all Venus issues along with this eclipse, which could include economical issues. Although I believe that the main issue will deal with partnerships and agreements. Renegotiations, or outright breaking of partnerships could happen. This could reflect specially on geopolitical partnerships, but it could also deal with private companies changing their strategies or associations.

On a world scale, the US is waging conflict with China and Russia, fighting two global powers at the same time. I could see some intensifications occurring, specially in regards to Russia, in the next few months. The path of this Eclipse will affect Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe so these areas are hot points now. Similarly, the Eclipse will be visible through the middle east, including Iran. So events on that country might intensify as well.

Most of Europe, excluding parts of Spain and Portugal, will have visibility of the eclipse as well. For Europe, most of the indications above apply as well, with the possibility of political turmoil. As I write this, the prime minister of the UK, Liz Truss, has resigned after less than 45 days on the job. We could see similar events and shifts in other European countries, as they deal with bad economies and winter issues.

Looking at charts of countries that could be affected, France and Argentina have Jupiter in Swati, so these countries could specially see effects from this eclipse coming into play. France will have the eclipse visible, so there is stronger potential there. France has been having protests because of rising living costs, and these could intensify in the coming months.

Brazil will also be affected, as the country has an interesting mix of factors. As discussed in my Mars Retrograde article, the country will hold a presidential vote on October 30th, just as Mars turns retrograde. The country has Venus in Swati, at 8° Libra, the same degree Venus will be during the solar eclipse and one degree away from the eclipse itself. Not only that, but Brazil is going through Venus mahadasha (2015-2035), so events related to Venus are more intensely felt. Considering Brazil’s birth chart, the country is bound to be strongly affected by this solar eclipse. Major changes could happen there, as well as strong conflict or clashes related to politics and power.